
Photograph via snooOG

A subreddit to host the hyperbattle, previously done on the r/vaporwave subreddit.

The hyperbattle is an event originally hosted on the r/vaporwave subreddit, where basically someone picks a sample, sets rules and participants remix the track in a vaporwave fashion given a certain amount of time, when the tracks are subjected to voting and whoever wins gets to initiate the next hyperbattle.


818 Subscribers


The Last One

00:52 UTC



A week late to post, but still just as excited to welcome everyone back to our annual Winter seasons Hyperbattle! This year, with a little twist!

This Battle is going to be themed not only around Christmas and winter holiday music samples, but if you should choose, also Halloween samples! You can mix and match to any degree, but one or both of the themes must be kept!

Simple rules:

  • keep songs under 3 minutes
  • don't use an old track, this contest is to spark creativity and create something new
  • Samples must be primarily from Christmas/ winter Holiday Media or Halloween Media.
  • Try not to use last Christmas as a sample unless you have some really crazy idea with it

Send your submissions (or link to them) to pixelcoreofficial@gmail.com

Deadline is the 23rd of December

Have a great time sampling this Holiday season, and I'll see you all in two months for the Album!

15:01 UTC


Next Hyperbattle Starts October 1st for HOLIDAYWAVE

Since I didn't get a single entry and engagement is at a Nil right now, I figure the best way to see if this Subreddit has any reason to be alive at all is to just wait for the Annual Holiday wave competition. Those have always had the highest engagement and I've always had the most fun making those songs. I'll leave this post up until then. I want the competition to be done before Christmas, so I figure starting two months early gives plenty of time to prepare.

And hey, since it starts in October, why not make a Halloween track as well. Nightmare before Christmas is great aesthetics as well. See ya then.

16:20 UTC


Hyperbattle 413: Italowave - Deadline Extended to July 31st

I understand that last month was kinda crazy for Reddit, And this sub is on life support rn, so, I'm extending the deadline for this hyperbattle for another to see if we can get more entries.

15:27 UTC


Hyperbattle 413: ITALOWAVE 🍝 🌌🍝

Welcome everyone to your summer Hyperbattle! This Battle is going to be themed around samples from Italo-disco tracks!

Italo-Disco got its start as disco lost popularity in the states and moved over to Europe, keeping the genre alive, experimenting with and expanding on discos sound!

Simple rules:

  • keep songs under 3 minutes
  • don't use an old track, this contest is to spark creativity and create something new
  • Samples must be primarily from a contemporary Italo-disco song (circa 1977-1989)

Send your submissions (or link to them) to pixelcoreofficial@gmail.com

Deadline is the 30th of June

Good luck yall and keep grooving on!

15:30 UTC


Hyperbattle 412- S H O V E L W A V E

I only got the one entry this time around, so I'm not going to hold a vote. I am however super happy with the entry that I got from Saturn95, so I'm giving the prize of choosing the next battle theme. Hopefully we get more entries next time, but I know that attendance to these things isn't consistent at all, so I am grateful for whatever submission I get!


I have another idea I want to try out here as well, as I said before, but I need to figure out how to actually format it, so that may be a bit. Otherwise, The plans to have a hyper battle every two months or so. I'm aiming for June 1st to start the next one. Until then!

17:30 UTC


Hyperbattle 412: SHOVELWAVE 🗑🕹🎮🗑

Welcome back to Hyperbattles everyone! This Battle is going to be themed around samples from Shovelware!

Bargain bin Wii games, Cheap movie adaption to the DS, Cereal box flash games chasing in on the latest Nickelodeon show. Sometimes the games were fun, most times, they were not, but all of them had some sort of soundtrack.

This battle's challenge is to make a track using samples from games like that, whether you played them as a kid or maybe you just found it in a search now and thought it had potential. Examples link down below.

Simple rules:

  • keep songs under 3 minutes
  • don't use an old track, this contest is to spark creativity and create something new
  • Samples must be primarily from an OST of ANY shovelware game.

Send your submissions (or link to them) to pixelcoreofficial@gmail.com

Deadline is the 30th of April

Good luck yall and happy shovelling!

Shovelware ost examples:

M&M's The Lost Formulas

America's Next Top Model (Wii)

Hotdog King (PC)

Icarly 2: I join the click (DS)

16:36 UTC


Hyperbattle REBOOT April1st!

Hey there, I'm VV, and I'm the new mod here to keep the torch burning. I have a few ideas for the next few Hyperbattles and will resume them starting April 1st, where I give out the theme and dates and what not.

Alongside traditional Hyperbattles, I have a few other Vaporwave production ideas in mind that would be really fun, and I've wanted to find a way to do for a while, but we'll get to those when we get there. I just want to make sure folks have enough time to realize the Subreddit is active again before immediately starting a new contest. I'll see you in April!

