
Photograph via snooOG

I survived cancer. Now what?

This is a place to share stories, find support, and ask "What helped you?" during your journey.

We just want to feel like someone else understands what we've been through. Let's come together and create a community where people who have been through this experience can feel supported, share resources, feel respected, and not feel so alone.

For this community "cancer survivor" means someone who has at some point been diagnosed with cancer.


Cancer Survivors & Loved Ones - Ask, Help, Share & Support


I survived cancer. Now what?

This is a place to share stories, find support, and ask "What helped you?" during your journey.

This subreddit uses the term "Cancer Survivor" as a short-hand for someone who has survived a diagnosis, and possibly been treated for cancer.

For this community "cancer survivor" means someone who has at some point been diagnosed with cancer. If you are in treatment, or post-treatment, or newly diagnosed, this subreddit is welcomes you.

Survivors in treatment and post-treatment are welcome. Family and friends are also welcome, as cancer treatment (and what happens afterwards) affects more than just the person who was diagnosed.

It's often difficult to find resources, or wrap your head around what happened to you. Please share your stories, as they help your fellow cancer survivor (and their friends and families) more than you know.

Please share resources, and things that you've found helpful for dealing with the late-effects of cancer treatment. Or feel free to ask things like "I have this weird symptom after chemo. Does anyone else have this? Did you find anything that helped?"

Because the journey continues even after treatment ends. Let's support each other.


The Rules-


  1. Please be kind above all else.

  2. Please be respectful of other opinions, even if they differ from yours. The world is big enough to have space for all different kinds of thinking.

  3. Please do not post direct links. Please instead submit a new text post, and write a quick sentence or two about what you find to be great about it, and why you wanted to share it, and then add the url to your link or video at the bottom of your post.

  4. If you are promoting something (movie, blog, supplement, study, clinical trial, survey, thesis, twitter/ instagram account, etc.) please message the mod for approval before posting. Any promotional posts that were not approved prior to posting will be removed.

  5. Any "Is this cancer?" type posts will be removed.

  6. Last, but not least, please post and comment with a kind heart. We're all here to support and cheer each other on.


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Suggestions for Gift Relative at Beginning of Chemo Treatment?

I have an Aunt who started Chemo a few weeks ago and will be doing for next 6 months followed by surgery. I want to do something for her.

Thought maybe people who have experience might know what would be a good gift. Maybe something activity related you found helpful to stay positive and spend time when you or others were going through treatment?

Any suggestions?

Appreciate your responses.

02:07 UTC


My partner was diagnosed with stage IV melanoma. Can you recommend good resources for dealing with the psychological side of a life threatening diagnosis, specifically from people who have survived it?

My partner is struggling with intense anxiety (understandably) and has asked me to find resources to help him shift his mindset.

Can you recommend a website, a podcast story, a book - anything where someone who faced life threatening cancer and survived shares their learnings and offers advice for a more positive mindset.

23:14 UTC


Fighting hiccups from chemo

Please help. My best friend has severe hiccups and burpes that are making his life hell.

1 Comment
18:16 UTC


Energy Conservation Techniques for Cancer Related Fatigue

I posted this handout in a comment on another thread but I thought that it would be easier to find in its own post.

This is a handout on energy conservation techniques for cancer survivors with more info on managing cancer related fatigue during and after treatment that you can look over with your medical team and see if it might be helpful for you.


For some survivors cancer related fatigue can last years after treatment. Hopefully more research is done on long term cancer related fatigue in the future as so many survivors live with it on a daily basis.

Working with a cancer rehab provider can help with fatigue to a certain extent. Eating a healthy diet is also very important and having frozen fruits and vegetables in the freezer can make eating meals easier on days when you don’t have much energy.

It’s important to prioritize resting and pacing. You don’t bounce back to the person you were before cancer, you grow instead into the person that you will be after this trauma and this experience so please be kind to yourself.

If you have any advice or techniques for living your life while managing fatigue please feel free to comment below and let us know what helped you. :)

edit: I wanted to mention that these are occupational therapy techniques in the pdf, so working with an occupational therapist might also be helpful when dealing with fatigue.

