Welcome to r/Hellenism_Paganism, which falls under the umbrella term as Paganism. Whether you worship the Olympians, Titans, a single god or goddess, or a cross combination from Hellenistic and another culture. You are welcome here. We do not have strict rules or judge. This group will also allow debates and talks on Ancient Greek herbology, science, alchemy, and etc.
I don't have a decent candle for her yet, but I got a honey candle as a gift. I would like to give it to her until I can make her own candle with mugwort, bay leaf, etc. But I don't know if she likes honey.
Would any of you be interested in joining a discord server for learning, helping other worshippers, and just hanging out?
The truth be told: most hellenists don't represent the gods nor the Olympus
Being against talking about the theocommunism and theosocialism of the gods and being against countering pop culture (like God of War series and such) at the same time permabanning people for not supporting Ukraine, the US, the EU, NATO, and the Imperial Core.
Still well not all helleninists are pro-Ukraine, pro-US, pro-EU, and pro-NATO. And that there are helleninists who are just like this https://archive.is/frIb4 .
Hellenism =/= Pro-Ukraine, Pro-US, Pro-EU, and Pro-NATO
Human nations and human countries are temporary, but the gods and their heavens/abodes are eternal.
The truth be told. Long live theocommunism! Long live theosocialism! Long live the Olympian gods! Long live the Olympus!
Seriously, I simply can't take how much helleninists are pro-Ukraine and that all helleninists are forced to be pro-Ukraine... Both Russia, Ukraine, the US, the EU, and NATO are imperialist countries that make the working class to suffer.
Ukraine is nor even a hellenist country and they're literally persecuting the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. It looks like that most hellenists are more worried into unconditinally supporting Ukraine, the US, the EU, and NATO instead of fighting pop culture and the like.
I dunno if it is related to hellenism, but nowadays it is pretty common the use of the Omega letter as "might makes right" and "destroy entire countries and kills millions of people". As I have seen on God of War series games (I know that series is full of lies about the gods, but they still use the Omega symbol as symbol of their far-right villain-protagonist that most people think he's a "hero"; deicidals are always villains (the bad guys) and the gods are always heroes (the good guys), no matter what), as well as on Polcompball and Polandball for "Kraterocracy", and even in some hypothetical and purposed warning signs where the Omega symbol stands for "Existential Threat".
So, I ask it here. Is it an actual thing from the Ancient Greek religion? If yes, why isn't the Omega treated as a far-right symbol as it was supposed to be? How would the last letter of the Greek alphabet have a modern-day meaning even worse than the Swastika have nowadays? At least the Nazi Swastika is different from the Buddhist Swastika. While the Might Makes Right Omega is the same as from the Greek alphabet.
I don't think it is a UPG, but rather something I would call as Mass Shared Personal Gnosis (MSPG) or just Mass Personal Gnosis (MPG), where it is the same as shared personal gnosis (SPG) but about millions of people to billions of people. This thing of Omega as a might makes right (kraterocracy) and extinction (existential threat) symbol is something I would call as Mass Personal Gnosis, also MPG, since there are, at very least, around hundreds of millions of people who thinks the Omega symbol stands for might makes right and existential threat.
Except there are actual proof for the gods?
Ancient Hellenistic philosophy, Modern-Day Hellenistic philosophy, platonism, neoplatonism, goetia, gnosticism, Ancient Hellenistic theology, Modern-Day Hellenistic theology, aristotelianism, metaphysics, spiritual sciences, divine sciences, theological sciences, continental philosophy, postmodernism, personal gnosis, theistic hermeneutics, etc.
If you want to refute these proofs that is one thing. And you’re free to disagree. But saying “there’s no proof of god and gods” or “there’s 0 evidence” is just false.
Antitheists love to harp about “facts” and “logic” yet ignore all the logical evidence for god’s existence… Bare empirical proof and bare scientific evidence isn’t the only form of proof available. And thinking it is, is quite dogmatic.
It is not because there's no material evidence the gods actually walked among us or that they actually lived in the physical Mount Olympus on Greece that mean the gods didn't exist and/or they were disproved. There are several modern-day hellenistic hypothesis on those, coming from the gods didn't want to humans to find in the future they were among humans in the past, from the gods were at divine level but interacting with people at physical level, or even the myths are about a lost history that antitheists say to be "pseudohistory" and the like. There are several other hypothesis. But keeping saying "there's no empirical evidence for the gods" is just very dogmatic, mainly if you think it means the gods didn't exist and don't exist.
