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"I can't believe it's not land communism!"


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What is Geoist Anarchy?

Short answer

GeoAnarchism (also "Geo-Anarchism", "georgist anarchism", "anarcho georgism" or any other sensible variation) is an ethical school of thought that concerns human rights. Like any anarchist school of thought it stipulates that the doctrine of statism is unjust. What makes GeoAnarchism a unique geoist variant of anarchism is how it finds the doctrine of statism synonymous with the act of collecting economic rent. GeoAnarchism can be classified as an example of "pro-proviso" Lockean property rights, individualist anarchism, market anarchism, and counter-economics.

Longer answer

GeoAnarchism is an ethical school of thought that stipulates all individuals have an equal right to natural resources and raw materials. Natural resources and raw materials are also known as "economic land". This is in contrast with the notion that natural resources or raw materials are 'common' or 'collective' rights which may be stipulated by other schools of thought. As a consequence, individual freedom implies security in the unadulterated capacity of the individual to use nature and make property.

The exercise of the faculties of one individual to create property denies a similar ability to other individuals to create property. Therefore property owners are obliged to make amends with one another. This is to make up for how they each interfere with, and hence violate the rights of, the capacity of the other individual to make property out of nature.

Those that act under the doctrine of statism (referred to as "statists") interfere with this relationship between man and nature more than anyone acting under any other doctrine because statists claim sovereign control over vastly more land. Because of this statists and the institution they claim to represent, 'the state', are the biggest landlords.

More info about this philosophy can be found in the links in the sidebar.

How would the LVT be enforced under anarchism?

The Machinery Of Freedom: Illustrated summary | bitbutter and David Friedman (mirror)

Law Without Government | bitbutter and Robert P. Murphy (mirror)

Further Reading

⁄r⁄georgism wiki






Economic rent

Factors of production

Polycentric law

Negative and positive rights

Lockean proviso

Notable People

Gerrard Winstanley (1609 – 1676)

Herbert Spencer (1820 – 1903)

Leo Tolstoy (1828 – 1910)

C. E. S. Wood (1852 – 1944)

Silvio Gesell (1862 – 1930)

Georges Darien (1862 – 1921)

Albert Jay Nock (1870 – 1945)

James Ferdinand Morton Jr. (1870 – 1941)

Spencer Heath (1876 – 1963)

Frank Chodorov (1887 – 1966)

Fred Foldvary (1946 – 2021)

Related Websites



Strong Towns

Robert Schalkenbach Foundation

Council of Georgist Organizations



Center for a Stateless Society

The Future of Freedom Foundation


Books and Articles

A Geolibertarian FAQ | Todd Altman (mirror)

Geoanarchism: A Short Summary of Geoism and Its Relation to Libertarianism | Fred Foldvary (mirror)

Why Geoists and Market Anarchists Can and Should Be Friends | Gil Guillory and Fred Foldvary (mirror)

The Business Cycle: A Georgist‐Austrian Synthesis | Fred Foldvary (mirror)

Reckoning with Rothbard | Harold Kyriazi (mirror)

Frank H. Knight's Criticism of Henry George | Ross B. Emmett (mirror)

Critics of Henry George: An Appraisal of Their Strictures on Progress and Poverty - Volume 1 | Robert V. Andelson (Volume 2) (mirror)

Land-Value Taxation around the World | Robert V. Andelson (mirror)

Henry George; An Essay | Albert Jay Nock (mirror)

Protection or Free Trade | Henry George (mirror)

Progress and Poverty | Henry George (mirror)


The Machinery Of Freedom: Illustrated summary | bitbutter and David Friedman (mirror)

Law Without Government | bitbutter and Robert P. Murphy (mirror)

Mutualism and Georgism | Primo Nutmeg and William Schnack

Georgism and Austrian Economics | Primo Nutmeg and Mason Gaffney

Henry George School of Social Science YT Channel

Council of Georgist Organizations YT Channel

Community Parnerships












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Other Communities

Unofficial /r/Georgism Discord

Village of Arden, Delaware



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Podcast about liberty and geoism

This is an interview with the Swedish political Martin Jacobson, who wrote a dissertation about the relationship between geoism and libertarian anarchism.


19:46 UTC


Anarcho-Capitalism is Anarcho-Feudalism.

03:17 UTC


Looking for Soul of Liberty pdf

I am trying to find a pdf of the "Soul of Liberty" to help in my Geoism research. Anybody have a pdf copy link so I don't have to pay $90 for a 40-year old book?

