Garry's Mod is a sandbox game by Facepunch built with Valve's Source engine.
(which also apply to Discord)
Official Steam group
Useful links
Interested in learning how to mod?
Good! Modding is an easy and fun gateway into a wonderful world called programming you won't regret entering.
If you're completely new to programming, head over to Khan Academy and take their awesome programming course:
If this isn't your first rodeo, but you need some help getting started with GLua specifically, here are some resources to get started:
A more complete and accurate list of rules may be found here.
Thanks to /u/vsod99 and /u/BlueMetro for letting us use some css snippets of theirs.
Any one care to join? It’s a dedicated server
Im looking for a map, i dont remember its name but i remember it had a parking garage, was white, and had a very tall ceiling. if anyone knows a map like this tell me
Am I cooked?
I've been looking for an addon that adds interactable fire doors and blast doors from HL. I played the addon a couple years ago and I cant seem to find it anywhere on the workshop, I have spent about an hour and a half looking for it and I just need some help looking for it.
I've uploaded my first map made with hammer with gm_publisher. The only issue is that for other users, they do not see the textures and only I do. Turns out that I have the materials so I updated the addon so that it has (addon name) > maps, materials > (name of file with materials) > (list of vtf and vmf files of the custom textures)
Despite that, the addon still doesn't show any textures and instead, we get the typical no textures of purple and black.
Hello! I would like to know for half life add on recommendations!
For a while now I have not been able to use my phys gun pretty well at all I can only use it on the main set list of props no rag dolls no weapons no npcs no vehicles etc and it's really bothering me
Sadly my game bar malfunctions a lot so I don't have a video but I swear I was playing on the normal gm construct map and I saw a completely black Dr kleiner walk out of the building with the dark room and go invisible. Is it an Easter egg or does the gm construct 13 beta mod also go on the regular construct? I've checked through my mods twice and the only thing I can think of doing this is either that mod or it's a Garry's mod official thing. (Also note I am on single player)
Im trying to play gmod on 64 bit version on steam deck but it keeps crashing before the game even loads. Does anyone know a fix?
Is there anyway I can delete x64 bit gmod without deleting the original?
I want to play with a friend, we tried the horro map Nyctophobia but the map breaks really quickly, it also has a hidden addon that came with it but it failed to download.
i need help how do i fix this: [ERROR] lua/testy.lua:2: unexpected symbol near ')'
function ENT:SpawnFunction( ply, tr, ClassName) hook.Add("PlayerSay", "commandIdent", function(ply, text, teamChat)) text = string.lower( text ) if (text == "where are you" ) then local spawns = ents.FindByClass( "info_player_start") local random_entry = math.random(#spawns) local ENT = ents.Create( "npc_citizen" ) local ENT = SetName( string "bob")
if( !isValid( ENT ) ) then return end ENT:SetPos( spawns[random_entry]:GetPos () + vector ( 0, 0, 5) ) ENT:Spawn() timer.Simple( 5, function() PrintMessage( HUD_PRINTTALK, "hello buddy" ) print("hello buds!") end) end end function
and if you could describe why it done this error please tell me
so i subbed the HIM mod that spawns a ghost arg or something like that in the map that keeps spawning props nd attacks you but i never seen him, whenever i told it in the mods comments they keep saying you are not ready yet you are not ready, i tried everything but no use, they said if you kill pigeon or seagulls it gets anhrier but nothing happened, i played with the mod for 8 days and still he doesnt show up, and theey still fucking say i am not ready whenever i mention it, they think they are some kind of fucking cult or something. If someone find a way to spawn him or activate him please tell me
I really enjoy playing quake 3 and serious sam on gmod, but does gmod have anothing similar but for solo play?
I stole money printers the person logged off so i put them in a box and how do i own them? its degrading rapidly but how do i gain access to them server name :TitsRP | High FPS | 90+ Jobs | Custom | FastDL
Subscribing to the workshop doesn't work for the server. It's linked to the collection but it needs the maps to be BSP files and it needs them to be in the maps folder on the dedicated server. But I can only find people saying where to find the GMA files but I don't know how to make it work.
I subscribed to the maps on the workshop and directed the server to use a collection containing the maps, but the server wont work.
How do I convert the GMA Files to .bsp files? Where do I even find GMA or BSP files? I have been googling to no avail.