
Photograph via snooOG

A subreddit about hidden object type casual games.

Reddit Channel for Hidden Object Games. These are reddit member submitted Hidden Object Games chosen and voted on by the reddit community

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If you found us, you probably already know this, but here are some videos that describe what Hidden Object Games are:

Extra Credits

Discussion about immersion from a casual gaming convention

A funny look at HO games in real life

Another funny look at HO games in real life


Related websites you may like:

Big Fish - Top Quality Hidden Object Games from various studios.

TheGamerStop - Online HOGs not the best storyline's but good for a quick game.

Seek & Find - Amazon App Store



2,315 Subscribers


Looking for games like The Treasures of Mystery island?

Hi, i've got a taste for a niche within a niche and so have trouble finding what i'm looking for. I'd like a hidden object game where you collect pieces of items rather than actual items themselves.
For the prime example of gameplay is treasures of mystery island, i recall there was another similar game when i was a child but i dont remember the name. Still, gives me hope similar games are out there. Hope to hear some recommendations :]

22:41 UTC


Anywhere to get the Nightmares From the Deep series?

The games were taken down from all storefronts a little while ago, but are there any pirating sites where they're still up?

20:19 UTC


Looking for game recommendations. Alice in wonderland adaptations

Hi im looking alice in wonderland ho games. Please give me your recommendations Preferably a bit darker ones thanks

11:47 UTC


Nightshade Mysteries: Eternal Moon now has free playable demo on Steam!

1 Comment
08:28 UTC


Anyone else played the Frogwares Dracula and Sherlock Holmes HOPAs? They are so underrated.

Okay, these are easily some of my favorite HOPAs ever, and I don't think they get a lot of attention, and both are on steam. Frogwares is a game company that specializes in old fashion point and click and does have a Dracula and Sherlock adventure game series.

However, they did two HOPA games, and honestly, they are some of my all-time fav ones, and I don't think they get the attention they deserve. I never heard them mentioned. The company's background in traditional point and click really helped give the games a unique feel that I haven't seen in other HOPAs. I so recommend them both.

Admittedly, neither follow the original books at all. I've read both Dracula and Baskerville (Along with the entire Sherlock canon) Sherlock is nothing like Baskerville and the Dracula one has more in common with Gary Oldman than Stocker. But both are great games. I think people need to give them a try.

Plus, they go on sale on steam all the time if you wait.

I don't usually advertise games, but I feel these are such hidden gems, they need to be talked about.

20:41 UTC


What are your favorite game series?

What are series that you enjoy playing? I admit I haven't been that loyal to series, but can you guys tell me your favorite series and why? Any series you think are must plays?

I enjoy Dark Parables, though I need to finish the series, never got beyond Swan Princess.

Also, enjoying Cursed Fables for it's....unique take on fairy tales. This series is bonkers even by HOPA standards.

I have a soft spot for Grim Legends, because those were some of my first hidden object games. What about the rest of you?

Edit: I also enjoy the Dark City games as well.

20:43 UTC


What did you play this week? And your thoughts.

Might as well make it a thing.

I had a bit of a late start this week, and didn’t get to as many as I liked, but on the other hand from the games I did play, I thoroughly enjoyed.

Shadow Wolf Mysteries: Curse of the Full Moon

Okay, really, really loved this one. Great older game with beautiful graphics that have aged like wine, with an interesting story and tons of HO scenes. I really liked the universal monster movie atmosphere as well. I give it a solid B. Clearly, a lot of love went into this.

EDIT: Also, this is the only HOPA I can remember where you throw a rock at an animal. Most hopa avoid any harm to animals. You throw a rock at the raven to make it go away. Other games it's paper or noise makers you use. Just surprised me you got to use a rock.

