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How To Not Give A Fuck is the paradoxical problem-free philosophy challenging you to fearless experimentation and self-discovery.

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Leave people alone...

07:55 UTC


I would have won $20,000 if it weren’t for my boss

I would have won a scholarship for school through my work, and all my boss needed do do was send the foundation proof of my employment. They didn’t check their email, and now I can’t pay for my next semester of university, and have to find some private high interest loans, so i’m financially screwed after I graduate. How do I not give a fuck?

19:56 UTC


how to get over them

he was my everything. after we broke up, we were friends for a while but rarely talked and he had a girl who he swore he didnt like and all his friends also said he didnt. i still loved him and we got into an argument and he blocked me for good and im doing so bad mentally. even tried to commit. how can i be better?

19:52 UTC


Friendship is simple. We just make it complicated: Aristotle’s practical advice on making true friends!

1 Comment
17:49 UTC


Crippling insecurity; I hate my face and body

What can I do? It’s all I think about. I take care of my skin, I’ve lost weight, gained weigh, been underweight and been overweight. I’m 18 and I have felt this way since I was 12. How can I stop caring?

00:17 UTC


how to deal with being scared of being a bad person

I should probably begin this by saying I have OCD about intrusive thoughts and scrupulosity (what this applies to) and I'm currently going through talk and exposure therapy for it so it has been worse than usual. I'm so insecure and I know I do bad things and I cause everyone pain. I was talking to my friend abt how one of our other friends kind of treats me crappy sometimes and she asked me to ask myself why I would do that and provided an example of something crappy I did to her that might make her treat me crappy. I've realized because of this I don't deserve anyone and deserve to be lonely because I'm a bad person. I realize going on here is probably a coping mechanism and I'm looking for reassurance, but I honestly don't want to try to stop myself at this point because I know it'll keep hurting more. I don't trust any of my friends to tell me whether I am or not. Anyway, I feel like a bad person and it's really very uncomfortable and I feel like if I'm a bad person I don't deserve anyone and deserve to suffer. Any tips on how to care less?

23:34 UTC


Who else is tired of caring about others opinions?

12:16 UTC


How did you learn TNGAF about tailgaters

The speed limit on a typical non-highway road for my work commute in Ontario is 80kmh. (50mph). I will typically drive at around 88kmh (55mph) because 80 just feels too slow, and I've heard that no cop will ever pull you over for going 9 over the speed limit.

So I think 88 is reasonable. But 90% of the drivers want to go faster than that, and their solution for that is to tailgate. I can't even describe how much astronomically worse it makes my commute when someone is riding my ass.

But the reason it bugs me has nothing to do with safety. It has to do with my mentality. In my mind, I'm thinking that the person in the car behind me is raging his brain off, screaming and hollering and hurling obscenities at me. This is what bothers me. Sometimes I will even speed up, to speeds I am not comfortable with upwards of 95kmh, (59mph) sometimes even 99-100, (62mph) making me feel uneasy like I'm going to get pulled over by a cop, just to appease this angry rager behind me.

For a while I tried to just ignore them, and continue to drive 88kmh but that pisses me off even more.

I need to just learn how to not give a fuck about them. I give too many fucks.

03:44 UTC


Am I handling social media correctly?

I took a break from facebook for almost 10 years until getting an IG when I was 30. Now I do not have tons of followers and I did not post often but IG gets me really depressed and so insecure about me. Whether it is sorta friends or coworkers.

Today I had another episode that made me deactive my account. I saw my ex (who friended me) posted a picture of his wife at their wedding celebrating their marriage. He and I both got married within the year. I analyzed everything took a screenshot of the photo and awing how much better she must be from her hair, her dress, her looks and how smart she is. Her wedding was obviously so much more beautiful than mine. I wanted to cry because deep down I believe I suck. I know I sound so extreme.

My husband is a wonderful guy and far more loyal than this guy. But this ex played games with me and made me feel like I was the one.

Even when I had mutual friends getting married this year all I did was obsessed over their looks, poses, I mean it was so much. Like I couldnt be happy for them. Then I would deactivate my account or not click on their story highlighting their wedding.

How do people handle social media? I admire people with thick skin. This goes at work too getting stepped on and feeling inadequate although I am one of the stronger employees.

I am only child and I was raised that nothing was good enough. I worked so hard to go to a better school than I could handle and I never blossomed on the inside that I can…

I am having a day…

01:47 UTC


why does it take so much effort not to make an effort ?

I need to regain the high ground. I need to show that I am detached. Every time I put space between us- either I reach out or he does. And then it turns into a power struggle and this happens again and again. It’s like we finally come to a place where maybe we are both on the same plane only for him to totally Pull back and go silent. I’m trying so hard to once again put time between us because I’ve reached out over and over again just to be ignored. No reply no nothing. The cycle will repeat and he will reach out eventually or he will procure me through the mutual friends whereas it’s not really (him) making the move although I know he is doing it through the friends. What do I do? How do I not give a fuck

22:50 UTC


I have anger issues because i care alot about what people do and say

I even have physical pain from the anger im tired how to not give a shit

19:14 UTC


Should I spend money on my coworkers?

