As long as the meme as something to do with Ancient Greece, and is not too political, edgy, or polarizing it's fine, so post away.
All posts must be MEMES and be about the ancient Hellenic world. Posts must be memes on their own, titles on blank templates don't count, since Reddit posts require titles.
If you suspect a reposted meme, please comment "u/repostsleuthbot" on the post & then report it.
Crop excessive blank space off of your images.
The post itself must be a meme. Titles are not taken into consideration.
AI generated images and text are not a meme. You can use an AI image as an ingredient in a meme, but "I gave AI a Hellenic prompt" is not a meme on its own. AI text alone is not a meme, if the post is mostly AI text it's probably not a meme even if you added some visuals.
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