Explorations of the Paranormal, UFOs, Ancient Cultures, Cryptozoology, Consciousness, Futurism, Fringe Science, Anomalies, Animal Mutilations, and instances of High Strangeness.
Explorations of the Paranormal, UFOs, Ancient Cultures, Cryptozoology, Consciousness, Futurism, Fringe Science, Anomalies, Animal Mutilations, and instances of High Strangeness.
"Ridicule is not a part of the scientific method and the public should not be taught that it is."
-J. Allen Hynek
“People with a psychological need to believe in marvels are no more prejudiced and gullible than people with a psychological need not to believe in marvels.”
-Charles Fort
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2. Posts and comments must focus on High Strangeness related subjects.
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We are waking up to the fact that we actually do not have immaculate perception of all things. Some things we're seeing are very weird. Did you know in Old English weird meant destiny? But what is our destiny?https://kanietzsche.substack.com/p/immaculate-perception-of-all-things?r=54qn9f&utm\_campaign=post&utm\_medium=web&triedRedirect=true
Jan 24 2am NW Alabama facing east
I spent forever stabilizing this because I thought it was the world’s slowest asteroid and I was about to die so I stopped focusing on the recording and considered running? Like that would have been helpful.
Anyway… it was a different one for me.
Why is it that every time someone talks about UFO, we get the same complaint about bad footage? There are people out there saying they can summon UAP whenever they want, but we never get to see a decent video. If that’s true, why don’t they just get a real camera with a decent zoom and finally capture one of these things up close? Why not show the world some undeniable proof of an alien craft? Just get the right gear, no editing, no cropping. I shouldn’t have to watch a blurry clip with red circles telling me where to look. I should be able to see everything clearly in the raw footage. Honestly, this should be the easiest proof to get if they really can do what they say. And it should’ve been done years ago because, let’s be real, this isn’t exactly new. I know this has been brought up before, but it always comes back. So many reports talk about gadgets acting all weird around these things, almost like they have some “anti capture” field. Could this be stopping us from filming them clearly, like how we can’t see black holes directly, but we can tell they’re there by how they mess with everything around them? What if these objects are actually from a future timeline? Maybe beings from the future are watching us to make sure we don’t accidentally transfer future tech to the present. High quality photos and videos could give away their advanced tech, so they block that from happening. This would suggest there’s something like a “time police” keeping everything in check. Grusch mentioned recovery programs for crashed UFO, but what if those programs are actually run by these future beings? They might not be able to stop these anomalies from showing up in our timeline, but they’re definitely managing them, keeping things stable and hiding any info about what’s really going on. What we’re seeing could just be glitches, rogue probes, or even planned events to push humanity toward the future they want. Maybe they just didn’t bother cleaning up their mess properly. Why are the best smartphone cameras good only for capturing things 300 feet away? Anything beyond that is just digital garbage. People don’t carry around telephoto lenses, do they? And when UFO are filmed, it’s usually because there’s some field around the craft that messes with everything, including light. It’s the same kind of thing that lets them zip from air to water without slowing down. This happens with drones too people try to get close, and the drone just turns off. If these UFOs have tech way ahead of ours, it’s not hard to imagine they can mess with our gear so we can’t get clear footage, right? Seems pretty logical to me. And then there’s Bigfoot… there are actually a lot of UFO sightings where people also say they saw Bigfoot. Call me crazy, but it’s been noticed. Maybe Bigfoot is just another alien with the same tech as the others. I think different kinds of aliens have different roles on Earth. Bigfoot looks like a wild animal, so maybe he’s allowed to do more “fieldwork.” The greys, though, are humanoid and not as good at blending in, so we only see them sometimes, usually near their ships. The more exotic ones big reptiles or mantises i’ve heard they’re only seen on the ships, probably because they’re too messed up to do any “fieldwork.” I’m not sure what to think, but it seems pretty likely that their insane speed and propulsion mess with the light around their ships, making them harder to see. Plus, distance is definitely a factor. We never seem to capture them up close, and people who do have close encounters often talk about losing equipment or having their devices malfunction. This all points to some tech that blocks us from capturing these objects, something we could call a “denial field.” Maybe they really are blurry. If they’re using a propulsion system that creates a gravitational bubble, the light around them would get bent. And all of these sightings? They’re probably under strict control by whoever (or whatever) is behind this. There’s no way these things are accidentally captured on camera. They approach us like we would a wild animal slow and careful and then they just vanish into thin air.
