A place for Geneseoites...Geneseoans....Geneseoadores....redditors of Geneseo to talk and what not
If you feel like something actually deserves to be reported, please send a message to the mods about why you reported it with a link to the post you reported.
I have a teenager that is about to enter driver's ed and i want to give them some experience before the class.
I learned at the same age as them from my parent, but that was a different time and a much less busy area then, so a new driver on a country road was not as big of a deal, plus I had farm experience, which they do not.
Can anyone think of a good spot around to start to teach them the basics behind the wheel?
This subreddit is old, but because I live in Geneseo. I wanna get this subreddit active again!
hey anyone here play pokemon go? let me know
Just wondering if anyone else plays. We could share our finds.
Found this place on /r/random. Googled your town. Urban dictionary says you're all pricks. Someone tell me about this place, I'm curious and procrastinating studying for finals :)
i.e lifting, breakup, victory, etc.
You know the moments I'm talking about. When you realize half your class is somehow related; when you get stuck behind a semi stuck behind a combine; or when you hear about something someone did a half hour ago and assume it's common knowledge by now. We've all had them, what's your best?
Tl;dr Storytime!
Voting will now be done only by former Post of the Month winners, with me as a deciding vote in the event of a tie. Currently, that means that only /u/Chase1017 and I will be voting on the new winner. Also, rather than Post of the Month, we will now begin awarding the User of the Month user flair rather than the Post of the Month link flair.
And now, without further ado, I give you your newest User of the Month.....
it was good
Not much to do with the snow coming down so I thought I'd try and start up some conversation.
Is often hear Starbucks tossed around a lot, and then of course HyVee is something everyone wants. Personally, I'd like to have at least middle-range restaurant like an Applebee's in town. What would you like to see?
In an effort to bring more people in, I'd like to institute a most-likely temporary post of the month, voted for in a monthly thread by the users. Congratulations to /u/chase1017 for the first post to be awarded this. Given that his has been the only post this month, I thought he was a bit of a shoe-in so I'm using it to get the ball rolling. But if enough people submit in the next couple weeks, perhaps we can have a real January voted-in winner!
As always, feel free to comment, message to mods, or PM me personally with any suggestions/comments/concerns.
This will be a place to post anything about any kind of Geneseo sports. You can ask questions to keep up with the goings-on of your old team, tell people things about the team you're now on, anything to do with sports really.
And another shout out to /u/XIIIEagles for the idea.