
Photograph via snooOG

For news, events, and anything exciting happening around Golden, CO. This is a family friendly subreddit.

Header Photo from VisitGolden


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Kitchen Gas smell?

Did anyone smelled the strong gas (like kitchen gas leakage) all over downtown??

1 Comment
01:44 UTC


What’s the big pile of dirt?

Along 93, south of lookout exit, next to the cellular shack. What are they planning to build there?

16:13 UTC


Donation based yoga

Strictly Donation-Based only, fully customizable Yoga/Pilates sessions for any sized party... Gauging interest post

Hello there!

I'm looking to pick up students (virtual and/or in person) for yoga and/or Pilates lessons on a strictly donation basis. It is my personal belief that I will never charge for someone wanting to improve themselves, especially when I get the physical benefit from teaching. So I'll never charge, ever. You give what ever you want if you want, whenever you want, without any pressure ever. I will do this for free always.

I'm an experienced instructor with over 5 years of leading under my belt and have been trained in several styles of yoga (nidra, yin, restorative, vinyasa, ashtanga, Hatha, power, hybrids and more). I spent 5 years writing custom, hour long practices 2-3 a week following themes where a theme may be as fun as "cocktail themed: feet focused called 'mojitoes'" to "I need to prep for snowboard season so I need focus on my ACL to avoid injury...."

I've worked with beginners through advanced, with various ages from elementary to the elderly, with people with a wide variety of disabilities including M.S. prompting chair yoga. I really value creating customized programs for exactly what you need, when you need it.

Ski season is coming up and want to avoid injury? I can do that.

Want to help your employees unwind with a soft stretching session and a guided meditation promoting mental wellness? I provide that.

Need to prepare for/or cool-down from an event? I've got you.

Have an injury and can't get PT coverage? I can help in a very safe environment.

Want to increase your flexibility, build lean muscle, and increase your overall health (mental included)? I'm your lady.

I'm able to do practices that conform to all wants and needs.

How much do I charge? That's the thing. I value the ability to do this so much, I am strictly donation based. I will not charge you anything at any time ever. I simply value getting more people into the yoga and Pilates community in a safe, loving way that works for them.

Want a one off? No big deal.

Just want to learn how to do some party tricks? Bring it on. (Especially hand balances like peacock or fallen angel)

Want to schedule regular lessons? Let's do it.

Want a 6-pack or to do the splits in one month only? Let's go.

Not sure yoga is right for you? Let's find out on your own time for free.

Want to book private lessons? Group lessons? Private parties? I have taught 1:1 through 1:95. I'll do it in person or virtually for your convenience.

Ping me any time to schedule a session for whatever you want or need and let's hit the mat!

Always free, always customized.

03:06 UTC


Totally donation based yoga and Pilates lessons

Strictly Donation-Based only, fully customizable Yoga/Pilates sessions for any sized party... Gauging interest post

Hello there!

I'm looking to pick up students (virtual and/or in person) for yoga and/or Pilates lessons on a strictly donation basis. It is my personal belief that I will never charge for someone wanting to improve themselves, especially when I get the physical benefit from teaching. So I'll never charge, ever. You give what ever you want if you want, whenever you want, without any pressure ever. I will do this for free always.

I'm an experienced instructor with over 5 years of leading under my belt and have been trained in several styles of yoga (nidra, yin, restorative, vinyasa, ashtanga, Hatha, power, hybrids and more). I spent 5 years writing custom, hour long practices 2-3 a week following themes where a theme may be as fun as "cocktail themed: feet focused called 'mojitoes'" to "I need to prep for snowboard season so I need focus on my ACL to avoid injury...."

I've worked with beginners through advanced, with various ages from elementary to the elderly, with people with a wide variety of disabilities including M.S. prompting chair yoga. I really value creating customized programs for exactly what you need, when you need it.

Ski season is coming up and want to avoid injury? I can do that.

Want to help your employees unwind with a soft stretching session and a guided meditation promoting mental wellness? I provide that.

Need to prepare for/or cool-down from an event? I've got you.

Have an injury and can't get PT coverage? I can help in a very safe environment.

Want to increase your flexibility, build lean muscle, and increase your overall health (mental included)? I'm your lady.

I'm able to do practices that conform to all wants and needs.

How much do I charge? That's the thing. I value the ability to do this so much, I am strictly donation based. I will not charge you anything at any time ever. I simply value getting more people into the yoga and Pilates community in a safe, loving way that works for them.

Want a one off? No big deal.

Just want to learn how to do some party tricks? Bring it on. (Especially hand balances like peacock or fallen angel)

Want to schedule regular lessons? Let's do it.

