
Photograph via snooOG

GNOME is a free and open-source software environment project supported by a non-profit foundation. Together, the community of contributors and the Foundation create a computing platform and software ecosystem, composed entirely of free software, that is designed to be elegant, efficient, and easy to use.

The GNOME Project is a free and open source desktop and computing platform for GNU/Linux based operating systems that strives to be an easy and elegant way to use your computer. Our latest version, GNOME 3, has been designed from the ground up to deliver you the best possible computing experience so you can get things done with ease, comfort, and control. GNOME software is developed openly and ethically by both individual contributors and corporate partners, and is distributed under the GNU General Public License.


97,832 Subscribers


Is it possible to fix the edge?

02:06 UTC


GS Connect help

GS Connect works perfectly fine if I connect to my phones hotspot. However, it seems to basically not work on my school wifi (eduroam). I have only gotten it to connect once on eduroam ever. Is this something I can fix and if so how should I go about doing it?

22:42 UTC


Idk what is happening here...


This video shows flatpak apps glitching out, most of them are from dl.flathub.org and other from official fedora flatpak repo registry.fedoraproject.org. All of them experience the same glitch when resizing the app violently, and afterwards reopening the app even though reinstalling it. In the video the app appears black when glitched, but in my POV is the GNOME's gray. I have installed flatseal but this too glitches out to try any troubleshooting...

V: Gnome 47
OS: Fedora Linux 41 (Workstation Edition)
WS: Wayland
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070
Kernel: Linux 6.12.11-200.fc41.x86_64

20:10 UTC


onedrive automount on login

Hi, I'm using Vanilla OS 2.0 with latest Gnome and I have added my oneDrive through the "online Accounts" option. Works without an issue, but it doesn't mount the drive upon sign in, I always need to open Nautilus and click on the drive to mount it.

Does anyone has a solution to this?

16:01 UTC


Cursor acting weird

11:43 UTC


NTFS formatting problem with Disks

To format USB drives in NFTS so I can open them in Windows I use Gnome Disks. The problem is that with this application the drive does not appear in this operating system. Windows detects the USB but does not assign a drive to it and I cannot access the content.

The solution is to use Gparted, but the ideal is to use Disks and not another application.

1 Comment
11:00 UTC


Are there any decent Gnome extensions that put widgets in a hamburger menu/dropdown?

Title pretty much explains all that I'm asking. I'm currently using "AppIndicator and KStatusNotifierItem support" but it's quite cluttered in my taskbar nowadays.

10:28 UTC


how remove title bar

I would like the title bar to be automatically hidden when I snap applications to the sides of the screen, as shown in the picture.
How can I achieve this?


02:28 UTC


Anyone know how to fix this?

I tried to start session with gnome classic but its not helped, also, black stripes appear on the screen and the cursor returns to its original position

00:48 UTC


GTK4 / LibAdwaita Kit for Figma

Hello everyone. I wanted to come on here and say that I made a GTK4 / LibAdwaita component or UI kit for Figma. Here's a link to the project on Figma Community: https://www.figma.com/community/file/1467967362512102193

This project is inspired by the GNOME Component Kit made by Michael Kronenberg. All credit to the designs go to the GNOME Design Team.

I made this because i was frustrated with how laggy PenPot was (not saying it's bad software, but it lags so much even on modern hardware. I would definitely switch to it if the developers fixed the lag) and also because i'm just more used to Figma.

Also, i'm sorry if there's any kind of mistakes, or that the components are not up to date. This was made to make designs for apps, not to be as updated as possible.

21:15 UTC


Is It Possible To Install Gnome Wıthout GDM?

Hello, as you can see on the title, I want to install Gnome (and all it's features) without installing GDM. I use CachyOS with KDE and Hyprland, and wish to install Gnome too.

But my login manager is SDDM and I do not want to change that because Hyprland doesn't really support GDM.

So, long story short, is it possible for me to install and use Gnome with all it's features without installing GDM or changing my login manager?

Thank you for reading, I would be very happy if you could reply.

15:39 UTC


What's up with extensions for Epiphany

I recently tested Epiphany again. And I really liked it. Only thing that keeps from using it are the missing extension. I saw however that extensions where available in Gnome 43.alpha

Is this feature still in alpha. Waht happened to it? Why was it not realeased?

