All about gadgets' obsession
All about gadgets' obsession
Hi everyone! With 4 friends we are launching a design project we worked all year on. Green-Grown : A wooden construction game and plant stake. Inspired by organic design,you will be able to shape it to your liking!
If you are interested and would like to know more, here is the link to our campaign: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/tokenamel/quickstarter-greengrown?ref=9szvqy
There is a video and explanations as to why or how it came to be. Each backers will recieve one tree or more !
نحرص في شركةبرمجة مواقع الكترونية ان نقدم لك افضل اسعار تصميم المواقع وبرمجتها