Shadow Wolf Mysteries: Bane of the Family

Okay, I seriously loved this game! After, the being pretty disappointed by my last round of games, the Shadow Wolf Mysteries is sure making up for it. I loved the art, the puzzles were fun and unique, not to mention the HO scenes were to die for in beauty. Also, really enjoyed the story the game gave. I love the Gaslamp gothic/universal monster mashup thing they got going.

I only have two complaints was that more puzzles needed reset buttons, and I did have to look up walkthroughs because the hint button was often pretty useless. But I will excuse it due to age. I give it a A.

I am glad I gave the Shadow Wolf Mysteries a chance. They are a breath of fresh air over last week’s duds. I will continue to play more. Iplay games has all, but one of the series, but that’s okay. I will still enjoy the series.

1 Comment
19:02 UTC


Trying to find an old game [Rita James and the Race to Shangri La]

I recently felt very nostalgic about a particular hidden-object game I played at my grandmother's house when I was younger, titled "Rita James and the Race to Shangri La." It's from Big Fish Games, but the handful of links to it I can find online default back to Big Fish's home page rather than a specific page for this game, and nothing relevant comes up on their website when you search key words. I was wondering if anyone knows if it's still possible to download it from somewhere?

12:57 UTC


[RANT] Is it just me or are the newest HOG games just lame?:(

I used to play lots of hidden object games, but now I barely even play them anymore. I used to think that maybe because I played so many that I just finally got sick of them, but no, that's not it. They actually just suck now.

The newest ones have such boring storyline, half-assed, repetitive puzzles and what's worst, very few hidden-object segments(even though they're suppose to be the main meat of the game).

I don't know what is going on with this genre, it's like the devs just don't try anymore.

11:30 UTC


Looking for games like house of the 1000 doors

I'm kinda new to the genre, i played the whole 1000 doors series countless times, but don't know any more games like that so im looking for recommendations. I like family secrets the most, the second one is also great. The bloody mary part is cool af. But also the vibe of the house in general. The last one was also nice in its own way. I didn't liked it as part of the series, but i think on its own it could've been great. I liked the knew kind of puzzles and the fantasy and steampunk vibes.

I also just downloaded Sacra Terra angelic night and Sherlock holmes the hound of the Baskervilles, because i read about them here. Started with sacra terra today and i like it alot, even tho i would like to find some stuff thats more mystery/fantasy, maybe fairy tale like, something magical, and less horror but i can be dark. I just like the aesthetic of witches and wizards, dark houses, libraries, fantasy creatures, and poisons. If that makes sense lol.

I'm happy about any recommendation!

02:15 UTC


Help finding game

I am having trouble remembering this game. I played it way back. Its a hidden object game about detectives trying to solve the murder of someone blonde daughter. She was killed in her bedroom and it was raining outside. i finish the game and i think her mother was the one who did it . It had many levels of finding hidden objects, running lab test, and talking to subjects. I think it was based in new york but im not sure. I also think there were two detectives, one male and on female. Please if you can

02:20 UTC


Hidden in my Paradise, cozy hidden-object adventure with decoration is now available on Switch, Steam and Mobile!

1 Comment
17:54 UTC


I know this was asked a year ago, but scariest Big Fish games recs?

Doesn’t necessarily have to be form BFG, that’s just where I’ve gotten them. Off the top of my head, the more scary ones I have played:

Haunted Halls 1-3

Small Town Terrors-Livingston

Theatre of the Absurd

Weird Park: Broken Tune

Stray Souls: Dollhouse Story

Enigmatis 1-3

16:16 UTC


HOG like Mystery Case Files

Hello everyone,

I guess this question may have been asked several times before, but I can't find a good post on it.

I'm currently playing the whole MCF series and wanted to ask you all if there are some HOG in a similar style!!!

I just like that kind of darkness and mystery. Most of the time I see similar HOG games, but they're not as complex and too much in a childish and comic style if you know what I mean. Would be cool if some suggestions come together here or posts from the past that you already know.

16:04 UTC


Fantasy hidden-object game with interactive level elements! Demo out now!

