A place to get or give Jerk Off/Masturbation Instructions!
A community dedicated to sharing and discussing the Jerk Off/Masturbation Instruction fetish!
You are only allowed to post your age, gender and a flair
Spam or shady looking posts will result in your post being removed and possibly getting you banned (no warnings)
Accounts 3 days old or newer are not allowed to post due to the amount of spam coming from new accounts.
Mods reserve the right to remove content or restrict users' posting privileges as necessary if it is deemed detrimental to the subreddit or to the experience of others.
Don't be a dick
If you see anything that looks like spam or that may break the rules, please hit the report button. The mod team will investigate all reports, and automod removes anything that gets 3 reports until a mod can review it.
Sellers are not permitted to advertise on this subreddit. There are other subs better suited for this.