Spice and Wolf's Best Girl
This is a subreddit where users can pay tribute to Holo, the heroine of Spice and Wolf.
All posts must be related to Holo.
Be respectful to Holo, Spice and Wolf, and other users.
Don't spam, shitpost, or submit other low-effort content.
Whenever possible, give credit to the original artist when posting an image.
Tag NSFW content accordingly. Images that show any sort of sex act are not allowed.
All content from the light novels that has not been adapted in the anime is considered a spoiler and must be tagged. Tagging works as follows:
[This is a spoiler](/spoiler) appears as This is a spoiler.
Reposts will be removed at the discretion of the moderators.
Check out /r/SpiceandWolf for more Holo-related content.