1 Comment
20:55 UTC


Sorry for the silence lately - would anyone like to take over this sub and run the Hyperbattles?

Again, sorry for my absence in this sub. Hyperbattles was basically my first introduction into V A P O R W A V E damn near 6 years ago. Its been a joy to contribute to countless albums. That being said, it's simply time for me to focus on other projects (The Virtual Hyper Realm).

I just don't have to time to dedicate here and that has been apparent.

18:47 UTC


Winner of Hyperbattle 411 - C L A S S I C V A P O R W A V E - CONGRATS TO VV

so glad to have hyperbattles back on and looking forward to more this year, probably in a few weeks or so we will have another contest.

CONGRATS to VV ( /u/loremasteranalysis ) - a familiar in the hyperbattle legacy.

Great album to come back with and looking forward to what else is coming out this year from everyone


15:39 UTC


Voting is now live for Hyperbattle 411: C L A S S I C V A P O R W A V E



WE ARE BACK - Voting is now live for Hyperbattle 411: C L A S S I C V A P O R W A V E. Tell your friends, give the album a listen, vote for your favorite track...

I do want to thank everyone that participated in the hyperbattle contest and great to see so many familiar names back in here. As always, winner gets a nice surprise and also gets to pick the next subgenre we experiment with. I must say I enjoyed every track on here and looking forward to the next one. I'll keep this up for a week and announce the winners.

Please share across your platforms!

21:10 UTC


Hyperbattle 411: CLASSIC VAPORWAVE

HYPERBATTLES ARE BACK - and to start it off right we are going with CLASSIC VAPORWAVE

so find your samples, slap some heavy reverb, loop the hell out of it, downpitch it, lo-fi it... Whatever your inspiration might be for classic vaporwave is, go for it. some exampes might be eccojames, telepath, or macintosh plus. other different sound might be luxury elite, esprit, eyeliner, blank banshee... either way i am excited this is back on

we will keep the rules simple:

  • keep songs under 3 minutes
  • don't use an old track, this contest is to spark creativity and create something new
  • try to stay true to the original styles with emphasis on loops

send all submissions to thevirtualhyperrealm@gmail.com

let's keep this open for a few weeks to a month. since we are just starting these back up many people might not see this initial post. i'll try to promote everywhere i can so we can start off with a nice bang

16:26 UTC



First off, apologies on a long hiatus, but we are back and ready to go. I wanted to have a post to start gaining attention and also get some suggestions.

Let's start a new Hyperbattle session in the next week or so, but would like to know what should we start off with?

Do we want to do classic vaporwave? Another subgenre? Let's get some ideas going.

I would like to see a classic vaporwave hyperbattle - take any 80's/90's type song, downpitch, heavy reverb, multiple loops, or simply your interpretation/inspiration to what classic vaporwave means to you.

Or if anyone has any suggestions, please let me know, and I can start advertising a new post to get back up and running.

1 Comment
18:19 UTC


Winner of Hyperbattle 410: CONSOLEWAVE is... VV

Hyperbattle 410: CONSOLEWAVE | Hyperbattles (bandcamp.com)

We had another tie, so I was waiting for that to clear, so CONGRATS to VV for your track. Please be sure to check out their Bandcamp


Again, big congrats VV. Check your email soon.

We will have another contest up and running very soon, but I need to get work on a few things. I plan on making another post to the sub in the coming weeks for help with the contests, thinking we should set up a discord to help build the community and also look for cool tapes and give aways for this contest moving forward. Let me know if you'd be interested or have any ideas

22:32 UTC


Hyperbattle 410: CONSOLEWAVE

The vaporwave battle to start off summer break

Hyperbattle 410: C O N S O L E W A V E

It's Saturday afternoon, just done watching cartoons and eating your cereal. What gaming system do you start to play? Was it NES/Sega? Dreamcast/Playstation? Gameboy?

Hyperbattle 410 will focus on older consoles that hits your nostalgia. Please use that inspiration for a vaporwave track that uses samples from older games or gaming systems. There is so much material to draw from that I am super excited to see what comes from this.

Here are a few album favorites (please include any below so I can save to a playlist on the Hyperbattle YouTube channel.

We will keep the contest open for a few weeks, most likely a 4th of July release. Please send all submissions to thevirtualhyperrealm@gmail.com. INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING (but all are not necessary):

  1. reddit user name
  2. artist name
  3. any social media (FB, YT, IG, BC, SC)
  4. and also please feel free to a picture if you would like - that could be an artist picture or track art

Winner of the contest will get their showcase on the sub, support on their Bandcamp (if available please set up discog sales), as well as something new - I would like to try and build up the YouTube page and hold exclusive interviews with the winners so you can talk about your story/life/art... I want to try an expand this out and eventually showcase all of the participants if you would like. Ideally if we can have it on Skype or Zoom, that would be best as we can set up cool backgrounds. Either way - I wish everyone good luck and super happy to hear the final album.