1 Comment
08:18 UTC


Land Value Tax: The BEST Tax & Its Limitations

03:30 UTC


fish rentals mooning - invest NOW

23:12 UTC


the humanity! the apartment complexes!

01:56 UTC


[Crosspost] Self-Inquiry

02:21 UTC


Michael Huemer on the governments interests in social problems

1 Comment
23:58 UTC


H. L. Mencken on public education

1 Comment
23:57 UTC


Mikhail Bakunin on sticks

1 Comment
23:57 UTC


Temporary Moderation Changes lifted

I've tried to set up AutoMod to remove the spam in question. This will work until such a time as it doesn't. Reporting the posts to Reddit proper seems to do nothing for the moment.

03:44 UTC


A response to a thought experiment from a georgist skeptic

Bryan Caplan, a noted libertarian economist, wrote an interesting criticism of Georgism that I'd like to address; unfortunately I cannot find my source anymore (I believe it was a blog post) and all I have is a single quote but I'd like to analyze it anyway.

Caplan proposes a thought experiment:

If you’re the second person to arrive on an island, and the first-person has already farmed the best land, it seems very odd to claim that you’re “entitled” to half the surplus value of his land.

"Alone on an island" is a popular thought experiment to underline the fundamental characteristics of various economic schools.

In this case I agree with Caplan and would consider this thought experiment to be somewhat of a strawman. However, I like the idea of thought experiments as a mean to present an argument, so I will entertain Caplan's idea and expand on it.

Let's say that a person is stranded on a deserted island. Over time, they work to improve its land so it will bear food; after a while a second person arrives on the island. We will assume that the produce of the land is enough to sustain both, else there's be no way to reconcile the needs of the two.

Doesn't it seems unfair to simply divide the produce in two? After all, it is only the first person that made improvements and worked on the land, and without their intervention, it wouldn't be as productive. On the other hand it also seems unfair, at least to me, to leave the late-comer at the mercy of the first and state that the first has no obligation to share the resources. In an extreme proprietarian setting we'd say that the first-comer has homesteaded the land and it now belongs to them and if they want they'd leave the late-comer to starve. Of course, if such a condition were to present itself in the real world, I suspect the first man would be all too happy to simply see another human being and he'd be more than willing to cooperate; but this is not the point of the experiment.

I believe Caplan is mistaken in his assumption of the georgist response. I, personally, wouldn't claim that the second person is entitled to the work of the first, they are only entitled to the land. If we assume that both men have equal rights to the land then the solution to the puzzle becomes more straightforward: the first-comer can surrender to them half of the land or, alternatively, pay a price to the late-comer (presumably in produce) that they agree on, in exchange for the exclusive right to continue managing all of the land (taking into account the land improvements made by the pioneer). If the late-comer agrees to work the land himself he will surrender a part of his produce to the first as payment for the improvements made by them in the past.

I am sure someone will think that it's impossible to perfectly divide the land in two equal parts as land is heterogeneous in nature. But we're not here to determine the "true" value of something (there is no such thing); the only real concern in this case is to divide the land in a fair way. This can be done easily, and indeed there are ways to fairly divide a resource between any n number of parties. The first person will divide the land in 2 part that they deem equal (as in, they do not prefer either one or the other), then the second person will decide how the two parts are to be assigned. The first cannot complain no matter what since they're the one that split the land to begin with, the second also has no complains since, if they thought that the division was unequal they would have simply assigned the better one to themselves.

1 Comment
16:51 UTC


Geo-Anarchism with Jock Coats

1 Comment
19:18 UTC


Become Ungovernable

05:40 UTC


Henry George on the relationship between mankind, nature, and freedom

03:39 UTC


[Crosspost] United States Congressman Henry George Jr. & Leo Tolstoy during the former's visit to Russia, c. 1909. Toltsoy was an admirer of the social theories espoused the Congressman's late father, who's bestseller 'Progress & Poverty" was outsold in its period only by the Bible [1272x930]

1 Comment
03:36 UTC


Temporary Moderation Changes

Posts will be approve-only for a short while until Reddit can get on top of the recent spam we've been having. Tired of deleting posts every time I pull up reddit

1 Comment
03:09 UTC


[Crosspost] Quote on Judgement by Ram Dass

12:04 UTC


The equal rights of all men be ballin'

1 Comment
16:19 UTC


BabelColour on Twitter: "Today I have Babelised a rare colour photo of writer Leo Tolstoy, taken 113 years ago in the grounds of his home in Russia. It was taken by Prokudin-Gorsky in 1908, but the only versions I could fins on-line looked more like drawings."

04:28 UTC

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