1 Comment
01:00 UTC


Statins for tumors

(I never know how anyone will react, this is Reddit) I wanted to share something. I have Hodgkins and I didn't want to do a biopsy or other surgery or anything that would take me out. Atorvastatin (4× the dose, 40mg) has actually been shrinking my tumors. I'm actually surprised how well it seems to work. You can look up "statins and tumors". This has been a game change for me, but the side effects of sleepiness is the only issue.

22:10 UTC


Medical Daycares for Children with Complex Health Needs

Cancer treatment can cause long term health effects called “late effects” and unfortunately sometimes average daycare centers and schools don’t have the resources to care for children with complex health needs.

However, about 20 states in the US have Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care Centers or "medical daycares." These daycares are staffed by nurses, paid for by Medicaid, and can offer other therapies as well for children including speech therapy, and physical therapy.

I don’t much about them (I only saw this news story on these medical daycares) but I thought that this information might be helpful if you live in a state with a PPECC and are in need of services like this for your child after cancer treatment.

This isn’t a specific cancer survivor story, but many cancer survivors do become disabled after cancer treatment so I thought that this would be a story worth sharing.

Link to YouTube video - 'Medical daycares' on the rise in the U.S.


This is a list of possible late effects of childhood cancer treatment from the Children's Oncology Group website.


02:45 UTC


Blood cancer

Hey there, I was diagnosed with AML and had a transplant (from an unrelated donor) on October 26, 2023. I am 27 years old. Almost done with my first 100 days, and I'm on cyclosporine. I'm a dancer and choreographer, and I've definitely lost some stamina and strength. But I'm gearing up to restart my training and get back to my normal life. Any tips or ideas on how long it takes to bounce back? Appreciate your thoughts. Thanks! Shoutout to all the survivors – let's grow through what we're going through!

20:11 UTC


(38M) 4 years into remission, and just as many without any romance. Are there any sites specifically for survivors to meet & date?

I just don’t see anyone outside of this experience being able to accept me as I am. I want to entertain the idea of finding someone. There really isn’t any interest in a 130lb hairless dude on the popular apps. Just wondering if anyone out there has any helpful tips. To say I “miss” the touch of another person is a grand understatement. I have all but forgotten what it’s like to be kissed, and I just want to know that feeling again. I know I can find affection and possibly love, I just don’t know how

01:02 UTC


Life in free fall after cancer


I survived Hodgkins Lymphoma stage 3, finishing up treatment this year in May.

The hope, comfort, and general positivity has worn off since I stopped taking the pain meds. My life has been in free fall since I’ve been unable to cope with the stresses of undergoing cancer, treatment, and toward the end all by myself. Further, my life had changed in ways that would have been incredibly stressful regardless of the illness on top of it.

I couldn’t handle trying anymore. It feels like I decided to let everything just get worse and worse until I eventually wouldn’t be able to take it anymore; as if that was the goal. I’ve realized I’m terrified of tomorrows and my brain is begging me to run from them, but my heart wants to keep going and undue what I’ve let my life become. My brain is punishing me with guilt while my body is trying to forgive. It’s hard to explain.

Does anyone relate to this? What can I do? How do I do anything?

16:57 UTC


I Need Help Making My Mom Feel Beautiful

Hello everyone, this is my first time posting and I am hoping I could get some ideas or help here. This may be long, but I need to everyone to know what kind of person my mother is, and why she deserves all the help possible. If you don’t want the filler you can skip to the last paragraph!My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2020, and went through a very long and grueling battle with chemo and radiation. She is now thankfully in remission and doing a lot better, although she does have some residual side effects such as some nerve pain in her feet and frequently watering eyes.

My mom has struggled with her self image ever since I was a child, there aren’t many times where my mom has felt beautiful. She is a truly amazing woman who has had an incredibly hard life and lost her entire family slowly throughout her childhood and finally her father when my oldest sister was born. She did her best to distract me and my sisters during the recession when she lost her job and my fathers addiction problems had reached its peak, and she did it all alone. (he is now sober and dedicated himself to helping my mother recover from cancer, treating her like a queen and taking on all household responsibilities. He also got her chickens like she always wanted so she would have something happy to focus on). I am also bipolar and struggled a lot in the beginning of my diagnosis, all of which she was so supportive and loving. I truly do not know if I would still be alive without her there. Throughout all of her struggles my mother is still one of the most positive and caring people I’ve ever met. She spends her weekends cooking for families that are struggling financially through a program she found, caring for a half blind and geriatric horse she adopted, and I do my best to see her most weekends.

