Posts must be in the following format: Artist-Song title (or vice versa). Self-promotion is fine, but no more than a post a day.
Text posts can be made for discussion, not promotion. However, there is a master post for submitting links to self-made content, so submit what you want as a comment; do not submit multiple comments with links. Keep it neat and succinct.
PLEASE USE SEARCH BAR TO SEE IF SONG HAS BEEN POSTED AND CHECK THE BOX BELOW IT (limit my search...) TO AVOID REPOSTS Reposts are only permitted if the links are older than six months (you can't upvote/downvote archived posts) or if they are dead. Spammers will be banned.
Post/discuss any link to any song you like. The song doesn't necessarily HAVE to have jazz in it, as in the entire song consisting of a full-out jazz ensemble; jazz and classical elements are more than welcome. Acid jazz is welcome.
Need more discussion on hip hop or genre diversity? Check r/hiphopheads
Recomendations please? I don't mind even if it's old, as in from the 90s or even the 80s I also don't mind at all if it's just instrumental albums The funkier, the jazzier the better
Thank you already!!✨🙏✨