This group is a space for Gaulish Polytheists and supporters of Gaulish Polytheism, and although there will inevitably be multiple groups that form, we are all unified in worship and veneration of The Gods and ancestors of Gaul.
This group is a space for Gaulish Polytheists and supporters of Gaulish Polytheism, and although there will inevitably be multiple groups that form, we are all unified in worship and veneration of The Gods and ancestors of Gaul.
Useful Links
R/GaulishPolytheism Rules
I'm an artist (or at least a wanna-be artist) And I just deeply struggle trying to find references for clothes when drawing Gaulish/Celtic Deities 😖 So with anyone knows any good sites or resources talking about clothing in that period I would really appreciate it🙏
Thank you!
Ode to Sulis
Hi. I am somewhat new to Gaulish polytheism. I have taken a liking to Rosmerta but can't seem to find statues of her available to purchase for my home shrine.
Any suggestions?
So yeh, what is the exact nature of Esus based on what we know coming from people who work with him? What is his role in your pantheon and what is he associated with?
Are there any ancient sources on Taranis being associated with a particular color/colors? Grey, gold and silver make sense due to his association with storms but are there any others historically attested?
I've been learning about the Coligny calendar for a while. One of my goals was to understand the names of all the months and how they fit/overlayed with the Gregorian calendar. Mostly I just wanted to find a way to incorporate the calendar into my personal practice.
This is what I've come up with so far and I'd love some feedback.
The Celtic Year | Khaliela Wright
I'm particularly open to discussion for months where I've provided an alternative meaning/translation.
So the question is self explanatory. Thank you all ın advance! ❤
I know both of them mythologicaly. But is there a differance or distinction between the two or is it just the users intention? Thanks in advance💕
Imbolc is coming and it celebrated a common deity for Celts, Brigindū. What are your thoughts on this? Thanks to all answers in advance. 💕
Is this a wheel of Taranis? What is the distinction between a dharmic wheel? Thanks in advance. 💕
Hi all, I am seeking surgical care to help alleviate chronic pain I’ve been dealing with. Im wondering, is there a Gaulish deity or deities I can specifically pray to that this all goes well? Thanks in advance!!
Im trying to find any symbols for Taranis, like crystals, animals, anything like that other than the Wheel. UPG is okay im just struggling with finding ways to worship him
Hi all, I have been recently drawn towards Brigantia, more specifically Her healing aspects. I was wondering if anyone has any reading material for rituals (both solitary and/or social), that may have been practiced in Roman Gaul, or newer rituals that Her followers have created to honor Her in the modern day?
The deities I am interested in now are Nantosuelta, Cernunnos, Belenus, Rosmerta, Epona, and Taranis. If you worship them, why and what do they mean to you? What do you do to honor them? Do you have any further sources on them? Thank you!
I have interest in this Goddess, I was wondering if anybody knew any information on her that isn't just her Wikipedia article. Thank you!
Hello, r/GaulishPolytheism :) I am a new eclectic pagan who is looking to find deities to honor. I personally currently honor some Norse deities and other Celtic deities and am interested in Gaulish deities since my family originated in that area (France, Italy, Spain, Germany). Can I honor Gaulish deities as an eclectic pagan (if I am honoring deities from other pantheons)? If so, I have a few questions, such as what is the main language used? I have read many articles on Gaulish Paganism and they all have certain words in a language I don't recognize, such as Subuta: what is this language? Also, what are the deities of Gaulish Paganism? If any of these questions are ignorant please let me know and thank you so much for your time!
I think I read somewhere that the Coligny calendar was based off 6 5-day weeks, for a total of 30 days. However, I can't remember where I read that. And Wikipedia doesn't mention anything other than the two fortnights (15 days, 15/14 days).
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
EDIT--I found the 5-day week discussion here:
Olmsted, Garrett. "The Gaulish Calendar: A reconstruction from the bronze fragments from Coligny with an analysis of its function as a highly accurate lunar/solar predictor as well as an explanation of its terminology and development." Rudolf Habelt Verlag: Bonn 1992
Since this interpretation of the calendar is more accurate, why has it not been adopted?
Note: I still need to do a closer reading because I'm still a little confused about how the 5-day week fits into the 29-day months.
More specifically cificallly the pantheon, the location the pantheon was practiced, etc.
So ive been a pagan for a couple years now and ive been following the gaulish gods for a full year now and I have some questions about Lugus and was hoping anyone could throw in their two cents. Is Lugus synchronistic with the PIE god Dyeus Ptar? Lugus’ name comes from the word bright like the PIE god of the bright sky so are they similar or come from the same source? Also if they are similar then would that mean that Taranis isnt our sky father instead wouldn’t it be Lugus? Please tell me what you think in the comments.
Hi to everyone, and thank you for spending your time reading my questions (and, eventually, answering them).
The last time I asked for some "Gaulish moon Goddessess or Gods", and surprisely I find out that many of you have constructed some myths and, of course, you have your personal ideas about the gods. This is... Very exciting for me, because I rarely have an exchange with other Gaulish polytheists. So I ask to you: do you wanna share your personal experiences and myths that you have reconstructed for your practice? Thank you!
Hi everyone! I write here to ask you if you know some Gods/Goddessess linked to the moon? I thought about Tsirona, but I am not sure. So I am writing here, also knowing the difficulty of this and the fact that many deities of Gaulish traditions aren't so schematic. Thank you in advance!
How do you worship a deity we know little about?
Anyone have any good info on taranis and what hes like. Would he work well with cernunnos and nuada
Toutâ Galation is excited to announce we got more Comreton Calleios content for the community to enjoy!
Sign up through our Linktree: https://linktr.ee/Toutagalation
Presentations and presenters will be revealed every week leading up to our two-day event. Hope to see you there.
You can check out our previous conventions here: https://www.youtube.com/@toutagalation/playlists
There's a Latin inscription to Cernunnos that's baffling me. It comes from Polenza, Italy, and reads: DEO CERNVNNO SERVATORI FOVSCIVS VENAT. Fouscius is apparently the dedicator, and "Deo Cernunno" is in the dative. "Servatori" is also dative, and in both case and meaning is assigned to Cernunnos. Thus we have "To the god Cernunnos, Savior, Fousicus [venat]. But what does "venat" mean? It looks like the third person singular present subjunctive of "venirie," "to come." That would mean "May Fousicus come to the God Cernunnos, Savior." But that makes no sense semantically.
Any thoughts? I know this is Latin, but it's to a Gaulish deity, so I thought I'd post it here.
Sign this if you are a proud anti-hate and anti-bigoted person. This is the gaulish community declaration against those that would use our dêuoi, our virtues, our beliefs in the name of hate. Take a stand against it. Fly the banner and sound the carnux today, galatis.
If you consider yourself upholding the ancestors virtues, I urge you to sign your name.