The home of homemade porn! Please read the rules before posting.
All content must contain nudity or sexual acts. Posts that fail to meet the theme of the sub will result in the user being banned. Sucking a dildos fully clothed or rubbing over clothes do not count.
Content must be made by the people who appear in it and with a production team. This is not an "amateur" only sub and we allow content creators to post so long as their content is homemade.
Professional studio content designed to look homemade will be removed.
Submitting underage content will result in a ban and you'll be reported to reddit staff.
Consent is sexy. GET SOME!
If we suspect that one or more participants are unaware that they're being filmed, you submission will be removed.
No mentioning or hinting to paid sites or social media.
No mentioning dms.
Watermarks must match your REDDIT username exactly. Do not post watermarks that begin with "@" as this does not pertain to Reddit.
If your Reddit username has anything related to paid sites in it you are not permitted to post.
Videos must have sound and gifs do not have sound.
Imgur no longer allows NSFW content and this is a porn/nude sub.
Approved domains include but are not limited to i.redd.it, Redgifs, lensdump, catbox.moe, and vidble.
You're allowed to post multiple times per day but please do not post all at once and space them out.
Posting the same content and/or title to multiple subs in a row or in a short amount of time is considered spam. Spam accounts will be banned.
Titles that have no relation the content in any way will be removed.
This includes comments that:
Shitty comments will result in a permanent ban. Someone else breaking a rule doesn't justify you writing a shitty comment. Just report it and move on.
We take this very seriously and you'll always get caught so don't put your account at risk. It's very easy to tell when someone is buying upvotes and you will be banned from Reddit.