Think twice before spending money on or lending paid time off to your coworkers.

Your friends at work are not the same as your friends outside of work. You can’t be fully loyal to your coworkers when your job is at stake. Nor can they be loyal to you when theirs is at stake. So it doesn’t make sense to treat them the same as your best friend that you’d be happy to give or loan money to.

Regardless, it’s okay to take time to think about it first. Ask yourself why would you want to give them the money and what you would want to get out of the transaction.

It’s possible you might be running a covert contract, meaning you’re hoping that they will somehow return the favor in the future.

Get clear on why you feel the urge to donate to them in this circumstance. Remember that you aren’t obligated to your coworkers when it comes to your personal finances and paid time off.

[Click here to watch the video.]

Head on over to NiceGuyDiscord.com and connect with other guys there, too.

17:14 UTC


Is that a super power

14:11 UTC


Been ugly all my life and have random people comment on it when they see my face.

I've been dealing with this since elementary whenever I was on the peewee football team my coach let me know "don't break the camera" I didn't even know what that meant till years later in middle school when my coach made the same statement and I had to ask. I'm 25 now anytime I go on dating sites or go out in the public people are disgusted. Someone even walked by me and "Damn I know I'm ugly but atleast I'm not that ugly" I cant get this feeling out my head I'm on the brink of suicide it's not fair that I was born like this I didn't ask to be ugly I didn't ask to be an outcast of society how can I deal with this thank you to all that respond. (Excuse my terrible grammar I'm also a little stupid.)

11:55 UTC


Chis Walken not giving a fuck

11:35 UTC


To Win Life's Battles You Must Fight As If You Are Already Dead:

"Memento Mori" - Marcus Aurelius

1 Comment
05:14 UTC


just getting into this shit and I love it.

It's been a few months and my social life all of a sudden took a bad turn and it wasn't even my fault, even after me trying to make things right and shit, I've now realised this is something I cannot unfuck. The more I look into the situation though, I feel I was the only one who tried to do something about it after acknowledging it and it's not working ofc, so FUCK IT, I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ANYMORE. I'd like to focus on myself and FUCK Y'all.

18:02 UTC


Is Suicide A Good Thing? No, Here's Why


A breakdown of the nature of death, and suicide. Followed by a systematic analysis demonstrating why suicide is wrong. Written from the perspective of helpful, considerate reflections as opposed to judgmental or critical 'advice'.

I hope this writing serves to clarify the topic, and if possible to save a precious life.

17:48 UTC


What is this influx of sad weepy fuckers who want us to solve their problems?

The whole point of this subreddit is clearly on the sidebar."How To Not Give A Fuck is the paradoxical problem-free philosophy challenging you to fearless experimentation and self-discovery." I feel that solving weepy sad fucker's problems shouldn't even register on a give no fucks scale.

The website lists the full steps proposed on no fucks problem solving. It's at howtonotgiveafuck.com.

Are all the sad fuckers just not reading what this website is about? Or, more ominously, are they trying to actually get us to give a fuck about their problems?

I'm kind of confused by the many new posts of sad weepy fuckers and their problems and why they need so much help lately. If the point of r/howtonotgiveafuck is self-discovery, then by helping these sad fuckers, we're robbing them of the chance to help themselves by actually learning how to not give a fuck.

17:35 UTC


Struggling with inferiority complex

Hi, I’m struggling with inferiority complex since childhood. I want to stop thinking what other people think and not give a fuck. This is impacting my mental health. Can anyone please help or advise?

17:11 UTC


I'm too nice and it attracts the wrong people

How do I get over this?

Often times, people will bump into me and they will say they are sorry and I will respond, "oh no it's not a problem" or "that's ok". Or they may do something else offensive and I respond that same way. When I do something wrong on accident, I get offended if people don't respond that way too.

I have been in too many bad relationships where people were very disrespectful to me, whether it was friends or people I was romantically involved with.

I don't like to speak my mind, so I hold it in and then blow up later. It's odd because I try to avoid hurting people's feelings when they say something I don't like but I end up hurting them by blowing up on them.

Usually when someone insults me in the form of a joke, like about my appearance, my voice, or anything else, I usually laugh it off the first time or two even when it fucking pisses me off.

I wasn't raised by my parents to be confident and now as a grown man I am insecure because I don't exactly fit in with people. My dad used to always tell me to try to fit in as a kid in order to avoid being picked on. Even when I first became an adult, he always wanted me to make decisions that made him happy and comfortable, even if it was something I didn't like.

I don't want to start being mean but feel I have no choice

07:09 UTC


Tiredness: How to Be Unable to Give a Fuck

Not entirely sure if this is per se the best takeaway from the idea, but here goes:

So I've lived a lot of my life so far giving too many fucks about everything and being crippled by overthinking and living in my own headspace. I used to routinely stay up way too fucking late either browsing, doomscrolling, fantasizing, over-ideating, or otherwise cultivating a really shitty mental environment. Fun fact about using your brain late at night to make critical self-assessments: it's not a good idea. Your brain is too spent to process things in a healthy way, but not spent enough to nust shut the fuck up.

