Own high end borosilicate glass? Maybe you like seeing heady, worked pieces? Other subs posting too much prodo/china? Stay a while in headyboro and you'll find out this sub is different than the others.
This is the place to put all your high end glass. Functional, non-functional, it makes no difference, as long as it's heady. We prefer pictures to be clean to appreciate the art better, but it's not a necessity.
This sub is for established artists, and for those who appreciate those artists' many hours and skills behind the torch. Discussion is encouraged as much as pictures and videos. Please post the artists name for those who may not be familiar with their work so they find it outside of this sub.
If you have to ask, it's probably not heady. If you get your post removed, don't be offended, there is just probably a different subreddit that fits the glass better. Refrain from posting any chinese/low end glass, or it will be removed. This is not the place to post your DG, Mobius, etc.
Need places to shop for heady glass? Here's a few to start:
www.aqualabtechnologies.com www.bitfreakglass.com www.wonderlandgalleries.com
This sub is not for buying/selling/trading. Only for appreciation. Please do not advertise on this subreddit.
Check out /r/glasssales for a Reddit-based sales outlet if that's what you're looking for.
Looking for the artist that made this quad uptake recycler, any info is helpful at this point.
I’ve tried reverse google searching this pic, a few artists popped up so I contacted them. Each of them said no unfortunately.
Like I said any info is helpful towards this cold case 🙏🏼
Will the xxl cobra coil work with 25mm buckets? Looking to buy a coil setup but have 2 diffrent styles of bangers Qcb qub 30mm dish and a 25 mm bucket from he
What do you think of this custom tool.?
Made from 9 sections of color
Marble by Stephen Boehme and Conversion Glass
Made by @loudmouthglass
Space man balls!
Happy 710/OIL day find me later @americanhashhole @tetralounge
Space Man Balls are available shoot me a DM to secure one or both.
Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
#paulsballs #spaceman #space #alien #fume #silver #galaxy #paul #sethrogan #spacemanballs #commanderglass #art #marblesofig #marble #universe