
Photograph via snooOG

This is a place for news and discussions relating to HBO's "Game of Thrones" prequel TV series "House of the Dragon" and George R. R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" companion novel, "Fire & Blood."


This is a place for news and discussions relating to HBO's House of the Dragon and George R. R. Martin's Fire & Blood.

House of the Dragon is a prequel TV series to Game of Thrones based on parts of A Song of Ice and Fire companion novel Fire & Blood. Set about 200 years before the events of Game of Thrones, the series tells the story of an internal succession war within House Targaryen at the height of its power.


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Episode Discussions

Season 1 - No Book Spoilers

Season 1 - Book Spoilers

The Small Council of Subreddits


1,174,151 Subscribers


Why is Alicent so bitter?

I'm currently re-watching the House of Dragons and I can't understand why Alicent is so bitter? Do you guys think that she is jealous of Rhaenyra? Rhaenyra having the simple of power of her doing what she please with little consequence is getting to Alicent? They were friends, but once it came out the Daemon and Rhaenyra possible were together in the late night, Alicent seemed weird? I just understand why the hell she cares so much?

What do you guys think?

01:46 UTC


I hope they didn’t cut her completely

01:43 UTC



So has anyone else been doing a re-read to get refreshed for this season?? What are you hoping to see in this season out of both teams??? Any dynamics any of you looking forward to??

00:56 UTC


Fire and blood

How is it to read? I was going to order it off Amazon. It's 800 pages which is fine but is it hard to get into? I'm obsessed with the show and would love to delve more I to the history/story.

00:05 UTC


Rhaenyra (spoilers)

Yo guys I just read the fates of everyone in Fire and Blood, HOW TF WILL THEY MAKE THE RHAENYRA SCENE?? I feel empty and sad when I read about the friggin SIX BITES and the first one is arm and shoulder which friggin means she’s alive till the second bite and after the burning part too 😭 I’ll be honest I really didn’t like grrm’s end for Rhaenyra :((

21:48 UTC


Total number of dragons

Ryan Condal, one of the showrunners, said this:

"So Sunfyre had to exist as a cut above that would be recognized as distinctly beautiful within a world that has 17 other dragons running around."

Does this basically confirm that the show will feature 18 dragons in total or perhaps he is just talking about the other dragons alive during season 2 and more can hatch later on (Shrykos, Morhgul, Morning).

I could potentially see them cutting the 3 mentioned above since they aren’t really that important and having Dreamfyre, Syrax, Tyraxes and maybe Stormcloud killed during the Storming of the Dragon Pit is impactful enough. I say Stormcloud since he supposedly hatches during this season therefore making him way too small to save Aegon III at the Gullet. Rhaena could also take over Nettles role in the show and claim Sheepstealer since it’s pretty odd how all the other dragon seeds claim their dragons this season and it seems she won’t appear with them. Plus she’s close to Daemon being his daughter and it would give her a bigger role in the show so she isn’t overshadowed by her sister Baela as much.

This would be my guess for the 18 dragons that will feature in the show:

Arrax Cannibal Caraxes Dreamfyre Grey Ghost Meleys Moondancer Seasmoke Sheepstealer Silverwing Stormcloud Sunfyre Syrax Tessarion Tyraxes Vermax Vermithor Vhagar

20:45 UTC


Aegon (Tom Glynn Carney) and Aemond (Ewan Mitchell) height difference

In the show, Aemond is portrayed as roughly half a foot taller than Aegon, (TGC) who is taller than EM in real life - Do you think this was a shooting/creative choice to depict Aemond as the stronger/healthier "warrior" of the Greens and Aegon as the drunken slouching unfit member of the Greens?

20:30 UTC


When someone says they like HOTD

Black or Green

20:16 UTC


Will there be any scenes that come close to this level of universal satisfaction?

17:56 UTC


"We have nothing in common" "She is our sister" Targaryen family in a nutshell

16:35 UTC


With ASOIAF appearing to be HBO's flagship show, do you want more or less fantasy components?

I see many on TikTok and Twitter say they are excited for Dunk & Egg but less so for Aegon's Conquest. I see the reasoning against The Conquest (Aegon and his sisters basically steamroll everyone minus Dorne into submission) and appreciate the desire to keep an element of secrecy and mythos, but I've seen many against it due to them wanting ASOIAF to be more a political drama. I see ASOIAF as a fantasy series first and foremost and hated how GOT tried to stray away from the fantasy elements. What are your thoughts?

View Poll

13:55 UTC


Did GRRM's initial works not include Caraxes? (Please explain this old reddit post)

As someone who started following the GoT universe since 2020, I'm not sure of how exactly our knowledge of the Targaryens has progressed over the years with GRRM's book releases. While I haven't read Fire and Blood (for obvious spoiler reasons), I have an idea of the events preceding the show.

I recently came across this old Reddit post from 2016 (linked below) while trying to find out which 6 dragons went north during the reign of Jahaerys I.

While some of the dragon riders and timelines are a bit off in the comments, (which is understandable assuming Fire and Blood was not published in its entirety) the most striking bit is that there isn't a single mention of Caraxes, made even more surprising given Aemon Targaryen and his death have been discussed in the comments.

Tried to Google but couldn't find a proper explanation of the order in which GRRM fleshed out his HOTD characters. Would really appreciate it if someone could throw light on this.

Link to Old Reddit post on 6 dragons going north

13:39 UTC


This had absolutely no business being as hot as it was..

12:23 UTC


Made a similar post for Jace not too long ago, what are yalls expectations for Baela and Rhaena's characters in season 2?

10:39 UTC


Talking to a casual fan.

So, yesterday I was talking to a friend of mine.

She had already watched GOT and recently finished HOTD. She was a fan, but she hadn't read the books or discussed the series online or anything.

She zeroed in on two points:

1.She didn't understand why Viserys had suddenly changed his mind about the succession in his deathbed. (She also didn't think Aegon is a good candidate.)

I had to correct her misunderstanding. Apparently her husband hadn't understood either.

  1. She didn't understand why Rhaenyra's children were dark-haired when Alicent's children and Aegon's bastards weren't.

To that I just replied "bad luck" and I reminded her Jon Snow was a dark-haired Targaryen.

All in all, she had loved HOTD and was awaiting for next season. She said her favorite character was Daemon, who she hadn't quite liked in the first episodes but had changed her mind after "the war on the Free Cities" as she called it.

She said the moment that had shocked her the most, even more than Luke's death, was Rhaenyra's stillbirth. (She's a mother of two, so I guess that's logical). All in all she complained there had been too many birth scenes.

One thing that called my attention is that she told me her husband had speculated Aemond had something to do with the White Walkers (the blue eye, I gues ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )>!​!<

10:25 UTC


Could it really be possible?

09:40 UTC


Viserys is a hypocrite

02:41 UTC


Does anyone know why these two are shipped so hard?

This has got to be the second most popular (atleast show-wise) ship there is. Why is that? Equally outcast children? Equally treated poorly? The moments of electricity/silence between them? What's up?

01:14 UTC


Daemon Targaryen and Laena Velaryon (@chillyravenart)

00:26 UTC


Aegon is so repelled by Viserys here

22:46 UTC


Like Fr, come on cat!

20:07 UTC


More HOTD rankings from Harry Collett 😂

18:49 UTC

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