Not sure if the former President of the Soviet Union is still alive? Then you've come to the right place, we post daily updates on whether Mikhail Gorbachev is living or deceased.
Not sure if the former President of the Soviet Union is still alive? Then you've come to the right place, we post daily updates on whether Mikhail Gorbachev is living or deceased.
Just figured I'd update anyone who was wondering about gorby. He is still understood to be dead, however I am not so certain of this. When's the last time someone actually saw gorbius in the grave? 2 years? Convenient. Convenient. We'll say he's still dead to placate the distressed Russians who sleep with one eye open due to the national security threat Zombiechev presents when embedded with Ukraine's 8th special purpose regiment, 1st special purpose detachment. Just kidding, that's classified. Best just close that second eyeball of yours, Putin. You look tired.
:( will he come back?
I talked to a necromancer. They said they'd try.
He's still dead, but no-one has seen him, there's a slim possibility he is alive.
He is Schrödinger's Gorbachev.
Sorry for the clickbait title he’s actually still dead
One year
I haven't checked in the last few months
You see comrades, Gorbachev is of course still alive. They say he died, but all believers know that if we just warm up his pizza and give it to him through an IV tube, he will surely awaken. Him being asleep for this long, it's obviously an act from Putin himself to make sure the Cold War continues, so he prohibits anyone from warming up Gorby's pizza and giving it to him to awaken him.
I said my piece.
I'm waiting bro
not observed. He could be alive
So far.