
Photograph via snooOG

A mission to spread the great green word across the land. Place your troops in public places and post here. Over!

Your mission, should you choose to accept: to strategically place little Army men throughout your hometown and businesses you come upon along your journeys. Use caution. A misplaced soldier could be discovered and go MIA. You will be asked to share your exploits with us. An insignia should be left on the underside of the base of your soldier. A calling card that will let the world know that we mean business. *This is a covert operation and discretion is advised. *

The official Kbin magazine for the Green Dawn is https://kbin.social/m/GreenDawn/ Don't be tricked by imposters!


  1. Say "over" after every comment. Otherwise there will be confusion in the communications office.

  2. Post pictures of all troop placement. For multiple troops in one specific area, try and create an album so as to not clog mission updates.

  3. Your sector is the country code and then the area phone code in which you reside. Refer to your troops as such. For example, Sector 1-541 is Green Dawn HQ in the great, green valley of Oregon. Please find your sector here if you have any trouble.

  4. Your code name is the phonetic alphabet letters of your username. Please refer to yourself as such when communicating with other soldiers lest you want to give the enemy information. Please note: your code name is not the phonetic alphabet of each letter. Each syllable is acceptable. We don't need 10 word code names. Our comm department has been bitching for months. Also, when you recieve your initial promotion to CWO, if you would like a nickname please let us know. If it is within reason, we will do our best to assign it. For example: Alpha "Green Giant" Delta.

  5. Do not think that you won't receive a demerit for violating orders, or further punishment for such as dishonorable discharge (read: banned) for more serious offenses, such as violating order #6.

  6. We will have no quarrels within our ranks. If anyone sees communications between soldiers that are unpleasant, please report it to your superiors (mods) immediately for further action to be taken. And be assured, further action will be taken.

  7. Whether our troops succeed or fail (may they rest in peace, being the latter) we will leave our mark in the minds of those who find our fallen soldiers. Please use some way to "dog tag" your troops. Write/brand/carve "r/GreenDawn" into your troops in some way, thus even if a soldier dies in the act of duty, whoever finds the slain will know who we are, and what we stand for. If you do not wish to write /r/GreenDawn hundreds of times, please use the Green Dawn Calling Card.

  8. DO NOT request soldiers from other officers. Troops run thin as the uprising begins. If an officer is able to supply reinforcements to another sector, please post that you are willing and able to do so. Otherwise, refrain from posting requests for soldiers. Good men don't come free.

  9. Reposts are not permitted. This includes Tomas the Tank, Toy Soldiers bowl, and Yoga Joes. How many bloody times have we seen these posted here? If it's been posted elsewhere on Reddit, chances are we have seen it here.

  10. Avoid low effort coffee table posts. It's great that you have set up twenty guys in your living room, but Operation Green Dawn will only succeed by deploying troops in areas other than your own property. With that being said, coffee table posts (also known as nontroop deployments) are permitted, assuming they are of good quality. Try going for good lighting, dynamic posing, excellent camera angles, and environmental interaction.

This subreddit is focused on military conflict, and so it is marked NSFW, according to Reddit's rules.

Rank Promotions

Link to troop mapping station. Please mark where you have placed troops on this map and include the sector (IE "S:541" for Sector:541) in the title. If you need help with how to update click here. Remember, be careful when editing, do not move other markers.

If you didn't see it above, I present to you The Green Dawn Calling Card.. Please leave it with your troops if you don't mark them with /r/GreenDawn. Or do both. Both is acceptable.

Printable Version

Uniform Size printable version.

The Oscars

Great Wall of China


Edinburgh Castle

Dutch Parliament

Thanks to u/LloydSwag01 for creating the current snoo.

This is our time, soldiers. The dawn of a new era. The Green Dawn.



65,328 Subscribers


Sector 3-971, Contact with new enemy vehicle, Only two survived the encounter, One of the said that their weapons barely scratched the tank.

17:04 UTC


Sector 3-971, Olive Company has retaken the Outpost and will resume operations will Resume shortly, One of our drones had captured this image, Will update soon

21:44 UTC


What is the Plastic Coalition?

The Plastic Coalition is a plethora of abandoned Military divisions from both Green and Tan nations, United under one flag, instead of using traditional armored vehicles they use the Armoa Vehicalais, and they will not hesitate to fire upon both Green or Tan forces, Currently little is known of how many are in the Coalition but it is assumed to be in the millions spread throughout the globe.

1 Comment
18:22 UTC


Sector 3-971 Three Eras of endless war

19:43 UTC


[OP Sender] sector army 951 in contact with the tans! They seems to be not as dug in as we expected

1 Comment
17:48 UTC


Sector 1-971, Where have the tanks gone?

Around 0800, both tanks Traci ( Green), and Jeanne (Tan) have gone missing, If you happen to find them please inform the Plastic Coalition, Thank you for your time, you may resume your duties.

18:09 UTC


CPT Foley has gained reinforcements and is planning to attack the bathroom.

Planning an advance to the bath room with new reinforcements. Please welcome LT Hank and Major Rigs, both marked in orange.

11:24 UTC


Green Soldier looking at the stars. (Sector 1-319)

1 Comment
03:04 UTC


(Sector 1-319) Green forces marching to reinforce the lines against ongoing enemy offensive.

03:09 UTC


Operation Return to Sender

Green and Blue command has organized a joint task force to strike back at the tans. This operation will begin tomorrow after our artillery soften up their defenses. Command has laid out our object which is to cripple their production capabilities of small arms, ammunition, and heavy weapons. Recon elements reported that their factories and areas around it are in areas where airstrikes and artillery will not be effective. before we strike the main objective we need to set up a forward base for more heavy equipment can be shipped up and deployed.

OBJECTIVE AO: Playground/parks

OBJECTIVE 1: deploy your forces to secure a beach head in tan territory and dig in and wait for the progress report.

PROGRESS REPORT: August 22, 2024

Post guidelines: YOUR POST MUST HAVE [OP Sender] in the title to count towards our victory, post ALL your deployments(Reddit/Kbin links) in the GreenDawn Discord

15:09 UTC


Sector 2-971, Forces attempted to retreat only to be attacked by the ■■■■■, It threw the tank at high speeds hitting 3 men nearly crushing the commanding officer, it then proceeded to exterminate the main group, leaving no survivors from the group, the remaining soldiers sealed Sector 2-971.

17:25 UTC


(Sector 1-319) Survivor of the Battle for the Frontier stands strong.

1 Comment
19:45 UTC


Tan base spotted west of art station.

Gathering attack squad wish SGt Harris good luck.

1 Comment
10:55 UTC


CPT. Foley has set up a huge base. Tans wont take us down.

Notes for the day. -Caught a tan sneaking about pinned him -Brawl between PFC. Rogers "Jackhammer" and PVT Warren "Lost cause" -No news from HQ yet.. -Reinforcements arriving next month. (Flip phone for photo.)

08:48 UTC

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