This is a sub for confirming trades that have taken place on r/GameTrade
This is a sub for confirming trades that have taken place on r/GameTrade
Post a comment on your own rep page using this exact format:
what was traded for what
a permalink to the comment that started the trade (do not just post a link to the thread, we want a permalink to the initiating comment that you or your trading partner made, find the comment, click permalink and paste this link in)
Then get your trading partner to reply to the comment confirming the trade
NOTE - Only when your trading partner replies to your rep page comment that the trade happened can you count it as a confirmed trade and update your total of confirmed trades accordingly, anyone not following these rules will have their rep page removed
Your rep page and your confirmed trades should look like this
You are only allowed to confirm trades that have happened on r/GameTrade
If you make a trade that involes multiple games etc you are only allowed to confirm that as 1 single trade.
Only trades that an initiating comment was made by you or your trading partner will be allowed.
We DON'T allow steam coupon trades or giveaways to be confirmed here
Make a new rep page and include a link to your old one inside your new rep page under the line. You can number your new rep page in the title for example, YOURUSERNAME's GameTrade Rep Page 2
0 Confirmed trades
Redditor since Dec 23, 2011
If you have been linked to this rep page double check the username above is the same user who linked you and not someone with a similar username trying to impersonate that user to trick you, also check you're on the real /r/GameTradeRep. If you're suspicious or unsure about a user feel free to contact the mods for background checks
1 Confirmed trades
Redditor since Aug 14, 2013
If you have been linked to this rep page double check the username above is the same user who linked you and not someone with a similar username trying to impersonate that user to trick you, also check you're on the real /r/GameTradeRep. If you're suspicious or unsure about a user feel free to contact the mods for background checks
2 Confirmed trades
Redditor since 5 Jan 2016
If you have been linked to this rep page double check the username above is the same user who linked you and not someone with a similar username trying to impersonate that user to trick you, also check you're on the real /r/GameTradeRep. If you're suspicious or unsure about a user feel free to contact the mods for background checks
3 Confirmed trades
Redditor since September 17, 2020
If you have been linked to this rep page double check the username above is the same user who linked you and not someone with a similar username trying to impersonate that user to trick you, also check you're on the real /r/GameTradeRep. If you're suspicious or unsure about a user feel free to contact the mods for background checks
4 Confirmed trades
Redditor since August 17th 2017
If you have been linked to this rep page double check the username above is the same user who linked you and not someone with a similar username trying to impersonate that user to trick you, also check you're on the real /r/GameTradeRep. If you're suspicious or unsure about a user feel free to contact the mods for background checks
Steam page: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Mayvis4117/
Damn, I assume I deleted these when I was mad at reddit and wanted to scrub my activity before I deleted my account. Looks like I never did... Woops! I am dipping my toes into trading again.
I also made an IGS Rep Page found here.
0 Confirmed trades
Redditor since April 26, 2018
If you have been linked to this rep page double check the username above is the same user who linked you and not someone with a similar username trying to impersonate that user to trick you, also check you're on the real /r/GameTradeRep. If you're suspicious or unsure about a user feel free to contact the mods for background checks
The only trades you can confirm on /r/GameTradeRep are trades that have taken place on /r/GameTrade. Manipulation or fake trades will result in a permanent ban!
You may only edit or remove things beneath this line or total number of complete trades. Insert what you want here. For example, other rep pages from other subreddit's, rep threads from other sites like steamtrades etc or anything else you want.
