/r/GayPorn is reddit's go-to place for variety NSFW content featuring hot & horny guys. Gay porn is obviously welcome but so is anything that would be appealing to a gay guy, hot models or sportsmen, celebrities etc.
Welcome to /r/GayPorn!
I. 18+ Only - Any post which appears to include someone that may be under 18 will be removed.
II. NO Plain Dick/Butt Pictures or Selfies
III. NO Spam / OnlyFans / Custom Content (or anything of that nature)
IV. NO Social Media / Hookups / Personals etc.
V. NO asking for 'source/sauce/more' etc. - use r/WhoIsThisGayPorn
VI. NO excessively photoshopped or censored content
VII. GAY Content Only
General reddit-wide rules, rediquette, and common-sense applies throughout. Anyone breaking any of our rules or otherwise being an idiot will probably be banned.