Want a 6-pack or to do the splits in one month only? Let's go.

Not sure yoga is right for you? Let's find out on your own time for free.

Want to book private lessons? Group lessons? Private parties? I have taught 1:1 through 1:95. I'll do it in person or virtually for your convenience.

Ping me any time to schedule a session for whatever you want or need and let's hit the mat!

I may have regrets but ping me here for questions or to set anything up: (720) 515-2229

Always free, always customized.

03:02 UTC


Thrifting spots

I’m about to visit with friends what are some thrifting spots ?

21:06 UTC


Cat Boarding Recs?

Hey. New to the area, and looking to see if anyone has any cat boarding recommendations. We’re not looking to use Rover or any of those types of apps. It seems there’s a lot of pet boarding in the area but I’d love to hear from locals any places they’ve used that were good?


1 Comment
18:09 UTC


Cool quick drive

I have some time this afternoon and wanted to check out some aspens obviously this is a busy time for that so I am prepared for decent traffic but I was wondering if there is a good nice drive relatively close. I don’t need the best just want a peaceful afternoon drive with pretty views. Thanks in advance!

19:05 UTC


Do I need a snowblower?

I am from the midwest, and get lots of lake effect snow, needed a snowblower then, but that was 10 years ago. I get mixed responses when asking people, some say I need one, some say I don't. I am in South Golden, my driveway runs East and West, entrance on the East, so I get South sun

16:03 UTC


Cornbread fried pickles?

My wife and I are in town and we are trying to figure out which restaurant either in golden or south denver has cornbread fried pickles. Does anyone know which restaurant she might be thinking of?

23:55 UTC


Shoutout to the dedicated folks adding decor to the top of castle rock

00:50 UTC


Bitten by dog at Genesee Park

(Reposting because the r/Denver mods decided to delete the post I linked previously)

Around 3 pm, Sunday the 22nd, I was attacked and bitten by another hiker's dog on the Genesee Mountain Trail. I was in shock and not initially bleeding and failed to obtain the other hiker's information. If you saw the group described below and can provide any information, or if you are them, please contact me. I have several puncture wounds in my left arm. I've already received a tetanus vaccine and will receive the rabies vaccine as well.

The other hikers were a man and a woman and a younger man or teen. All white. The younger man had long brown hair and was wearing green or camo. I think the woman was blonde and had a white top on, but my brain was pretty scrambled. They were walking a pair of huskies on a split lead, and a dog that looked like a German shepherd mix. The mix was the dog that attacked me without provocation. All of the dogs were on leash.

I did report the incident to Denver Mountain Parks rangers but they were unable to locate the people involved.

00:33 UTC


Shrinkflation - pints are 14oz at miners saloon

21:12 UTC


Movie filming downtown?

There was a movie being filmed out front of the Golden Hotel today. Does anyone know what it is?

1 Comment
02:28 UTC


Uber to Trail Head?

Are there any walking trails from to the Eddie Hotel to the Clear Creek Canyon Gateway Trailhead up the road? How is the Uber situation in Golden? Thinking about taking an Uber from Denver to Golden for the day but want to make sure I can get an Uber ride back as well. Thanks.

17:08 UTC


Places to watch Chicago Bears game?

I’m getting married in late October and will have family in town from Chicago staying in the Morrison/Golden area. Where would we be able to go on Sunday to catch the Bears game as a group (~20ish people)?

16:18 UTC


Dog attack at Apex Park on Sunday (warning to dog owners + request for info)

Our dog Suki was fatally attacked by another dog this weekend. This incident occurred at Apex Park Trailhead on Sunday 9/15 around noon. She and the other dog (a Husky) were both leashed, but the Husky was able to break free from her owner's control and inflict fatal damage. The dog's owner was a brown-haired woman in her thirties. She was with a similarly aged male and a total of three Huskies.

In our haste to get Suki to the vet to stop her bleeding, we didn’t receive the airdropped contact info they said they sent. Sadly, she passed away from the attack two days later.

If you know these individuals, please reach out to the City of Golden Animal Control Office at 303-384-8048 or contact Tyler at 720-588-3639.

In the meantime, please stay safe and vigilant if you see dogs matching this description at Apex Park or around Golden/Denver. We would hate to see this happen to any other unsuspecting dogs.

00:22 UTC


Running/hiking from downtown Golden to Chimney Gulch Trailhead?

Hi there, headed to Golden tonight for a few days and it's my first time! I've scoured the internet and maps for an answer to this, but just can't quite figure it out. I'm staying in downtown Golden and I'm wondering how I can run to the Chimney Gulch trailhead (if at all). I see it's on the side of the highway and I'm assuming I can run Clear Creek to....? Somewhere? Thanks in advance!