I might be wrong. I might be right. I don't care. This is what I think. Together we, we meaning anyone who is conscious, we are all all collectively imagining reality. It's like mass psychosis or I dream that everybody's under while they're awake. People aren't meant to work 1/3 of their life, sleep one third of their life and only have 1/3 of their life for everything else. The more people that wake up from this, the more weird s*** that's going to keep happening. I'm talking real weird the last time this happened was probably what destroyed all the mega structures. The first Nation or the first civilization, the one that came before us, the one that they lie to us about. About. I think it's on us to break the matrix. Like Rick and Morty throwing the simulation off by overwhelming it.
I mean this is so cool.
Who can figure out the first story let alone the second?
Thank you Intelligent-Sign2693 and apocalypsebuddy for uploading the first part 2 video of this.
I found that if you use opera on desktop you can watch the videos without having to sign up for ticktock, with this link:
I took an hours worth of screen capture video to record all of them incase his account gets nuked, and will be posting these on all the sub reddit and all over the web. If you have had your doubts about the orbs and ''drnz'' this guy and other friends in Delaware recorded hours worth of video and did lives with these crafts and orbs shape shifting and morphing, there is no way this is faked, and they even post the spot in the daytime with a loud airplane to give a comparison. He communicates with them, they understand us, they are massive and they are, I do think without a doubt, NHI.
Yes it's late and I'm high. Hence I'm posting in high strangeness. But I'm just thinking to myself I recently watched several of the videos of the entire interviews with Jacob Barber and some of his compatriots. And many of them (along with others in the UFO community) have said something is going to happen in the next few days that will be undeniable to ignore.
I know Wichita is home to many various aerospace companies. I remember visiting in-laws down there and seeing military Jets doing circles over the city and being told they were just normal "tests". So I'm sure there are numerous defense contractors that have a presence in wichita. And of course Washington DC would be a logical destination for some of these aerospace and defense people.
I mean if you want something in the public eye, the plane crash gets everybody's attention all around the world. What if we find out that there were one or two or multiple people affiliated with the aerospace/defense industry on that plane? What if any of them are involved in disclosure?
From everything I'm saying at this point about 6 hours after the crash it appears like the Blackhawk ran into the airplane. Stepping way out there on the edges of fringe, is it possible that the military was trying to silence somebody on that plane?
Again, full disclosure it's late, I'm high... And using voice to text so I'm sure this is going to be full of punctuation and grammatical errors. But I couldn't sit here and not at least want to get this on the record this is my first thoughts of this whole situation.
In other words: Soul Reincarnation within parent – child line legacy.
Soul is certain set of potentially possible effects of soul holder, available during life time, that was realized through the real computational step of now moment or is planned to be realized with a certain level of probability. During birth-death period.
What is Soul made of? It is made from the same “fabric” our plans are made from.
Our making plans for future are full of uncertainty that is also a feature of quantum objects. Particles or waves? Will it really happen or not? You will get to the office today or you probably stay home and text everyone you are sick? No one knows until you choose an action, and somebody will observe it. In order for it to effect reality.
Depends who asks. Depends on you. Depends on what you plan to do about it, so it can happen.
Sooner or later your body will give up and you will defiantly answer “wave”. No longer a particle. Your personal GOD machine (Generator Of Dramaturgy) will be decomposed and you will effect reality in a more passive way, it will no longer be changing at your demand.
Whoever is an original GOD transmitter into our world, they are controlling this reality through the power of natural need of “event” to happen. And if we look closely into the Soul with its fate we can see that roughly fate of closest generation relatives is metaphorically speaking overlapped. If looking in 2D.
So we can speculate that it is the same original Soul and fate holder, being born roughly every 25-30 years, overlapping reality for 60 year and that they are being reborn as a new human with the same set of genes as a main scenario of life.
