Anything involving beastiality, but drawn.
All Text Posts or Polls not by Mods will be removed and will result in a ban Welcome to /r/HentaiBeast, a subreddit for drawn and/or animated bestiality. Be sure to read all rules before posting, and make sure you're posting relevant material. Personal insults aren't allowed, and anything can be removed at the mod teams discretion without warning. If you have an issue or feel that your post or comment was removed unnecessarily, please feel free to message the mods.
This subreddit does not condone the abuse of animals in any way.
Related Subreddits
/r/hentai for generic drawn porn
/r/hentaiknot for specifically dog and werewolf porn
/r/monstermen for... monster men.
/r/insex for insect porn
/r/orc34 for orc porn
/r/monstersex for generic monster porn
/r/gameovergirls for "bad end" type porn, usually involving monsters, tentacles, and insects
/r/tentai for generic tentacle fucking
/r/consentacles for consensual tentacle fucking
/r/oviposition for egg laying via tentacles or insects
/r/vore for people being eaten (warning, mostly furry porn rather than beast porn)
/r/beastfiction for bestiality erotica.
/r/Futa_Hentai for drawn chicks with dicks
/r/HentaiManga for all hentai comics
/r/yiff for non-feral anthropomorphic animal people. Please direct all non-bestiality furry porn here. This subreddit is for bestiality, not random furry porn.