22:47 UTC


South Table Mtn, did anyone see…

This happened a few weeks ago and I should’ve posted something earlier. I go up south table 3-4 times a week to bike / run. Usually stop and sit at the top for a few minutes when the other week I saw something bizarre. Did anyone else see a guy jump off castle rock? I’m sitting there drinking water, I see a guy to my left putting some stuff in a backpack when 30 seconds later out of the corner of my eye I see him jump. I scramble to the edge in time to see and hear a parachute deploy. He glided down winding back and forth until he landed on one of the streets below, by the trailhead, and left in a car. I’m just wondering has anyone else ever seen this before? I don’t mean to snitch on the guy but I was pretty shocked to see someone BASE jump from the top of south table. I don’t know exactly how far of a drop off it is from the cliffs at the top of castle rock to the slope at the bottom, but I estimate about 500 feet. It certainly doesn’t give long to deploy a chute, just seconds. I was the only one up there when this happened and from asking around I haven’t heard anyone else say they’ve ever seen someone do it, so just curious.

20:26 UTC


Marriage Ceremony at JeffCo via Judge

My fiancé and I are planning on being married at the JeffCo courthouse through one of the judges. When I called I wasn't able to find out much about the process other than where to check-in and to bring cash for the judge's time.

Has anyone been married at the JeffCo courthouse and what was your experience like? How long did the whole process take? What do they have you do?

18:40 UTC


Swimming in Clear Creek?

Hi! Floridian visiting Golden. My friend and I noticed people tubing in Clear Creek when we were shopping in the downtown area today. This is probably a dumb question but, can people just swim in the Creek? Is there a place to just wade in and swim around without tubing? If not, are there other good natural swimming spots in this area that aren’t too strenuous? Thanks in advance!

00:12 UTC


Ambiguous Grief Group

Hey there! You might have seen a post from a few weeks ago that I posted about possible interest in an ambiguous grief group! Ambiguous grief is any sort of grief that doesn’t fit into a traditional category. So some examples could be grieving someone who is still alive, grieving the loss of contact with someone, etc. I am going to start planning meetings for the group now that interest has been established. So this post is an announcement to please message me if you would like to be part of the group so that I can make a group chat or something of that sort! Thank you!!

17:29 UTC


Rando street art

Someone put up this teepee on my street like a week ago. I think it’s totally cool. I don’t know if it’s an art project or they are trying to build an actual teepee. They just added a log to stabilize it. But I love seeing people be creative like this. I lived in Boulder for 15 years near a bunch of warehouses. It was inspiring to see people making art. It inspired me to make my own art. And I’m glad I don’t live in an HOA. That is soooo boring.

17:01 UTC


Looking for real estate agent

Hi there,

Please send us referral for real estate agent you maybe used and loved purchasing home in Golden, Evergreen area!

19:09 UTC


Birthday Freebies

Is there anywhere in golden that you get a discount or something for free if you go on the day of your birthday?

18:43 UTC


Tubing in late september?

Hello people of Golden! I'd like to plan a day tubing for me and my friends. I'm thinking 9/22. Is late september too late in the season to tube? Will the water still be pretty warm? Forecast shows mid 70s around that time, which I think will be fine if the water isn't too cold. What do y'all think?

17:44 UTC


What is going on at Lookout Mountain?

Police blocking the road going up???

04:26 UTC


Long runs

Where do yall go for your long trail runs around golden (excluding north and south table top)?

02:08 UTC


September Women in Data Science (WiDS) Networking Event

Hi again! This month's women in data science networking event will be held on September 26th at 6:30 pm, at the Rayback Collective. Looking forward to connecting with everyone. Here is the link for more information: https://www.meetup.com/boulder-women-in-data-science-wids/events/303201273

00:21 UTC


Taxi or ride sharing service for a late night wedding

Hello GoldenCo,

My wife and I are going to be staying in Idaho Falls and during this trip we will be attending a wedding at Christies of Genesee on a Saturday night. We do not want to use our rental car as the wedding is an open bar and we want to enjoy our night. Anyways, our hotel has not been much help with providing any information regarding taxi services or even if uber and lyft are functioning in this area so I thought I would reach out to this community.

Any tips or suggestions would much appreciated with how to get from Idaho Falls to Genesee and then back to Idaho Fall late at night.

Thanks so much!

18:29 UTC


Trad rack for sale

Name your price. It’s 10 years old but has been stored in a bin. Doubles on 0.75 and 1. And an entire set of dyneema slings and biners. If you want the sport rack, take that too.

1 Comment
17:29 UTC

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