You can get the date you joined reddit by veiwing your profile and hovering your mouse over where it says "redditor for XX years". Put the Month the Date and the Year. You may now delete or replace everything below the line
0 Confirmed trades
Redditor since 2014/02/17
If you have been linked to this rep page double check the username above is the same user who linked you and not someone with a similar username trying to impersonate that user to trick you, also check you're on the real /r/GameTradeRep. If you're suspicious or unsure about a user feel free to contact the mods for background checks
0 Confirmed trades
Redditor since April 07, 2015
If you have been linked to this rep page double check the username above is the same user who linked you and not someone with a similar username trying to impersonate that user to trick you, also check you're on the real /r/GameTradeRep. If you're suspicious or unsure about a user feel free to contact the mods for background checks
If you have been linked to this rep page double check the username above is the same user who linked you and not someone with a similar username trying to impersonate that user to trick you, also check you're on the real r/GameTradeRep. If you're suspicious or unsure about a user feel free to contact the mods for background checks
3 Confirmed trades
Redditor since 09.03.2021
If you have been linked to this rep page double check the username above is the same user who linked you and not someone with a similar username trying to impersonate that user to trick you, also check you're on the real /r/GameTradeRep. If you're suspicious or unsure about a user feel free to contact the mods for background checks
0 Confirmed trades
Redditor since March 3, 2013
If you have been linked to this rep page double check the username above is the same user who linked you and not someone with a similar username trying to impersonate that user to trick you, also check you're on the real /r/GameTradeRep. If you're suspicious or unsure about a user feel free to contact the mods for background checks
2 Confirmed trades
Redditor since October 6, 2019
If you have been linked to this rep page double check the username above is the same user who linked you and not someone with a similar username trying to impersonate that user to trick you, also check you're on the real /r/GameTradeRep. If you're suspicious or unsure about a user feel free to contact the mods for background checks
0 Confirmed trades
Redditor since 11/24/2013
If you have been linked to this rep page double check the username above is the same user who linked you and not someone with a similar username trying to impersonate that user to trick you, also check you're on the real /r/GameTradeRep. If you're suspicious or unsure about a user feel free to contact the mods for background checks
The only trades you can confirm on /r/GameTradeRep are trades that have taken place on /r/GameTrade. Manipulation or fake trades will result in a permanent ban!
You may only edit or remove things beneath this line or total number of complete trades. Insert what you want here. For example, other rep pages from other subreddit's, rep threads from other sites like steamtrades etc or anything else you want.
You can get the date you joined reddit by veiwing your profile and hovering your mouse over where it says "redditor for XX years". Put the Month the Date and the Year. You may now delete or replace everything below the line
0 Confirmed trades
Redditor since 24 Aug 2014
If you have been linked to this rep page double check the username above is the same user who linked you and not someone with a similar username trying to impersonate that user to trick you, also check you're on the real /r/GameTradeRep. If you're suspicious or unsure about a user feel free to contact the mods for background checks
My Steam profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/BatedWaif/
My steamtrades.com profile: https://www.steamtrades.com/user/76561198067027056
My SteamRep profile: https://steamrep.com/search?q=https%3A%2F%2Fsteamcommunity.com%2Fid%2FBatedWaif%2F
4 Confirmed trades
Redditor since January 27, 2022 (But on Steam for 13 years)
If you have been linked to this rep page double check the username above is the same user who linked you and not someone with a similar username trying to impersonate that user to trick you, also check you're on the real /r/GameTradeRep. If you're suspicious or unsure about a user feel free to contact the mods for background checks
22 Confirmed trades
Redditor since 10. November 2021
If you have been linked to this rep page double check the username above is the same user who linked you and not someone with a similar username trying to impersonate that user to trick you, also check you're on the real /r/GameTradeRep. If you're suspicious or unsure about a user feel free to contact the mods for background checks
The only trades you can confirm on /r/GameTradeRep are trades that have taken place on /r/GameTrade. Manipulation or fake trades will result in a permanent ban!
You may only edit or remove things beneath this line or total number of complete trades. Insert what you want here. For example, other rep pages from other subreddit's, rep threads from other sites like steamtrades etc or anything else you want.
You can get the date you joined reddit by veiwing your profile and hovering your mouse over where it says "redditor for XX years". Put the Month the Date and the Year. You may now delete or replace everything below the line
0 Confirmed trades
Redditor since May 11th, 2019
If you have been linked to this rep page double check the username above is the same user who linked you and not someone with a similar username trying to impersonate that user to trick you, also check you're on the real /r/GameTradeRep. If you're suspicious or unsure about a user feel free to contact the mods for background checks
1 Confirmed trades
Redditor since July 3, 2017
If you have been linked to this rep page double check the username above is the same user who linked you and not someone with a similar username trying to impersonate that user to trick you, also check you're on the real /r/GameTradeRep. If you're suspicious or unsure about a user feel free to contact the mods for background checks
The only trades you can confirm on /r/GameTradeRep are trades that have taken place on /r/GameTrade. Manipulation or fake trades will result in a permanent ban!