Since her remission my mom has been struggling to find a hairstyle/color that she likes. She used to have a long blonde bob, but after chemo her hair grew back brown. She’s also always struggled to get the hang of wearing makeup and finding something that makes her feel good. I do consider myself good at makeup and I’ve helped her over the years but I’m no makeup artist. I’ve been doing some searching on doing makeup on more mature skin (she’s 60), and all the base makeup we have down. However as I mentioned above she has a lot of problems with her eye makeup smudging due to her watering eyes. I wanted to scream and cry when she told me over the phone she feels like an idiot and hideous when she goes to the bathroom at work and sees her mascara smudged everywhere.

So to the real questions,does anyone have advice about getting her eyes to stop watering? I would also be very interested in meeting with a makeup artist that is practiced in more mature skin that could help us, I work two minimum wage jobs but I will pay whatever they charge. Any recommended hairstylist would be amazing too. She lives north of Scottsdale in Arizona but I will take her anywhere, distance doesn’t matter. My mom is the most beautiful person in my world, and she deserves to feel like it. The thought of her sitting in front of the mirror thinking she’s ugly makes me literally cry. If there’s anyone with advise I would be so grateful.

1 Comment
07:22 UTC



I was diagnosed with cancer at 3 and diagnosed cancer free at the age of 8 for 5 years i battled and for 5 years i felt left out. I missed the major learning days of school for things like math, cursive, hand writing, computer knowledge, even in kindergarten i missed days. I am now 15 wondering if i can make it to that next step, the next day, next hour, next minute, next second in constant fear of it coming back. I decided to become a Norse Pegan which is the worship of Norse gods like Odin, Thor, Frey, ect. but that was 2 years ago my parents still think im Christian at least on im fairly confident one already knows but im concerned my mom wont accept it. As i write this there is still that feeling of will it come back at this moment but i won't know until my next appointment. A family friend of mine died yesterday of brain cancer his family just spent the wonderfull day of 4th or July mourning over him. I work at a summer camp and spend my days teaching scouts younger than me how to properly use tools but i still smile for them hoping none of them have to go through the pain of cancer in the family. Long story short my life just feels done its a constant battle every day with my body to work right because chemo has multiple side affects and my maine one is joint issues i blame myself for my families poorness because we were middle class citizens before i was born and with 4 sisters who all take everything out on me and no brothers my only outlet is games and writing but sorry for my rant i just wanted to say that cancer has both ruined my life and made it great because without it i wouldn't have met my best friend or joined scouts or lived my life so far i have long hair now and a full scraggly beard that throws people for a loup im pretty sure some people think im lying but thats ok i don't care its always a blast everyday doing what i love even though i had cancer and even though im in constant fear of it returning i dont shy away from living bold and i urge those with cancer or those who have relatives or those who survived live your life go climb down the side of a cliff go ride a horse at full gallop go shot a gun go fishing go on a boat go live your life how you want but remember dont ever loose hope don't ever be afraid to tell people who you are even if they wont accept you. A quote from a friend of mine that he got from his friend " it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if your gay, straight, white, black, zebra, donkey. It doesn't matter because the only thing you will ever be remembered for in life is the things you do."

05:53 UTC


Working after chemo


I should be wrapping up my chemo treatments at the end of this month and will have to go back to work. Was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for low stress/ low physical demand type jobs. I previously worked in the medical field and I am unwilling to sign up for that level of stress again.

If anyone could share their experience with going back to work after chemo I would greatly appreciate it.

22:06 UTC


[Question] How do I tell people that I had cancer?

Before I was about to start college, I got diagnosed with stage 3 Hodgekin's lymphoma. I had to cancel my in-person plans for my fall term to do chemotherapy. I was able to go full-time starting my first winter term. It has been over a year since I finished chemo, and I still have trauma and anxiety over it.