About the whole "if the gods real why humans don't have their DNA", we can understand that the gods existed at divine level and everything happened at divine level, or even that the gods wouldn't make it easy for humans to find their DNA within humans themselves. "But the human DNA has already been fully decodified!" As someone who saw some biology explanations at university, I study gemology, yet I also see lots of stuff about oceanography and about animals and plants. We can't surely know how the DNA of the gods are. We would need to have an original sample of the DNA of the gods for we found their DNA within us. So, we may or we may not have the DNA of the gods within our physical bodies, because we haven't collected a sample of the DNA of the gods. Just that simple. And also, we can't forget that the DNA of the gods might be just like the divine spark. So finding the DNA of the gods within us by biological ways would be just like trying to find the divine spark in gemstones by gemological ways. It might be like that as well.
And we can't say for sure if the myths actually didn't happen in our world or if they happened in another universe or dimension. It is this simple. And ancient mythology isn't the same as modern-day pop culture. I don't think I need to write about that because we already have several explanations on why ancient mythologies aren't the same as modern-day pop culture. So, there is a difference between you saying you have actual divine connection with the gods and you're a hellenist than saying you're a demigod because you're a Percy Jackson fan.
Antitheists should stop thinking that hellenists, polytheists, and pagans as a whole are a bunch of people who have never thought about their beliefs critically, while they reject all our ancient theology and our modern-day theology. And antitheists should stop saying that spiritual experiences and personal gnosis are the same as hallucinations and psychosis, as someone with autism, they're not the same. And I think more people here know the difference between both as well.
And not everything can be falsified, just look to theoretical physics; cosmology, metaphysics, string theory, multiverse, dark matter, antimatter, supersymmetry, social sciences, political sciences, economic sciences, legal sciences, complex numbers, logic, rationality, philosophy, etc. So it is just very atheist fundamentalist for antitheists to say that "science disproved the gods", because it is just like saying "biology disproved LGBTQIA+", "biology disproved OTMSN+", "hard sciences disproved soft sciences", etc.
And the gods are everywhere and right here and right now, they're within and outside the universe we live in, and there are lots of theological hypothesis and theories about the gods. So antitheists should stop saying "theists can't prove the existence of their gods" at the same time they just ignore and dismiss all the evidence we show them for our gods.
It's okay to be an atheist, whatever if it is Ancient Greek definition or the French definition (modern-day definition). But being an antitheist is just like being a neopentecostal or a jihadist. So antitheists should stop thinking that we pagans, polytheists, and theists are just dogmatists who never thought about our beliefs critically. It just shows how ignorant antitheists actually are about theology, philosophy, and logic
My family are hardcore Muslims. I'm a closeted Hellenist. I'm afraid that having the portrait in my room will ward off anything that comes from the Gods or Titans or something like that, or I'm disrespecting the Olympians. What can I do?
So, I am not Hellenistic but I am Polytheistic. I whorship a few greek deities and I know a few myths. One being that you shouldn't name your children after a god/goddess because it's seen as hubris. There are many stories of people getting hurt by doing so. My question is, is getting a gods name tattooed on you just as bad or is it ok? I have this idea of a tattoo and its two daimons names (spirits/minor gods ) on my arms. Its a very personally and dear tattoo that I want but I dont want to offend them. Im going to try and contact them to ask if its ok but any advice would be grateful.
Over the next few weeks more content will be added. Every 2 weeks we will update this reddit page. Also, you can post at anytime or message the moderators directly for stuff to be added.
Have an amazing day everyone!
If you’re new to the community, introduce yourself! We are so glad that you have joined, and help make this community thrive and share knowledge on the Hellenism Beliefs, Culture, and Discoveries! This reddit page has tones of information, and if you see something that is missing post about it or let us moderators know and will add it to the Wiki page and our resource section. We are here to help each other on our spiritual paths, as well as learn from each other.
Have a wonderful day! :)
If you’re new to the community, introduce yourself! We are so glad that you have joined, and help make this community thrive and share knowledge on the Hellenism Beliefs, Culture, and Discoveries! This reddit page has tones of information, and if you see something that is missing post about it or let us moderators know and will add it to the Wiki page and our resource section. We are here to help each other on our spiritual paths, as well as learn from each other.
Have a wonderful day! :)
If you’re new to the community, introduce yourself! We are so glad that you have joined, and help make this community thrive and share knowledge on the Hellenism Beliefs, Culture, and Discoveries! This reddit page has tones of information, and if you see something that is missing post about it or let us moderators know and will add it to the Wiki page and our resource section. We are here to help each other on our spiritual paths, as well as learn from each other.
Have a wonderful day! :)