
Photograph via snooOG

This is the subreddit for Grand Canyon University. We are an unofficial subreddit that consists of future, current, and past GCU Students who come together and converse about our University experience.

This is the subreddit for Grand Canyon University located in Phoenix, Arizona!


3,965 Subscribers


Tutor Needed FIN375

We are looking for a tutor or study group for FIN 375…any suggestions?

14:36 UTC


Transferring out to cal state?

Have any of you transferred from GCU to a cal state school, I’m transferring back next semester to San Francisco State University (SFSU) and wondering how easily it is for credits to transfer. I can’t talk to a counselor at SFSU until January which is basically when the spring semester starts.

00:10 UTC


Bio-201 & 201L

I’m currently failing lab however am passing my lecture (barely) and was wondering if reading the textbook was truly worth it both professors had stated that it wasn’t necessary but could be helpful and was wondering if anyone learned better by reading the textbook. Also would love any study recommendations.

23:39 UTC


Anonymously reporting roommates

Right, before everything else, you should know that I will be respectfully ignoring the "they're adults, they can do want they want, you narc" comments, thank you.

(Two of) my roommates are not quiet. They have loud friends over often and loudly play obscene music (its rap, so not real music, but still). It bugs me, because I have a lot of actual schoolwork to do (what a concept), but whatever, it's fine. I have good ANC headphones. If that was all, I could live with it.

However, I shouldn't have to be blocking out the sounds of my roommate and some random girl doing the thing all night, which again, he's not exactly discreet about. I'm also not confident that they aren't drinking in the apartment. Ultimately, they're breaking (all of) the rules like they are achievements. We are also starting to hear noise complaints from the neighbors (good).

This is mostly a single roommate, but one of the others isn't much better. Roommate #3 is cool, I don't have issues with him. He's also busy and is in a real relationship, so he keeps to himself, good man.

I am aware that it's possible that I am the a-hole, but I also really, really don't care if I am. I've paid to much to be here and I have work to do, in my supposedly private and quiet apartment.

In addition to this being frustrating as a fellow resident, I really don't want to be associated with this if they get caught. I need some immunity here.

My first step will be talking to them, conflict resolution and all that, which I'm perfectly fine with. I'm not a snitch, that is against my nature, but if peaceful resolution ends up being a fruitless endeavor (which is likely), I have no issues reporting their insubordination to whoever I need to as my final solution.

As this would be the result of a lack of civility (no peaceful conflict resolution), I'd really like to go about doing this anonymously. I haven't had to report anyone before, because I'm not a snitch, as I said. But I'm not sure if this is possible?

TLDR: There's a good chance that I'll need to report my roommate for community guideline reasons, and I'd like to do so anonymously. Is this something I can do?

17:56 UTC


Shipping out from the mail center/running an online business?

I have a sewing machine and I do crafts and make like headbands and bandanas and stuff and I sell these things online on Etsy. How strict is GCU on "running a business" out of your dorm/apartment? Can I ship things OUT of the mail center or are they gonna question me for why I'm trying to send out like 20 packages? (They're usually small envelopes/bubble mailers but still).

06:44 UTC


Microbiology Lab Midterm

Has anyone had Kara Hansen-Suchy for 205L?(Microbio Lab) our midterm is next week and was just wondering if anyone can give any insight on what to expect / resources to study for it.

07:32 UTC


What to expect from room checks on the 11th

Is there anything specific that the RAs are looking for? Not that I have anything, but I do have one or two push pins in the walls + some of my posters aren’t exactly Christian friendly. Should I take these down? Or do RAs not really look through our stuff

02:07 UTC


Can anyone hear through walls?

Hello I’ve been having a girl over in my room we’ve been doing “stuff” I was wondering if anyone can hear someone else being loud in the next room of if they can hear it from the floor beneath. She’s kinda very loud so I’m concerned she might get us caught

00:27 UTC


Any other pedestrians out there feel like the scooter people are mid?

Scooters are fun to ride on, you got the wind flowing through your hair and you can probably avoid the long and sweaty walk to class on a hot summer's day... But, my goodness do these scooterers not use their brakes almost ever (generally speaking). I've seen courteous scooterers I really have. They dismount in congested areas and walk their scooter through instead of maintaining a slow roll just to take off like they stole it after they've clumsily navigated them. They go an appropriate speed for traffic and I'm sure they also wipe after they're done pooping. On the other hand, these noncourteous scooterers 🤢🤮. Also, I just looked it up some of them can get up over 20+ mph if we have a scooter on scooter accident at that speed I'm sure a physicist can explain the carnage. I don't want them to take away the scooters I really don't. I especially don't want to ruin anyone's fun. Maybe there could be a scooter autoban type thing constructed around the campus? Or maybe they can just like go an appropriate speed so us pedestrians don't feel the need to wear helmets? What's y'all's take?

23:13 UTC


Is it worth taking SCI-495 (Capstone Project in the Sciences) online?

I have the option to take this class online but I want to know if it'd be better to take it in person or if it would be easier to do it online? Also I wanted to know how difficult the class was in general. Thank you!

1 Comment
20:59 UTC


Anyone know anything about the Orlando or Albuquerque campuses?

Even the Nevada campus, I’m worried that the west valley site is going to be full by the time I’m finished with my courses. I plan to start in January for the spring cohort but my counselor is adamant that I get everything done by this month in order to secure my spot at west valley. I’m coming from CA so I honestly don’t mind moving anywhere but I feel like the west valley is impacted for good reasons.