I am in my second year and I am planning to move in with three of my friends. However, two of them don't know about my history of cancer. With previous roommates, I told them in case something medically happens. Since they are people that I have known for a bit and am close with, it feels different and I am afraid to tell them.

To anyone who had cancer, how do you tell people that you had cancer?

23:27 UTC


clots frequently occur when cancer is there

I don't know why but sometimes I just randomly think about what happened almost 5 years ago. I read this... In patients with massive pulmonary embolism, 50% die within 30 minutes, 70% die within 1 hour, and more than 85% die within 6 hours of the onset of symptoms.

It was not even a first but rather a second cancer and a rheumatologist was diagnosing me with lupus about a year prior. My nephrologist was shocked when test results came back saying the reason my kidneys weren't functional was due to some kind of weird autoimmune attack, completely separate from the lupus, clogging the filters which led to severe fluid retention and the massive clots that filled my lower leg veins.

But FIRST they had to address the ass cancer, then lucky for me rituxan infusions shut down the part of my system attacking my kidneys.

You wouldn't believe looking at me now how near to death I was five years ago. The only real clue is the port in my chest that is usually visible because I can't stand wearing crew necks. I have a tat on my chest that means immortal. My kids joke sometimes that they think it's actually true. I hope not in this body at least 😄♥️

00:02 UTC


Blood test results today.

The doctor told me that my numbers are what they want to see post radiation to call it a cure.

A doctor told me I'm cured

I'm shaking as I type this....

I'm cured.

I'm actually cured.

How do you process this? I'm cured!!

23:04 UTC


Guess what today is?

When my oncologist told.me.that I was in remission, he said that if I was still in remission in 5 years time, I could call myself 'cured'.

Well, guess what day it is today!

I fucking did it! I won!

08:08 UTC


Anyone who’s been through nephrectomy?

Anyone who had renal cancer and had their kidney removed? I need help talking out please.

1 Comment
17:09 UTC


I survived omg!

I was 5 y.o. when I was diagnosed with Terminal cancer.. Ten years later it was removed by causing a concussion and repairing my brain, it took a toll on my memory doe =[, But at least I survived!! Yay!!! I'm not bedridden anymore woohooooo!!

1 Comment
21:00 UTC


does it?

Hi I'm new to the group 15m I was diagnosed with Lukemia at 10 and my 5th grade year was taken from me

I had a decent life my family had money and we never worried about if we would have enough money for food or rent or anything. I was skinny happy had close friends and pretty good grades.

Then I was diagnosed and ripped from my world. I was in the hospital for 3 months and hopped up on chemo and pain medication. My father was with me the whole time and my pregnant mom would come visit me with my two younger siblings and my older sisters. My dad couldn't go home because he had to stay with me and that is when money got tight. They were barely making ends meet and had no money for anything else. After making it out of the hospital I was able to walk again but all the pain, anxiety and depression from the hospital stayed with me. I was always on antidepressants but they hard did anything. I had pain medication too but then I got addicted and they took it away completely so I was left with pain and depression suicidal thoughts were flooding in.

I tried therapy and everything but they never went away. Then my mom had her baby but the baby didn't make it and dies 30min after birth. All I could do was blame myself I still do. If I hadn't put her under all that stress and anxiety then that baby could have lived. But I got cancer it is my fault money is always tight and that the baby didn't live. Everyone always tells me that I should be grateful for the second chance at life and stuff like that. But I wish it had gone to someone else. I made the stupid mistake of getting a new best friend who also had cancer and when I thought things were looking up two of my friends died and one was my best friend. After that I closed my self off from everyone the girl I like is also a cancer survivor but I force myself not to love her because if I do and I lose her I don't know what I would do.

I graduated 5th grade with my old class because it took classes while in a hospital bed and barely made it. I went and I was so excited to see my close friends. But they had forgotten me they weren't excited to see my. They were scared to catch cancer for some bullshit reason one of them who I considered very close asked who I was cause the didn't recognize me. At that point in time cancer hadn't physically changed me so I looked like the old me but he didn't know who I was. Another asked me why I skipped school so much. This broke me so bad cause i thought they cared for me but they didn't.