20:48 UTC


Winner of Hyperbattle 408: MALLSOFT is... FalseGarden螳 - Gym Radio 體育音機

Hyperbattle 408: M A L L S O F T | Various Artists | Hyperbattles (bandcamp.com)

I want to thank everyone who submitted for this contest, we had a lot of turn out. Also, apologies on the delay, there was a tie for a few days there at the end.

Big Congrats to FalseGarden螳. Check your email soon.

We will host again after a break and get the new contest theme.

15:16 UTC


Voting is now live for Hyperbattle 408: MALLSOFT



I want to thank everyone who submitted tracks for the Hyperbattle 408: MALLSOFT album. We had great responses and I am curious to see who takes the prize. I know I have a favorite myself.

We will keep this open until the end of the week. I will share this out to other platforms as well as crosspost into other vaporwave subs. If you can please share the album, do so. I am proud to be on this one, it's really good.

19:34 UTC


Hyperbattle 408: MALLSOFT

Yes, yes, I accidently skipped Hyperbattle 408, so let's go back in time. Our 409 winner - m e m o r yメモリー has chosen (my favorite subgenre btw) MALLSOFT. Super excited to get back into creating another track with everyone.

Time to crank up the verb, get in touch with your childhood, and tap into the ghostlands that have become malls. Whether the track is poppy like a Saturday afternoon or haunting like a Tuesday night, I can't wait to listen to AND compile this album.

Here are some examples from m e m o r yメモリー:

遺却する Plaza by 死夢VANITY

Hologram Plaza by Disconscious

Vacant Places by Hantasi

Taking submissions until mid April or so - let's state a date of 4/15 for now.

The prize as always will be a showcase on the sub and a bandcamp purchase. I am also working on some additional sponsored gifts.

please email all submissions to:



Please, if you have any examples or sample tracks you think would fit, please comment some.

16:45 UTC




Great job to everyone and especially great job to m e m o r y for winning the Hyperbattle - /u/memorymemori

Your bandcamp will be showcased on the sub soon and of course you get to choose the next Hyperbattle theme. We will probably take a small break and kick things off again in a couple months.

Hyperbattle 409: DYSTOPIAN VAPOR | Hyperbattles (bandcamp.com)

19:27 UTC


Hyperbattle 409: D Y S T O P I A N V A P O R voting is now live!1!



Welcome to another round of voting for the Hyperbattles. This was certainly a genre that I am exploring a bit deeper into, so more on that to come, but let's get started. Thanks, thanks, thanks so much for everyone who submitted. Loved all the interpretations!

Above is the voting Bandcamp album and voting link. Please share with anyone and everyone, let's get some votes going and remember... the winner will get a shout out on the sub, along with a bandcamp purchase (will inbox you), and of course the choice on the next battle genre.

I will keep voting live until this Friday evening and I will announce the winner then for the weekend.

02:46 UTC


Hyperbattle 409: D Y S T O P I A N V A P O R

We are back for another Hyperbattle to start off 2021 and D Y S T O P I A N V A P O R is certainly a battle I am excited to explore.

So, what exactly is D Y S T O P I A N V A P O R? /u/Rajkaiii, winner of Hyperbattle 408 says - 'Like dark, threatening sounds, like the sound of the world dying'

please email all submissions to:


Taking submissions until 2/20. Should be plenty of time for everybody.

Please, if you have any examples or sample tracks you think would fit, please comment some.

22:35 UTC


Hyperbattle 407 Winner Showcase: 永遠の悪魔 Eternity Devil | クリスマスの地獄 Christmas Hell

02:29 UTC


WINNER OF HYPERBATTLE 407: Music From The Virtual Holiday Realm is - Eternity Devil



Check out these results! As of Monday night - Eternity Devil won with 6 votes. However, I have to say this was an incredible album and an extremely close call with many others at 4 and 5. Also, the fact that we had 24 votes is even more amazing. Glad we were able to kick the Hyperbattles back up with success. Hope everyone enjoyed the album!

Well Eternity Devil, you are the winner of Hyperbattle 407: The Virtual Holiday Realm and that means you get to choose the next theme. I'll email back.

Also, check your bandcamp, you will have a nice surprise and will also get a shoutout/showcase in the sub.

Album - Hyperbattle 407: A Virtual Holiday Realm

02:24 UTC


Hyperbattle 407: Music From The Virtual Holiday Realm is live and open for voting



It should be no surprise that Christmas is my favorite time of year, making sure it's the theme every December as well as having made 4 Christmas volumes... but enough about me, let's move on to the participants. I am extremely happy at the turnout this round and hoping we are now off to a great start with the Hyperbattles.