But amazing thing happens here! Time, the fourth dimension of reality separates the whole story of a fate holder soul to a separate “still images” like in a cinema. And the rate of our reality cinema is 1 Planck’s time, the shortest possible time.
Every time same Soul reincarnates it gains changes through the 60 years of life, it gains experience of interconnection with other Soul holders and entities in objective reality universe. And most important: with itself! As a parent and a child. You interact with yourself to teach how to exist in this 4D reality. That is why kids and parents are different, but somewhat the same.
That is why life feels as a journey, that is why it is finite. There cannot be finite life time of dramaturgy (character-way-goal capsule) as a meaning, as a driver by itself. Stereotype (archetype) doesn’t have and expiration date. Santa Claus and Ronald McDonald are bodiless, timeless, multidimensional beasts who reincarnate in bones and flash at kids parties all over the world!
Human soul just dives into the wave of reality as a set of reincarnations, multiplied as many times as possible.
This quantum entangled state of same Soul holder, same “person” in different people helps to explain paradox of where are all new souls coming if they are reincarnated? It is just the same Soul holder that “dives” into our reality with as many parts of his multidimensional body as they want. Or regarding to other limitations such as high density of dramaturgical entities on Earth. There are too many ideas for the small Earth and its 8 billion main actors. Only best stories survive and come to live. They get millions of views through social media in a minute. That complex social media structure is the apex of human creation. The ability to bring idea, narrative, story, to a real time action! The event of getting to the set goal.
For a reference, in Hinduism, it is believed that all souls are part of the divine and eternal consciousness, often referred to as "Brahman." Souls are not created or destroyed; rather, they undergo a continuous process of reincarnation as they move through different life forms based on their karma (the cumulative effects of their actions and choices).
In Hindu philosophy, the ultimate goal is to break free from the cycle of reincarnation by attaining self-realization, spiritual enlightenment, and union with Brahman. As individuals progress spiritually, they are believed to move closer to liberation and escape the cycle of birth and rebirth.
Secret knowledge of Hinduism might be the fact that at the end everyone should get enlightenment and unite with Brahman, that means entropy should continue till the end when everything is the same body of Brahman. Without each quant of space engaged in it there is no united domain Brahman! So hurry up with that entropy, guys.
For example Mongol ruler Chinggis Khan is a relative of large amount of living mongols. He is 25 times grand grandpa of millions of people today. He had hundreds of kids. So in our framework he was a single Multidimensional dramaturgy potential (Dp)Soul holder who possesses the maximum “windows” into our world. His genetic scenario is seen in many mongols today. But off course that’s scenario Dp is decomposed through time by natural repulsion of other existing Dp in a shared observed universe.
We can see that through the time Multidimensional Dp Soul holders changed their strategy of effecting objective reality of humans.
At the time of Chinggis Khan it was effective to spread Dp like that. You could literally effect large territories, killing, burning, raping, learning, stealing and so on. Do some crazy dramaturgical stuff that was probably consumed by a higher dimensional viewers as a gore Santa Barbara style content.
But now times have changed! Corporations are most effective. Multidimensional Dp Soul holders don’t need people to be relatives anymore! Corporations of many varieties join people together so they serve a united dramaturgical goal.
We can imagine united colors of Benetton style dramaturgy as a fundamental message of higher dimensional GODs into our world. What they really want from us. To be as unique as possible. Each end every one of us should be SAME UNIQUE.
End I know “someone” who loves that approach. Entropy. Entropy poetically speaking wants each single quant of space to become different from everything else! And to make it the only quality of each quant of space. Making it the same general quality of every quant (atom of space) in the universe.
Creating the general foam of bubbles of a minimum possible size. So small, that the only quality of that single unique bubble would be the fact it is different and separate from the next bubble around.
Eventually make them all the same. Isn’t it higher strangeness?
All this is a computational dramaturgy framework. A branch of process philosophy. Here are more wild thought experiments on SSRN: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4530090
And video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/22kuYSZUdqY?si=3_Dna76oe9m90Odb