After going through cancer at 15 i got remission but through the years cancer took its toll I can't run anymore because I can't breathe at all after I can't exercise because last time I did a little I ended up having a seizure and landing myself back in the hospital. So now I'm fat and the few old friends that I had left don't want anything to do with me because of how I look. (They flat out told me). I can't go back to normal school because of cancer so I'm online. Cancer took my 5th grade middle and now 2 high school years from me. I barely scrape by with my grades. I don't have any friends, I don't go out anywhere and every night I lay in bed cursing my self for living because now I'm never going to have friends or a girlfriend because of this. I tell myself that in college I will make friends but I don't know if I can go to college because it costs too much I would have to apply for every student plan I could get and work myself to the bone just to have a chance of going.

What was this all for why did I get cancer. Why did I have to survive all of this why could my second change get given to someone else. This breaks me and eats me up inside everyday. But for my family sake I pretend nothing is wrong I am happy and everything. I'm sorry for the long rant but my real question it does it get better? Will I get friends and find love and happiness? I wish I knew

02:33 UTC


Chemo brain memory glitch - anyone else experience this??

TLDR: Im shocked to see something new in a place I frequent and definitely should have noticed before. Then a memory will surface that maybe I have noticed it and forgot.

I'll see something new like at home or driving in the town I live in, etc and feel shocked that I've never noticed that before. As go about my day and marvel at how I never noticed that obvious thing before, I'll sorta wrack my brain asking myself if I really haven't noticed it or if I forgot. As I start to think maybe I really have seen it before and just forgot - a vague memory of seeing it in another context will surface in my mind. This all happens over the span of about 1 minute. I can't tell if that's my brain trying to answer my question or if its a real memory. Or maybe its a real memory but its a memory of the scene overall and not of noticing the thing.

Example: I've used a gas station restroom 4 times now in the past 6 months and every time the don't have paper towels and I'm a little irritated but blow it off. This last time I was sitting on the toilet and notice 3ft in front of me, at my seated eye level on the wall parallel to me, is a silver metal box with a little red label on it that says "hand dryer." Right in front of my face. To be fair, it doesn't really look like a hand dryer, but it also has a large plexiglass panel nailed to the wall beneath it for water drops. I was flabbergasted I'd never even SEEN it (even when I initially looked for a hand dryer the first time I was there). I don't think I've ever even registered that there's a thing there. I was freaked out and looking at it thinking they'd just installed it but it looks like it's been there a while.. and a vague memory surfaced in my mind of what the room looked like previous times I've been there.

Does anyone else experience this????

Side note, almost exactly 5 years post chemo (feb 2022). It happens less frequently now... I think.. (also can't really tell cus I forget) Happens about once or twice a week now.

03:28 UTC


Does it get any better

I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma stage 2. I had my 1st round of ABVD last week and it’s been miserable. I have 5 left over the next 11 weeks and I’m struggling. Does it get any better? Idk how I’m gonna bring myself to my next treatment. It’s breaking me mentally

17:04 UTC


Being a cancer survivor is a struggle sometimes

I originally was going to ask if anyone had any positive experiences / thoughts about being a cancer survivor and to be honest I struggled to come up with 4 things that were positive about being a cancer survivor.

This is what I came up with

- I am grateful to have met amazing people. It was probably the privilege of my life to be able to meet some of the amazing people that I did - fellow survivors / patients, amazing nurses and doctors.

- I'm grateful to have lived to see myself grow and to change, and also to get to travel a little, to finish my degree, to see my loved ones grow and change as well.

- Kind of random but I'm happy to have lived long enough to learn how to make homemade yogurt and learn to garden. I'm not a master of either by any means but I'm learning and both things bring me joy!

- I guess more than anything I'm glad to have survived so that I could have the time to learn new things, to experience new things.

But if I'm honest a lot of it has just been so traumatic. More than anything at the moment I just really miss my friend who passed away from cancer. They were young and I just so wish that they would have had more time, and that I would have been able to have more time with them.

I want their family to have them back. I want it to not hurt this bad to miss them.

I want to be able to call them on the phone and talk to them, or go on a walk with them and not feel so alien and alone in my experience as cancer survivor. I just want them to be alive instead of having to miss them.

