A space to grow around the Justice Democrats movement.
Pass a constitutional amendment to put an end to Washington corruption and bring about election reform.
Re-regulate Wall Street and hold white-collar criminals accountable.
End billionaire and corporate tax dodging; fix the system to benefit middle-class and poor people.
Defend free speech and expression.
Oppose bigotry.
Make the minimum wage a living wage and tie it to inflation.
Ensure universal healthcare as a right.
Ensure universal education as a right.
End unnecessary wars and nation building.
End the failed war on drugs.
Create the new New Deal.
Create the renewable energy revolution.
Block bad trade deals like the TPP and oppose outsourcing that will further damage the middle-class.
End Constitutional overreaches.
No longer sell arms to human-rights violators.
Defend and protect women’s rights.
Ensure paid vacation time, sick time, family leave, childcare.
Protect social security, Medicare and Medicaid.
Implement comprehensive immigration reform.
Enact police reform.
Combat homelessness.
Enact common-sense gun regulation.
Abolish the death penalty.