NSFW art sub for Genshin Impact
Sub Icon image: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/81488819
1. Relevance All posts must be about Genshin Impact and fit the purposes of the sub.
2. NSFW Only This is an NSFW art sub. If you want to post normal art, do it on the main sub. All posts must strictly be NSFW art and will be removed if they are not.
3. Extreme fetishes Extreme fetishes such as scat, mutilation, etc. are not allowed.
4. Source A helpful tool to find the source of an image is included in the menu tab of this sub if you don't know the source. Should the bot fail to provide the source please do so yourself.
5. Reposts Make sure your post is not a repost before posting. The cutoff will be 7 days or if 2 of the same images are posted relatively near each other for people who haven't posted before. This does not apply to images that easily found like if they're a top most upvoted post or if they've been reposted a bunch previously. Long time users of this sub will have to follow stricter repost rules.
Mona and Ganyu are not going to be checked as heavily because there are too many posts of them to go through.
6. Post Flairs Image posts need flairs. Most flairs are self explanatory. Multi means if more than one character with their own flair is in the image and other means every character that doesn't have a flair.
7. Lolis No. Complain to Spez.
8. Rule breaks There are no consequences for breaking these rules. Bans are only handed out to bots and trolls.
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