
Photograph via snooOG

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240,003 Subscribers


JU from Depression, hear me out…

JU from r/ Depression, hear me out…

I just can’t take it anymore. I’ve felt this way for so long, but have always bit my tongue and refrained from speaking my mind because I would never want to be the reason someone finally pushed themselves off of that ledge. I don’t ever want to add insult to anyone’s internal injury. But it has progressively become the same thing, every single day…just a bunch of people coming to announce that they’re going to kill themselves that day, or that night…and don’t try to stop them because nothing you say can or will change their minds. Then they come back later saying that they didn’t go through with it for whatever reason.

I should mention that I am a very deeply depressed person. I am also no stranger to having thoughts involving self harm, or just flat out unaliving myself. I’ve not only been there emotionally many times, but I still cross that bridge once in awhile when I’m really just feeling over it. So I can empathize with those feelings. But I joined that sub to discuss my depression and find some common ground with people who feel the same way. If I was going to check out, I’d just do it. There wouldn’t be anything more to talk about.

I just can’t help but roll my eyes now when these posts pop up on my feed, which has become multiple times, daily. All I see are people begging for attention in all the wrong ways, for all the wrong reasons. I understand that these people are quite literally screaming for help, but God forbid you try to give it to them because they don’t want to hear it. They’ve heard it all, according to them…so don’t even bother. To be completely frank, the whole sub was just making my own depression worse. They don’t promote or support progress it seems like, at times. It just feels like a cesspool where everyone wallows in each others problems, and any shred of positivity gets smacked away.

I’ve just really wanted to say something about this for a very long time, and man…it feels good to finally get it out. I don’t mean to come off as insensitive, but it’s all just so exhausting. Draining, even. Good luck to those suffering there, but good riddance. I can do bad on my own.

1 Comment
03:31 UTC


JU From EnoughCommieSpam. I still hate communists but too many people here fall for obvious bait.

02:35 UTC


JU from Stranger Things

This subreddit full of adults is obsessed with the relationship between these minors and they will shoot down anyone who opposes them. It’s not that serious! Let people have their fun and ship what they want! Also it’s just not fun anymore. There’s nothing to do while we wait a year for season 5.


1 Comment
01:23 UTC


ju from unexpectedtf2, edgy anti furry kids ruined the mfing sub btw i came here for unexpectedly tf2 moments not this crap post

20:28 UTC


JU from facepalm

I subbed facepalm in the hope that i could see the awkwardness and stupidity of internet

However facepalm is becoming the facepalm of itself. Mods are probably dead or don’t care about the posts there.

Speaking of the posts, they are like 90% in total about politics and have the tendency to mock the conservatives, in another context, facepalm is becoming leftistscirclejerk

18:47 UTC


JU from characterai because it's full of kids.

It's really bad, it's like, literally only kids, the comment section is full of "I stole your meme" images, poor grammar and by poor grammar I mean shit, like my friend who sucks at English is better and I'm not from a country that speaks English. It also has a lot of the same thing posted, like I've seen multiple posts talking about the same error, like goddamn people even started doing it satirically and the community is full of people that posted "why did this ai do this?" When they're the one that started the "weirdness" Like I saw a guy say "why are you in my room?" Like seriously you're the one that started it.

1 Comment
16:47 UTC


Muted LoveForRedditors. You don't care about religion but simoutaneously care?

Why does Reddit recommend me random shit? Its everyday with this shit.

16:37 UTC


JU from Conservative

I'd consider myself somewhat between a liberal and a conservative. Many of my social stances lean conservative, however my economic views are a mix. Reddit is generally left-leaning though so I'd be shunned from most main political subs.

Most posts on that sub nowadays have a "flaired users only" requirement. In order to get a flair, you must "have a solid history of comments in Conservative, and have been commenting in the subreddit for at least two weeks" according to their policy.

However, all the posts I'm interested in or which topic I hold the conservative view seem to have that "flaired users only" tag slapped on them by the time I get there. So it's almost impossible to meet the criteria to get a flair.

16:33 UTC


JU from r/ GenZ. Never any positive thinking or optimism, just a bunch of kids constantly being angry at everything.


You gotta enjoy stuff sometimes. Constantly being angry at everything is an attitude you can choose to adjust and if you keep taking that mindset everywhere then yes your life might suck. I am aware there are issues but would it kill you to try to enjoy yourself? Doom and gloom 24/7. Lighten up and talk about something better.

And I'm Gen Z.

14:12 UTC


Casual UK has a problem with the truth

Millions coming here on boats illegally is literally fact and statistics not political but you can't say the truth without it being labeled as political nowadays I guess

12:13 UTC


I did not like saltierthankrayt for the hate on YouTube video reviews, like they aren't some of them right? I know a shit movie/show review when I see one...