09:31 UTC


How to safely create GNOME Shell extension?

Hello. I'm interested in creating GNOME shell extensions. However, from my own experiences before(starting gnome 44 then 46), If error were thrown in javascript side, the shell entires panics and then resets the session, and then i need to login with new session. For KDE, it looked like window sessions and shell interfaces to be seperated (probably plasma-shell replace) etc.

For not troubles while creating extensions, I want to create safe extension, which does not crashes entire gnome session. I would appreciate any advices about this.

I know extension needs to fixed with every GNOME release, but I think there are more stories that I should get.

Thank you.

08:05 UTC


Trouble themeing Gnome 47 is Fedora 41

I am having trouble applying themes properly on Gnome, it only applies to the top bar and context menu, windows do not get themes applied to theme.

I have user themes enabled in extension and have tried changing themes in both gnome tweaks and the extension it self.

I have tried using the .theme folder in both the '/' folder and the /home/user folder, both with the same results.

I feel like I am missing something obvious. I didn't have this problem in other distros. What am I doing wrong?w

23:45 UTC


Just Perfection Extension Ported to GNOME Shell 48

17:17 UTC


How to disable the 'Digital Output' devices in Gnome's Sound Output picker?

16:27 UTC


Gnome messing up my keyboard config

Keyboard local has been working fine for me for years:

  • localectl status is correct set to "fr".
  • gdm uses "fr" to login (enter my password)

But once I'm into gnome, it switch to "en". If I open the keyboard settings, only english is present. I tried replacing it with my laptop's layout, but as soon as I shut my session and re-login, it resets keyboard to being ONLY "en".

WFT is going on? Would an extension help me?

11:41 UTC


Aplicações não aparecem na grade do fedora 41

Notei que no Fedora 41 alguns ícones de aplicações "somem" da grade de apps.

Ao pressionar o super para ver todos os apps, alguns que deveriam estar lá não estão, mas se for pesquisar pelo nome, aparece normalmente se digitado, alguém já passou por isso?


Na pasta de desenvolvimento por exemplo, aparecem só 2 apps, o vs code estava lá ao instalar e agora não aparece mais.

Mas ao pesquisar pelo nome é possível ver normalmente. Claro que na maioria das vezes pesquisamos pelo nome mas algumas vezes só queremos ver o app na grade de aplicações.


11:09 UTC


is Apple irritated with Gnome?

a while back I asked a question here about a global menu feature, not my point anyway... someone replied in the comment that besides being too complex to implement that'd make apple chase Gnome even more because according to the commenter's view, apple sees Gnome desktop as a rip off of Mac OS.

and this left me wondering if it's actually true. does apple actually care about Gnome? are they fearful that gnome would take some of their market share (considering that imo gnome does everything that Apple wants but better) or was it just some random person's baseless statement?

10:40 UTC


Made a move from TWMs to GNOME.

My primary go to gui interfaces have been popular TWMs (i3/sway, riverwm and Hyprland). I wanted to have a fully configured tiling window manager, or let's say I wanted to customize every single thing in the tiling window manager. I have been able to find the best distro that my mind and soul can bear with and take joy in operating (Archlinux) after having distrohopped about a hundered or more times in a single year. I have also reached satisfactory setups of tiling window manager, especially when I used swayWM. However, configuring the notification daemons and stuff haven't been very easy, and I don't know how to write scripts, for graphical menus. The best tiling window manager, in my opinion, that I might hop to in a distant future is SwayWM.

However, I realized the sheer amount of time and energy I used to reach this point of understanding, which I could have used doing more productive stuff and code real stuff. I didn't realize that pretty soon enough and ended up wasting around a year in DE hopping and Distro hopping.

I remembered the old days of using UBUNTU with the canonical gnome and how it used to function very smoothly. I also remembered the cool GNOME setup in EndeavourOS. I had to forego all that customization and stuff, and realize that I wanted a workable platform that I can use without changing lines of code or config (call it what you may) for basic operations. So I made the move and got GNOME.

It had been a long time since I had last used GNOME. I lost track of its development and stuff. Seeing the progress of GNOME 47, I can see that it's way much better than what it used to be.

Thanks to the devs who have maintained this amazing desktop environment. I am happily using GNOME on wayland and love it so far.

06:37 UTC


custom arch linux desktop with gnome

22:40 UTC

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