We had some great submissions, so now I am excited to see who gets the pick. So go and have a listen, vote, and drop your comments below.

#AS USUAL WINNER WILL GET A SPOTLIGHT ON THE SUB AND A BANDCAMP PURCHASE next year we are planning on physical media prizes, stay tuned

[RESULTS] (https://www.quiz-maker.com/results109505-eB67e77b-BJ2AJC3A) - thus far. voting will be live for a few days

23:43 UTC


Hyperbattle 407: The Virtual Holiday Realm (Holidaywave) - and plans for 2021

Happy Christmas Hyperbattle... So this is Christmas and what have you done? Another year over and new one just begun. And so this is Christmas...

Hyperbattle 403: A Vaporwave Christmas Album

Who's started listening? Happy Xmas has been on repeat all morning (probably gonna be my entry). Anyways, Hyperbattles are back and just in time for the Holidays. Interesting year we are having and many people will are opting to spend time with their families virtually this year. So... here are the details:

  • Draw from any year end holiday you wish. Maybe it's Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa.
  • Virtual Holiday Inspiration
  • Please send submissions to thevirtualhyperrealm@gmail.com
  • With your submissions, if you wish to be featured in The Virtual Hyper Realm please send over any and all social media links, graphics, and/or videos you might associate with your track
  • Winner chooses the next theme and gets a Bandcamp purchase from me (plans to work on sponsorship also in the works)
  • Deadline will be December 14th

What is The Virtual Hyper Realm? This is where the fun begins. I recently started on a new project for Hyperbattles and it's participants. This will be a site for showcasing all of our Hyperbattle works along with your other projects. Right now it is a simple work in progress, but I have a vision to see it build into a fun archive of all our sounds. Also a great way to build your profile.

Along with the The Virtual Hyper Realm, there will also be the YT Channel that will showcase all the Hyperbattle albums and potentially virtual interviews. Thoughts?

14:26 UTC


Hyperbattle 406: 【AI WAVE】participants

Welcome back everybody! We are ramping back up here in the Virtual Hyper Realm. Last month we started the Hyperbattles back up after a hiatus and now we are ready to go. We will start up with Christmaswave (my favorite time of year) soon, but also be on the look out for some new genre ideas as well as sticking with the basics. Secondly, I am going to explore the idea of starting a Virtual Hyper Realm Stream for 24/7 Hyperbattle radio for everyone's content to always be playing.

But, I am rambling, let's recognize Rodan Rodan SpeedWagon and VV, both of who came in with fire tracks!!!

Thanks /u/rodan-rodan and /u/loremasteranalysis

See everyone soon for some Holiday Vapors...

Bandcamp album

18:06 UTC


Hyperbattle 406: 【AI WAVE】

Appologies on the long delay in Hyperbattles, quarantine life has definitely been an interesting journey. Also, I am putting some heavy focus in a Christmas album and that is taking up a lot of time. However... /u/rodan-rodan suggested the AI contest based on this contest over in /r/makingvaporwave

For this contest, you can use any vaporwave beat you want, but please make it a new one if possible. The element for this contest will be to incorporate AI voices - which you can find here. Simply type in your text and wait for the magic.

U N L I M I T E D P O T E N T I A L - here are some examples:

  • Spongebob rapping to a chopped and screwed Tu-Pac beat

  • Arnold Schwarenegger offering corporate voice over to a cheesy Mallsoft beat

  • Bill Nye covering Japanese City Pop

Let's give this contest until the end of the month - please send all submissions to devasohouse@gmail.com. A .wav format is preferred, but I can use anything you send over.

I am extremely excited to get Hypperbattles back on the menu and very, very curious to see what comes out of this. I hope this makes sense. Looking forward to all the submissions!

20:09 UTC


Hey ya'll still kicking? Feel like participating in a shorter VW contest over in /r/makingvaporwave

Trying to get some producers to jam out some new vapor-concepts for a small contest over at r/makingvaporwave/ win mediocre prizes! Adulation of your peers!


18:15 UTC


Hyperbattle 405: 𝙲 𝙾 𝚁 𝙿 𝙾 𝚁 𝙰 𝚃 𝙴 𝚆 𝙰 𝚅 𝙴 winner is S H E I L A eˣ


First off just wanted to say that I loved this album, officewave/corporate is one of my favorites and this was great to hear everyone's contribution.

We will take a short break or so and I will be sure to have another contest... most likley getting back on track with our Euro Dance theme that was supposed to be at the start of this year and we will all pick a country to sample a dance track from the 90s.

I will pin a showcase link in a couple days!

17:17 UTC

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