07:16 UTC


Do you have a preference for old or newer HOPA games? Or does it matter?

I have heard people say they don't like new HOPA games because they are too easy compared to the old. And some seem to say nothing bad about new or old.

What about you?

I will admit I tend to prefer newer games, not that I can't enjoy old ones. But my thing is that a lot of older ones, (Like those who were released on discs) tend to have pretty poor graphic design. The early dark parable games for instance often had objects that blended way too easily into the rest of the HO scene for me to find all of them without a hint. So, that can be frustrating and a negative towards old ones.

But on the other hand, I've seen many older HOPA that have surprised me with how well they've aged, like wine, but there are still plenty that are vinegar with how the graphics aged.

So, I guess I lean towards new, but I don't mind old depending on quality.

What about you?

23:58 UTC


What HOPA games did you play this week? And your thoughts?

I decided to start keeping track of how many books I read and how many HOPA plays I week. Those are my main hobbies. I am doing this to try to better manage my free time better and to not be as chronically online as I usually am. I did only manage one book, but it was "Kingdom of Ash" and three HOPAs, but personally I feel I could have done better.

Anyway, I played the Dark Tales: Edgar Allen Poe games due to my love of classic lit and it's Halloween, so it gives me an excuse to finally start reading more Poe.

The games,

1.Dark Tales: Edgar Allen Poe: Metzengerstein

Easily, my favorite game I played this week. Very fun, well made, and I enjoyed the HOPA scenes and puzzles a lot. Sadly, though I can't say much about the others

2.Dark Tales: Edgar Allen Poe: Murder In The Rue Morgue.

OKAY! This game, easily one of the worse HOPAs I've ever played. It is so badly designed. Like there is one scene where there are two HOPA scenes, so I didn't think it mattered which one you played first, but it DOES. I played one, and at the end, to get the last object, I needed a button from the other HO scenes, so I left that scene, did the other, got the object, and finally completed both of them. And also, lots of repeat objects. Like in a kitchen scene, I was supposed to find a pot, but the scene has like five pots, so I endlessly clicked pots.

Unless, you have to play all the Dark Tales games, then PLEASE skip it. It's terrible.

  1. Dark Tales: Edgar Allen Poe: Fall Of The House of Usher.

This one was okay, not a favorite, I felt it could have been better. It came across as clunky, especially at the start, and I felt there was room to improve, but the game does get better in it's latter half. But I still felt pretty meh to it. I skipped a lot of puzzles which is rare for me. When I skip puzzles, it means I just want the game to be other.

This week, I'll work more on getting productive hobbies in my leisure time. Hopefully, I might get some more in, but reading is still more important to me.

ANYWAY, that's my list. What about your's? Can anyone tell me what you played this week and your thoughts on the games?

20:35 UTC


Horror HOGs/P&Cs recommendations!

This is my favourite time of year to play horror HOGs!!!

I just played Maze: Subject 360 and deeply enjoyed a game that tried very hard to scare me! Fun plot and great voice acting!!

What are your favourite horror HOGs/Point-&-Clicks to play around this time of year?

I also recommend:

14:12 UTC


Why play Hidden Object Games?

Hi, I'm pretty new to this genre of video games and got curious what draws you to this type of game over other games? I've seen mentions online that it's because Hidden Object Games are more casual or some like the 'it makes me feel smart' aspect of it.

But what really drew you to HOGs?

04:08 UTC


Looking for a horror style HOG I played as a kid

I don't remember too much of the setting but I think I played as a detective investigating an abandoned town, but perhaps it was just that one house that was left. What I remember the most was looking in the bathroom of the house and opening a bathroom cabinet, and when I closed it a horrid face of a ghost was in the mirror behind me. I remember being so shit scared that my parents said I turned white xD I don't think I finished it after that because I was too scared but I'm taking a shot in the dark that someone will somehow be able to tell me what it was called. If anything does anyone have recommendations for a good scare HOG ?

