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A community for discussion about Socialist theory and praxis in the Indian context.

Indian Left is an attempt at helping strengthen the left by bringing many viewpoints, factions, organisations, parties to coordinate, discuss and cooperate. The aim of the sub-reddit is to bring the Indian left together to improve communications, fight against communalism(religious sectarianism in the subcontinent), fascism and petty sectarianism that consistently harms us.


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  9. Left politics is going through tough times due to quite some reasons. So instead of indulging in petty infights, try and build a positive image of the Party you are are from or the Party you support. If you're knowledgeable about some thing, help others by sharing that knowledge. Anti-Communism (and anti-Leftism) is a dominant political trend in India and the anti-left rhetorics that are common in the political rallies of the Rightists and the Centrists are just a vehicle of anti-Leftism as a whole. So if you come to see some false things are spread against any Party or Party leader, indulge in counter propaganda. Don't let falsifiers and their agents gain an upper-hand by any chance.
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  13. If you want to give any feedback about this sub-Reddit please contact u/roryowen, u/informedML or u/FuckedByRailcars. We will discuss and think about the inputs and decide collectively.
  14. Report to mods anything you see unworthy of this group (lies, myths, rumours about Parties, leaders).


6,989 Subscribers


Why Our Working Class Will Always Remain Poor ft. Anurag Saxena (CPIM Delhi State Secretary) | Samdish Bhatia

1 Comment
17:02 UTC


At least expected the country's best institutions to not have stuff like this. ( I will also add this has not be verified, it is just an FIR )

09:15 UTC


You have Savarna profs encouraging urine drinking in IIT and millions in subsidies to Adani, Ambani and shitty food delivery apps whose competitive advantage is exploited labour, but wannabe Wall Street bros think schemes designed to uplift the working class is somehow the issue.

16:44 UTC


This discriminatory hiring also happens in our country but with caste

1 Comment
13:07 UTC


Comrade Subhashini Ali on the Constitution @75̈ (हिंदी में)

06:59 UTC


Comrade Prakash Karat on the Constitution@75 (In English)

06:38 UTC


All refugees of r/Lal_Salaam are welcome here

06:55 UTC


Chithralekha (Dalit activist) and husband have been at the receiving end of CPM caste violence for around 20 years in Kerala

1 Comment
06:54 UTC


India and Palestine support postal stamp 1981

06:07 UTC


Should we take in refugees from Pakistan and Bangladesh?

Many Hindus flee Pakistan and Bangladesh every year .Recently with the new regime many Hindus are fleeing persecution. Hindus are usually worst hit when a conflict occurs in Bangladesh .For example in 1971 during Pakistans genocide of the Begalis Hindus were usually worst affected as they were made out to be convenient scapegoats
As US Senator Edward Kennedy wrote in the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations testimony dated 1 November 1971, "Hardest hit have been members of the Hindu community who have been robbed of their lands and shops, systematically slaughtered, and in some places, painted with yellow patches marked "H". All of this has been officially sanctioned, ordered and implemented under martial law from Islamabad". So should we take these people in considering they have no other place to go ? On the other hand many people in North East are worried about the new influx of refugees as they see it as foreign replacement of their culture. This is why they protested CAA . Anyways it's their fault for choosing to live in Islamist states why should we pay for their foolishness ?

02:06 UTC


"Not all savarnas, and no identity politics please"

1 Comment
12:23 UTC


Jyotishman, host of "India and Global Left", discusses the Indian economy

1 Comment
10:55 UTC


Caste Violence is the Indian variant of fascism

1 Comment
20:20 UTC


A 15 year old Palestinian boy said he was raped in Israeli custody. When a non-profit tried to expose it, Israel raided their offices, labelled them a terrorist organization, and shut them down. Brett Murphy’s ProPublica report reveals this and more.

16:24 UTC


How bourgeois mass media stifles dissent and maintains imperialist hegemony (video credit - @JamesRehwald)

14:00 UTC


Sotsgorod: A Brief Introduction to Soviet Urban Planning

19:06 UTC


Leftists must support a ban on arranged marriage

Arranged marriage restricts the freedom of children and takes away the choice from them .It also creates a breed of entitled men who don't think they should put in any effort to get a girl. Banning arranged marriage also takes away powers from the kundli matcher types and since y'all have a hate boner for hinduism this should make u happy as well.

14:21 UTC


Should a leftist state bring about UCC(Uniform Civil Code)

I personally don't think that we should do this since I don't mind personall laws since I don't think they have any issues Besides wouldn't this unnecessarily hurt muslim sentiments?

07:35 UTC


An Idea for a renewed Indian Revolution

So I kinda just want to guage the reception this idea I thought of would get among indian leftits, I think its best if I were to ask you guys.

In India we have revisionist parties like CPI and CPI(Marxist) and we have the stagnated revolution in Chattisgarh with the lack of a mass base, due to which they have seen suppression and losses over the years from 2003 till now.

I believe a solution to this would be creating a party that gains mass base and popularity via electoralism, for example fighting panchayat, municipal, state legislative council elections, campaigning and propoganda-spreading along the way. The party would, as many great teachers of Marxism like Lenin and Stalin have said, use electoralism to disrupt the bourgeois cause and grow our own popular support, instead of aiming for reform and subverting the revolution.

I believe it is possible for such a party to form worker unions in a top-down directly party affiliated manner, and to use them to make minor local-level reforms for the time being. Revolutoinary theory could be propogated through this system to workers, in a form that is palatable to them (unlike CPI Maoist's seven hundred pages of basic theory).

The party would then leave electoralism for Peoples' War once enough strength is gathered. The Unions could be turned in Workers' Militias that could capture their own workplaces (to create Collectivised Worker Control over the means of production) and disrupt State supply lines and infrastructure, while the Party enacts policies that Lenin and Mao taught in their methods of Revolution such as PPW.

Would this make sense? Is this feasible or is this idealistic? Has anything like this been attempted in India? please discuss

05:29 UTC

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