You may only edit or remove things beneath this line or total number of complete trades. Insert what you want here. For example, other rep pages from other subreddit's, rep threads from other sites like steamtrades etc or anything else you want.
You can get the date you joined reddit by veiwing your profile and hovering your mouse over where it says "redditor for XX years". Put the Month the Date and the Year. You may now delete or replace everything below the line
4 Confirmed trades
Redditor since December 22, 2021
If you have been linked to this rep page double check the username above is the same user who linked you and not someone with a similar username trying to impersonate that user to trick you, also check you're on the real /r/GameTradeRep. If you're suspicious or unsure about a user feel free to contact the mods for background checks
I have other rep pages too.
0 Confirmed trades
Redditor since December 15 2015
If you have been linked to this rep page double check the username above is the same user who linked you and not someone with a similar username trying to impersonate that user to trick you, also check you're on the real /r/GameTradeRep. If you're suspicious or unsure about a user feel free to contact the mods for background checks
That's 6 o's in the name.
0 Confirmed trades
Redditor May 13, 2020
If you have been linked to this rep page double check the username above is the same user who linked you and not someone with a similar username trying to impersonate that user to trick you, also check you're on the real /r/GameTradeRep. If you're suspicious or unsure about a user feel free to contact the mods for background checks
0 Confirmed trades
Redditor since January 7th 2022.
If you have been linked to this rep page double check the username above is the same user who linked you and not someone with a similar username trying to impersonate that user to trick you, also check you're on the real /r/GameTradeRep. If you're suspicious or unsure about a user feel free to contact the mods for background checks
The only trades you can confirm on /r/GameTradeRep are trades that have taken place on /r/GameTrade. Manipulation or fake trades will result in a permanent ban!
You may only edit or remove things beneath this line or total number of complete trades. Insert what you want here. For example, other rep pages from other subreddit's, rep threads from other sites like steamtrades etc or anything else you want.
You can get the date you joined reddit by veiwing your profile and hovering your mouse over where it says "redditor for XX years". Put the Month the Date and the Year. You may now delete or replace everything below the line
0 Confirmed trades
Redditor since Feb-09-2020
If you have been linked to this rep page double check the username above is the same user who linked you and not someone with a similar username trying to impersonate that user to trick you, also check you're on the real /r/GameTradeRep. If you're suspicious or unsure about a user feel free to contact the mods for background checks
The only trades you can confirm on /r/GameTradeRep are trades that have taken place on /r/GameTrade. Manipulation or fake trades will result in a permanent ban!
1 Confirmed trade(s)
Redditor since February 24, 2020
If you have been linked to this rep page double check the username above is the same user who linked you and not someone with a similar username trying to impersonate that user to trick you, also check you're on the real /r/GameTradeRep. If you're suspicious or unsure about a user feel free to contact the mods for background checks
17 Confirmed trades.
Redditor since July 4th 2021.
If you have been linked to this rep page double check the username above is the same user who linked you and not someone with a similar username trying to impersonate that user to trick you, also check you're on the real /r/GameTradeRep. If you're suspicious or unsure about a user feel free to contact the mods for background checks.
1 Confirmed trades
Redditor since March 24, 2016
If you have been linked to this rep page double check the username above is the same user who linked you and not someone with a similar username trying to impersonate that user to trick you, also check you're on the real /r/GameTradeRep. If you're suspicious or unsure about a user feel free to contact the mods for background checks
The only trades you can confirm on /r/GameTradeRep are trades that have taken place on /r/GameTrade. Manipulation or fake trades will result in a permanent ban!
2 Confirmed trades
Redditor since October 30, 2021
If you have been linked to this rep page double check the username above is the same user who linked you and not someone with a similar username trying to impersonate that user to trick you, also check you're on the real /r/GameTradeRep. If you're suspicious or unsure about a user feel free to contact the mods for background checks