Yeah what the title above me said rn, I mean are those reviews really wrong, I find some of them right while I do find some that are complete bs

09:45 UTC


JU from AnimeMeme... I don't even have any words left... Just what the fuck.

10:40 UTC


Just muted megalophobia because it's just Chinese people (and the occasional bot) and Americans fighting 24/7

Every damn post of a big building in China triggers the trubal-hunting-spear-throwing part of American peoples' brains for some reason. Why is it that when there's a big American building I don't see the post locked with 2k upvotes and about 400 pissed off Chinese commenters? This is just fucking racism at this point.

1 Comment
06:25 UTC


Muted cool guides

This is honestly shitposting level of a guide

07:35 UTC


JU from offmychest.

Just what the heck is that sub for anymore?? Last time I went there the most popular post was literally titled "I just miss feeling her boobs in my hand". I thought this was supposed to be a MUTUALLY SUPPORTIVE place for people to talk about their problems and emotional vulnerability. Not porn advertisements and s*xual subjects 24/7!! People talk about their sex life and fantasies more than their actual problems or dilemmas. It's always "oh I had my first time and it was great!!" "I had sex with a stranger and it was great!!" "I masturbated to my teacher and it was great!!" WTF...

Not to mention all the obviously fake stories that get posted and yet still get the most attention. If you ever get interested just run away from that place, you won't get what you need unless you have a kinky story to tell. Disappointing sub that feels like a shelter for the s*xually deprived and horny people.

1 Comment
07:52 UTC


just unsubbed from youngpeopleYouTube, full of obvious bait

11:32 UTC


JU from namenerds, the names they like and recommended are horrible

They don't have any taste and the children of the people who listens to the advice of the people there are guaranteed to be bullied. It's just unbearable to read these threads, I don't even remember why I joined this sub in the first place.

04:33 UTC


Just unsubbed from MyHeroAcadamia

75% of the posts are “wHo wOuLd wiN” and it’s beast mode Deku or all for one(noone else)vs some character from jjk or Naruto, 10% of the posts are theories about seasons 5 and 6 which I haven’t yet seen and 5% are ship charts with the most outrageous ships known to humankind.

03:57 UTC


Just Unsubbed from Helldivers

I love the game but the subreddit keeps complaining about bugs needing to be fixed while demanding new content needing to be added. They spend so much time playing the game that of course it’s going to get boring. They need to let the devs catch up with patches before whining about needing new stuff.

01:45 UTC


JU from Facepalm. Thats not a facepalm but just horrible.

01:27 UTC


Negareddit, wasn't a sub about normal apolitical people on Reddit pointing at crappy Redditor behavior on the site as a whole but instead a bunch of Tankies

Think I covered Rule 1. I thought I found a neutral apolitical sub. Turned out they were all Tankies who didn't feel rioting and trying to Holodomor the Ukrainians because it was progressive enough for their tastes for the past year and I didn't dig into their post history far enough to see who they really were.

I'm not annoyed or furious and gave the post the neutral flair tag.

I mean, the usual antics of criticizing subs and behaviors like NHGW, 2Chrom-variations, LGBT-antisatire-'Circlejerk' subs and all the Rule 9 subs; the vastly increased politicization of normal subs like pics, facepalm, and interestingasfuck; shitty harassing behavior of people without politics involved, etc.

Seemed like a decent place. Reminded me of this community.

No, they're Tankies. Didn't take too kindly to being called "not far left" and seemed to have built up a rapport of Pro-Stalin, Mao, Lenin, and modern rabid progressive people. They just didn't post Tankie shit for a while.

So I unsubbed. The subreddit creator then proceeded to give me a permanent Rule 7 to keep his sub free of "non-Communist trash".

21:04 UTC


JU from pointlesslygendered. Most of the stuff on here is very pointfully gendered.

20:30 UTC


JU from digital art

there was no second sleeve 😭😭 not a single person told me bro i started my lineart and coloring without it and had to redo the entire arm.

17:54 UTC


Just unsubbed from animememe: lots of pedophiles

How the fuck do these “jokes” get normalized I genuinely don’t understand.

16:18 UTC


JU from NoStupidQuestions. Every time I've seen it in my feed lately, it's been some sexually frustrated drivel. They've gone the way of the other question-related sub I can't mention here...

14:59 UTC


Just unsubbed from Justnomil

Just unsubbed from JUSTNOMIL That sub has become nothing but a bunch of whiney women who are mad that another woman exists in their husband's life.

The post that made me do it? This woman posts about how evil her inlaws are, and her top selling point? Her mother in law and father in law haven't "asked me my birth story and want to hold the baby while they're here." Then goes on to mock one of them for having EYE SURGERY because apparently she has a corner on the medical event market right now.

14:40 UTC


JU from ThisLooksFun

Since when did this sub become a weed sub? I remember this was just about people doing stupid, but fun looking things. It's totally not cool that a large sub just changes the whole topic.

13:47 UTC

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