16:54 UTC


Find the Least Halloween-y Icon

14:22 UTC


Amazing Fix, Then and Now

02:47 UTC


Best game of 2024

I used to play lots of HOG games years ago, and from time to time I still find an urge to play something. I reached for good old studios like elephant games, but daaaaamn their newer games sucks! Played thru their first Crossroad game today as I'm sick and in bed whole day, but gosh what happened to good story and logic behind object combinations and their usage?

Tldr: best story driven hog of 2024 worth playing.

18:56 UTC



I can not find a hidden object game I used to play all I can remember was a very messy house and there were different rooms messy bathroom with a shower curtain and in the garden, there was some wind spinner thing and a car there was also a room which let sunlight in on the left and there was plants, vague I know but I miss it please help. it was just on google

12:08 UTC


Why do you love HOPA games?

HOPA games are my favorite games. I do play JRPGs, farming simulators, and traditional point and click games on occasion, but HOPA is my favorite genre. I thought of reasons why that is in no particular order.

The games are gorgeous. I will die on the hill that HOPA games have the most beautiful art of any game genre. A huge reason I play is that I just love looking at the backgrounds and art. I personally really, really dislike when they add 3D animation, it looks so terrible. Stick to 2D!

I just like the chillness of them. There isn't the competitive aspect, no fighting, and you can get hints and even skip puzzles if you want with no penalty. It is just a way to enjoy a game without the pressures of most games. It's just so relaxing.

I am getting older, and I like that they challenge my mind more than say a combat-based game would with their puzzles and HO scenes. I think they do strength my cognitive function which is why I rarely skip puzzles or ask for hints in HO scenes. I do believe that puzzle-based games are great for keeping your brain sharp. Which is why I try to shoot for 30 minutes to an hour a day playing them.

I also love how weird they often get. As someone who has always enjoyed the strange and odd, it's just another bonus to me. A lot of people hate the weirdness of HOPA, but I personally enjoy it and the weirder the better.


17:23 UTC


What is the game...

That had as locations, 'gendarmerie', "blue rose lane", "antique store", "clock tower" to name a few. It also had mini games to play like banishing the fire salamander, the leprechaun that wandered around the map as a bush! Every now and again there would be tournaments that rotated through 4 locations. They were the Treasury, The burial vault, the museum and the pirate ship. I cannot remember the name of this game, Google search comes up with nothing and it's driving me crazy. So, I turn to the experts here! Thanks

17:04 UTC


Cannot find this game.

I'm not sure if this was a hidden object game but I remember there might have been some match 3 elements to it. You play as a girl, who I think was frozen at the start of the game. You unfreeze her and she ends up befriending a talking fire sprit. In the match 3 part of the game, matching the objects makes the fire spirit grow on the left side of the screen and clicking it once its strong enough destroys an area in the match 3 area. This was a while ago, possibly 10 years ago. I think I played it on WildTangent.

23:55 UTC


Storefronts other than Big Fish?

My aunt goes through HOGs at an...impressive speed. She had a stroke about a year ago, and they help her with her recovery.

She's quickly approaching the end of the Big Fish catalogue (in at least trying everything that appeals, as some thing remain too complex/give her a headache).

This morning I've installed Flashpoint, and set up their library of HOGs, but I believe a lot of those (if not the majority?) are relatively short/movie-tie-ins/promos etc, which she'll easily finish in one session.

Demos/trials are a must, as she needs to actually try something to know if it's within her capacity.

Would prefer games that can be downloaded, rather than played on websites, as that adds a needless layer of complexity for her.

Thanks. :)

00:13 UTC


Public service announcement. Prime weekly giveaways.

If you have a Amazon Prime membership, you get a bunch of free games every week. Often you'll find HOG's among them, this week it's Mystery Case Files - Black Crown.


17:50 UTC

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