This subreddit is a place where we send out journals via snail mail to redditors all around the world, those redditors in turn send them to the next redditor and so on. Once the journal has reached enough redditors to be full, the last one sends it back to the original sender. The point is to be able to put a little piece of ourselves onto a page (or two) and for others to find out a little about the redditors they encounter on a day-to-day basis. So have fun and Journal The World!
This subreddit is a place where we send out journals via snail mail to redditors all around the world, those redditors in turn send them to the next redditor and so on. Once the journal has reached enough redditors to be full, the last one sends it back to the original sender. The point is to be able to put a little piece of ourselves onto a page (or two) and for others to find out a little about the redditors they encounter on a day-to-day basis. So have fun and Journal The World!
1-Follow the rules set by the sender of each journal.
2-Try to be polite and respectful of others.
3-Pass on only to those redditors who are serious about this project.
4-Send personal information only in PMs not in threads.
Hi All,
we are analyzing the journalism and the possible applications of Artificial Intelligence.
We take care of gathering your definitions, feelings, and suggestions to design the journalism of the future together :)
Do you want to help us? https://forms.gle/ysS7xEx649RH1zFb6
Thanks in advance!
I've just found this and it sounds like fun i'm from the uk, is it still happening?
I just found this subreddit and would love to be involved but it looks like it's kinda dead. Are there still journals going around or am I too late to the party?
I have three in my possession: A guide to stress free living, things that give you hope, and one about memes. I would like people to add entries to them and send them forward or back to me.
This subreddit seems to be dead and getting more spam posts than anything else. Once upon a time /u/happiness0101 seemed to have sent some notebooks out and was awaiting their return.
Is there anyone interested in giving this another shot?
This seems like such a cool idea...
This sub seems pretty dead but if there is anyone visiting interested in getting this going again I'm trying to get some people together!
Edit: so since it looks like we have a fair amount of people interested I'd like to have a thread tomorrow where we can discuss how we would like to organize the journal/journals. Edit2: We now have our own sub that we can use as we please. If interested in joining us meet us at r/TravelingJournal. It is never too late to join!
Any updates?
If you receive a journal, you need to let me know so i can take your name off the list and provide you with the address of where you will send it next.
There are many who are waiting to receive a journal and I need your part to be diligent and respectful to this project.
Has anyone received their journal? when your ready to pass it on let me know I have people waiting to get them :)