IMO it's actually one of the great things I see (outside looking in, of course) about just being a one-track kind of guy, not being "gifted" (in the stupid sense that modern society has built it up to be) and all. In that way you know you're stupid, everything you say about yourself is stupid, and you should probably go the fuck to sleep so you can work properly tomorrow. But I digress...

Learning how not to give a fuck has been one of the most important steps to making me who I am today, and in doing so, one of my guiding principles has always been: I can't give a fuck if I'm too spent to give a fuck.

One of the great things about working towards the "fullness" of myself is that it requires the fullest of myself. (I should note I'm fortunate enough that I'm able to directly and easily burn my energy into something I find myself in.)

And in so doing, it ensures that I don't have time to make indulgent self-assessments, or the energy to spend my nights tossing and turning aimlessly in bed. The days where I just plop on my bed and am so tired I just close my eyes and wink out are some of the best days I have. Unfortunately, there are still days when I'm not tired enough, I think (like tonight) and well, it's a struggle to sleep and even moreso to keep myself mentally clean.

There are definitely issues, and I will grant that this does seem like me running away from myself. But for me I think I'm able to avoid that issue by recognizing that a whole self is a productive self. Or maybe this'll be the topic of my next revelation.

One thing I think I may have found with my approach though, is I think it may be feeding into a weird treadmill. As I build myself, I become more capable. As I become more capable, I become less exhausted. As I become less exhausted, I go back to my old habits.

Amusingly enough, the only answer seems to be infinite growth.

But yeah, so that's me. Am I in for a kick to the balls? Did you gain something from this? Is this too long?

TL;DR, can't overthink if I'm too tired to overthink

1 Comment
18:18 UTC


Trinity of Freedom: Stop giving a fuck about what others think of you. Think for yourself, express yourself and embrace your own individuality...

• Freethinking, self expression, individuality.

• Remember the golden rule: "Do no harm, take no shit."

14:44 UTC


How bad is it and how to ignore it?

In my school, I get made fun of a ton. For the most part though, it’s in good spirits and I will laugh along and make a joke back without anyone caring. This is mostly cus I’m a bit overweight (hence frequent fat jokes) and when a couple years ago I did and said dumb stuff that some people still make fun of me for. I wouldn’t mind only it’s gone too far recently. In the last few weeks, in every class, I get jokes and random insults from the same group of popular boys every time. For instance, if I answer a question, they will randomly say when everyone is listening to the teacher “good job (insert rude name they made for me)” and “Go on big man”. Everyone laughs at it and the popular girls and even random people are starting to laugh and call me these names a lot. I have struggled with mental health problems a bit over the last couple years as a result of becoming a teen and thought it was nothing, but never has it really been serious until now. It’s just seriously getting to my head as all the popular girls and boys seem to be teaming up on me simply because I don’t say anything back and just take it. I would say something, but I’m afraid of being made fun of even more if I do.

Sorry it’s so long but I hope you see my point. Am I just overreacting or has it gone too far?Any comments would be appreciated Thanks.

23:53 UTC


Not a single fuck given! A queen with that style

21:33 UTC


im afraid of death

it sounds amateur, but it is what it is. sometimes i wish i could be a part of one religion and truly believe what will happen after we die will happen so i can live more peacefully. it honestly pisses me off when people try to answer the question and say “just live life to the fullest” or “energy cannot be destroyed, it just takes a new form”. i know that. and of course i don’t expect anyone to have a straight up answer, but those responses don’t help the feeling and my heart dropping to my stomach and genuinely crying. like literal nothingness. like i don’t even know there’s nothing, im just not there.

i’m already spiritual myself, and i have one theory on what happens when we die that regards manifestation. i’ll share it if people want to hear, but back to my main point. i still just dance around the idea and eventually end up back where i started, in fear of the unknown. i think i just want a more elaborate answer, like someone genuinely thought about it instead of trying to brush off my feelings. i’m also pretty young in addition to this, so i do feel a little silly worrying about it since i know i have a lot ahead of me.

if anyone feels like they have something worth saying, i’d be happy to hear it.

EDIT: thank you guys for the responses! it’s my first post on reddit and i didn’t really know what to expect, so i’m pleasantly surprised. nonetheless, i respect everyone’s religious beliefs, but please keep it out of the comments if it’s not a brief mention for context. maybe i should’ve specified that i’m a former christian bc idk why people are in here trying to make it sound convincing when i specifically said that i wish i could believe in it, but i literally cant. it’s not plausible to me, and i’m sure many others in here agree with me. so please keep the semi-preaching to a minimum bc it defeats the purpose of this post😭 it ends up feeling like a slap in the face because i’m literally saying i wish i could have faith in it but i can’t, and it feels like others are basically saying “oh well i can, too bad so sad.” that is good for you, unfortunately i cannot relate!

16:44 UTC

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