Because the truth is that being a cancer survivor is so weird and it is hard to wrap your head around even if you've experienced it firsthand. I think that it's near impossible to understand if you haven't been through this horrible experience.

I'm tired of being of being in pain. I'm tired of missing out on things because I'm physically not able to do all the things that I want to do. I'm tired of looking for things to make this better and tired of trying to find a positive spin on what has been a very overwhelming and painful experience.

I recently read Cynthia Li's book Brave New Medicine and she also suffered from fatigue and she did sound healing, qigong, and ate a gluten free diet. I was a little skeptical of the sound healing and qigong but I was also desperate to find something to help with the chronic pain that I've had since cancer treatment years ago so again I'm trying something new to cope with late effects.

I've incorporated some of her suggestions in daily routine for a month now and they do seem to be helping but it's hard to not want it to all be better at once when you've been in pain for so long. I drink lemon water in the morning and do the lift chi up pour chi down qigong practice once in the morning and once at night. Then I do sound healing for for 20 min to an hour (I just found the videos on youtube). It does all seem to be helping with pain and I can go faster on the treadmill this week than I could last week which is actually kind of amazing.

What I did not know when I started qigong is that for the first week that you do qigong you feel great. The next few weeks you feel awful because a lot of emotions and things that were shoved down (so that you could survive cancer treatment and the aftermath) start to surface and it is common to feel tired and achy, and have headaches / skin rashes until you move past this period. Apparently these are signs that the qigong is working. I'm still in this period and am hopeful that things will get better.

Being a cancer survivor is a mix of good things and sad things.

It would be good to read a mix of both or either / or if anyone is willing to share.

Are there things that happened to you post treatment that were wonderful? What were the hard parts?

Is anyone else struggling with these same feelings? Is there anything that helped you with grief or pain or healing from being a cancer survivor?

Are things that you're looking forward to? Are there people that you miss too who passed away from cancer?

It would just be nice to know that I'm not the only one who struggles with these things.

10:35 UTC


My Brain Cancer/Life Story

Hi, everyone. I hope to find you in good spirits, and if not at least as good as they can be. I went through a very dark time in my life with cancer/mental illness and would like to share with as many folks as I'm able to reach. I've learned many things along the way that are very self-empowering and hopefully I'm able to share to reach those who feel like there is no light at the end of the tunnel. I'm pretty early on in presenting everything, so it's sort of rough edits, but if you feel like joining please do. Sending positive thoughts your way. Hang in there.


16:22 UTC


Job Resources for Cancer Survivors - Flexible and for Chronic Illness

Finding a job that works around late effects is something that I think that many people who are cancer survivors suffer with and unfortunately it's hard to find resources that deal with this.

I don't know if this will help at all but it's worth mentioning.

There are two charities / organizations that I know of that help people with chronic illness / disabilities find jobs that will work with them. I don't know much about either organization - (only that they exist really), but Astriid was specifically founded by a cancer survivor, and their videos have a number of people living with cancer or disabled by cancer.


This is the info on their about page - Astriid's mission is to help people with long-term conditions find meaningful work.

Founded by David Shutts OBE following his cancer diagnosis, we believe that the

value of work is far more than the wages paid. Employment provides routine, a sense

of normality, challenges and rewards, and when approached correctly, can also

facilitate a greater sense of wellbeing.

Astriid helps bridge the gap between the Invisible Talent Pool (people who have

long-term conditions but who wish to use their skills and experience in work), and the

UK skills crisis. The platform matches talented candidates with prospective employers,

providing accessible work opportunities for those who are seeking them. In this way,

we hope to make the Invisible Talent Pool, Visible.

In the US there is Chronically Capable


We are working to remove the fear and stigma of living with chronic illness or disability from the hiring process. We create a tacit understanding between employers and jobseekers: employers who are part of our network believe that people living with chronic illness or disability are capable of being productive employees—and jobseekers who use the platform can feel secure that participating employers care about their success.

Here's a page on flexjobs for finding flexible jobs for people with disabilities.


And if you know of any other job finding resources for people with chronic illness please post it in the comments below - or if you were able to find a job after cancer treatment that worked with your late effects please share your story as to how you did it. Your story might help someone else.

