Welcome! /r/KeepOurNetFree is a community dedicated to fighting for Internet rights. This includes S.J. Res. 34/H.J. Res. 86, a recent resolution signed into law that threatens the privacy of Internet users, as well as Ajit Pai's recent attacks on net neutrality. Join us today and help preserve the Internet rights of all U.S. citizens.
Respect everyone's views and opinions. We are a diverse planet of 7 billion people. We don't all have to think the same way. Incidents of personal attacks will result in an automatic ban.
We are strictly non-partisan here. However, discussions pertaining to partisan issues are fine so long as they are kept civil and to a reasonable minimum. Inflammatory and/or derailing submissions and comments will be removed without warning; this includes submissions with titles that specifically call out parties and/or political alignments in a provoking manner. This issue affects all U.S. citizens on all sides of the political spectrum. We are beyond the point of arguing over who did what and need to unite against the many threats facing the free and open net.
Crowdfunding is not allowed on /r/KeepOurNetFree. It has been our experience that the overwhelming majority of crowdfunding links posted on this subreddit are scams. It is not possible to purchase the browsing history of politicians. If you would like to post a crowdfunding initiative for other reasons please contact the mods via ModMail
Content that endorses criminal activity, promotes violence, incites violence, threatens another, antagonizes, or is otherwise in extremely poor taste is prohibited.
I'm not excited to see the fallout from this: https://www.nytimes.com/2025/01/02/technology/net-neutrality-rules-fcc.html
A small business learned that some customers couldn't get to their website after they clicked on an ad or tried to access it from certain areas. They asked number of IT processional to help but they all said it was fine. I figured out Altice has blocked them on their network - because I use Optimum. I tested other networks around the country and they all worked but not Altice AKA CableVision & Optimum. They weren't notified, or on a block list or blacklisted. However, if you tried to access the site you got a malicious site warning and if you tried to continue it was blocked. I called customer service many times but got nowhere. I filed FTC & FCC complaints and weeks later still no access. So, it's time to fight for all the small businesses.
Think about it. What would happen if your online store, a blog, or a nonprofit website lost access to your audience because your site is blocked—without any warning or explanation? Small businesses lose customers, revenue, and trust, while consumers are left in the dark, unable to access essential services and information. This unfair practice leaves website owners helpless, often discovering the issue only after significant damage is done.
If nothing changes, ISPs will continue to secretly block websites without notification, leaving businesses and consumers vulnerable to misclassifications and unjust restrictions. Legitimate websites will be penalized, and automated systems will continue to make errors without accountability. However, if we act now, we can ensure ISPs are required to notify website owners, provide a clear dispute process with a human review, and resolve issues within a set timeframe. Transparency and fairness in website blocking will protect businesses, maintain consumer access, and uphold trust in internet systems we rely on daily.
The internet is essential for communication, commerce, and information in today’s world. With businesses increasingly dependent on their online presence, secret website blocking threatens livelihoods and access to critical services. As these practices persist unnoticed, the problem worsens, and more businesses suffer silently. Now is the time to demand transparency, accountability, and fairness. Together, we can hold ISPs accountable and ensure no website is unfairly silenced. Sign this petition today to stand for an open, equitable internet for everyone.