Hang in there friends. :)

14:12 UTC


What are the chances of getting on disability?

10 years leukemia survivor here, and I'm tired of living in this constant state of fatigue, brain fog and anxiety. I was the complete opposite person before all this shit happened and Im barely able to make ends meet with my part time job that took years to find. Don't ask about my social life because that's non existent except with my brother and mom. I tried all types of medication and therapy but same old me.

1 Comment
03:31 UTC


survivorship and dating: when do you share your experience?

hi fellow survivors!

for those who are dating/have been dating, when and how do you tell your partner about your cancer experience? i'm struggling to figure out when is the right time to share. other than a few small scars on my body, there isn't anything physical that would point to my health history, but my experience is still a piece of who i am. what has worked for you in the past? how have you shared? how did your partner react?


04:16 UTC


How do you deal with ignorant people after beating cancer?

Fellow cancer survivors, how do you deal with people who assume you're a later bloomer in terms of success because of laziness when they are just uninformed that for x amount of years you've dealt with a terminal illness?

I survived cancer a few years ago and had to take a couple years off of school. For this reason I took me 6 years to graduate when it shoulda took me 4. A friend of mine who's a couple years older than me joked/bragged once to be about how he was able to finish his degree and pharmacy school before I even finished my degree. He was really patronizing me aswell. I laughed it off and didn't even remind him I had to take two yrs off of uni because of chemo and radiation because I once did this with my a few other friends and one jokingly commented "here comes the cancer card." I really don't like making excuses, but it seems like some people genuinely don't realize what having cancer is like, and you don't wanna bring it up sometimes because you don't wanna come off as if you have a victim mentality.

I;m now 24 and finally started grad school after daeling with cancer treatment, aswell as depression that came afterwards and i'm extremely grateful, but I gotta admit there's these awkward situation that happen to me that really make me feel a certain way. I always keep my composer, but I wanna know how do you deal with this?

08:01 UTC


Cancer - senses tingling. Can anyone relate?

Hello y'all

I'm supposedly going to be celebrating my 1 year remission birthday in a few weeks. I'm overwhelmed and humbled to have the chance to. Thing is, my gut is tingling. Its like a deep DEEP crushing fear, a wall of terror. I had the same DEEP fear whenever I would I inspected the lesion, which turned out to be cancer at 24 years olds. This feeling, plagued me for nearly 2 years and I am incredible familiar with its SOMETHING IS WRONG RING. Something was actually wrong and that's what sucks. It's fucking shit to be GUT correct.

So, here I am a year on and my health has gone from bad to worse. Multiple new and progressive symptoms. Symptoms collectively working, instead of being spread out and somewhat manageable. I am in line with the thousands to be investigated and treated. I feel like something is close, very close to revealing itself. Literally feel my cancer-senses tingling. I feel crazy but I also remember telling myself in blinding rage to always listen to my gut, even if its terrifying. Doctors are looking more concerned and sounding more urgent from appointment to apppointment. I don't want to presume that something so destructive could have been overlooked by the troves of doctors that I was treated by. I'm also painfully away of the effect of a Tory government on the NHS. That doctors are balancing books and trying to save every inch of ground they are funded to.

I'm fucking terrified. I don't understand how to handle this feeling, how to break it down, how to read it with an open mind. The last time, I couldn't understand the screaming for what it was worth. Perhaps I'm being too spiritual on the matter, too emotionally involved to see symptoms from signs.

I find it really difficult to talk about with my friends and family. I don't want to scare them and when I do mention something, it often comes out the wrong way and I am scrutinised. I feel lonely on the matter, especially when it comes to doctors. The idea of straight up saying to a GP "I think I have cancer again" sickens me through and through. I feel so far away from the world.

Blessings to you all

23:48 UTC


Is it normal to be emotional about anything cancer after having gone through cancer?

I am sorry this is a weird question, but I was wondering if you all have the same issue I do where I cry or start feeling anxious at the mention of cancer. It can even be in a movie or even if I hear a cancer joke. I instantly feel as if I am on edge of crying and feel short of breath. If any of you go through this, do you have any coping techniques? I appreciate any advice. Feel like a crazy person when I start spiraling...

00:42 UTC

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