03:42 UTC


Overnight parking permit

So I want to visit my friend n crash the night in the dorms but was wondering how I could get an overnight parking permit?

03:12 UTC


Safe Parts of Phoenix

Hello again,

If I do not get a job on the GCU campus I plan to get a job outside of campus obviously. I know this part of Phoenix is EXTREMELY dangerous, I know there are are a lot of violent murders, trafficking, and shootings in camelback. I have no idea why the hell the founders of GCU decided to build their school here, but whatever. Anyways, what is the safest parts of phoenix where you are guaranteed safety and your car won't get stolen while at work? I heard scottsdale is pretty safe?

22:28 UTC



Transfer student from CA here. I was told by my SSC that all pre-requisites need to be completed by the time of application along with the HESI A2. I’m currently finishing up the last of my pre-requisites this semester: CWV-101 Christian Worldview and BIO-322 Applied Pathophysiology on campus (there were virtually no California college campuses that offered pathophysiology outside of their nursing clinicals that I could take before moving to GCU which SUCKS).

I’m really hoping to make it into the Spring cohort but my grades won’t be posted until 15 days before the application deadline (December 30th). That means I’d only have about a two week window to submit all the program requirements before the deadline. My biggest concern is that by then, most IF NOT ALL of those spots will be taken by the time my transcripts, HESI A2, and background checks are processed.

Since I’m literally only missing those two pre-requisites, I’m basically screwed if I don’t get into the Spring cohort next year for the West Valley location. I’m basically gonna have to find a place to live off campus or pay extra money to take classes I don’t need just to stay on campus for the Spring semester until I apply again in the summer.

If anyone else is in this situation or has any advice to offer, please let me know. This whole thing is giving me a major headache.

02:19 UTC


Freshman, sophomore?

Couldn't find the appropriate flaire.. However, I'm online and I'm not certain how to tell when you've moved from like "freshman" to "sophomore" or other status?

11:46 UTC



So straight up, what is happening to PG, past two times they just haven’t put peanuts in my bowl when I ask. My roommate’s past two times he went, they didn’t even put CHICKEN in the bowl. On top of all that, the portions are not what they used to be and the sauce portions are extremely inconsistent. Anyone else experiencing this?

21:53 UTC


Can I have a visitor park close by

Can I have a visitor park in the grove or halo parking lot? Or do they have to park all the way up front? Need to know by 5pm please

18:40 UTC


Halo learn not working

Is anybody else’s Halo class assignments not working? I’m trying to click on “Submit Assignment”, but it doesn’t work. Not even for “Open assignment” or “Go to Quiz”. I hope this issue isn’t for the rest of Sunday. If it is, I’m doomed 😣.

I even tried restarting my computer and internet. Nothing works. Does Halo usually have these problems? (I’m a new student)

08:21 UTC


What is Christian Worldview?

I’m a freshman and I was never told about CWV, and my counselor never enrolled me this year? Is it mandatory or smth? I’m taking UNV-103, does that replace it?

21:47 UTC


CCSC volunteer esports assistance

I am looking for service hours for the CCSC scholarship, why is the esports assistance volunteer always taken/full? is it the easiest to do or something lol? Anyone know?

20:35 UTC


Is this school Christian?

I decided to go here because of the price tag (or lack thereof) and thought it was similar to asu. When I arrived, I realized there was no rush or anything and confused ab the rules in the freshman dorms. I did not know this school was religiously affiliated. Will this affect my experience?

00:12 UTC


How much scholarship can I expect to get with a 3.4 unweighted gpa and a 25 on the act if any?

Pretty straightforward if you had similar grades and you can let me know how much money you are getting that would be great.

00:01 UTC


Quotes text vs Similarity score

So I was submitting a paper and my quoted text score was pretty high and my similarity report was very low, even though I didn’t have much quoted material, I played with lopes write to the point I have no errors and my similarity report was 0 and Still had a quoted text still showed a high number(28-31). Any ideas? I literally have about 20 quoted worlds in a 1700 word paper

23:10 UTC


Competency score to skip a core class

I can’t seem to find this anywhere but I was under the impression that if you passed a competency exam you wouldn’t have to take that class. At the beginning of the year I took a competency exam for pre-calc and I passed with a C but I was still put in college algebra. I can’t seem to find the score on the student portal, but I’m curious if I should bring that up with my advisor. Or was my score too low to count?

20:31 UTC


average gpa and hesi score for nursing on campus

current nursing majors in clinical what was your gpa and hesi score that got you admitted?

03:37 UTC


When you make a participation post on Halo and edit it the next day, does it count for the day you first posted it or the day you edited it?

I like to write all my participation posts and then post them together, rather than writing and posting one at a time. Yesterday, I realized that I forgot to post one of the ones I wrote, meaning that I didn't have enough posts for that day. I edited the one that I actually did post so that the date would change to today's date, and then I posted the other one I hadn't posted. The edited post count for today or yesterday?

15:40 UTC


GCU rate my professor. How do I find a rating on a professor at GCU when they don't show up on rate my professor. I have had a terrible experience with certain professors

How do I find a rating on a professor at GCU when they don't show up on rate my professor. I have had a terrible experience with certain professors

01:44 UTC


Finish in 3 years instead of 4

Does anyone know where I go / who I reach out to to make my schedule so I can graduate in 3 years? I really want to but just don’t know where to go for that.

23:32 UTC


Veteran Recognition

Hey ya'll

I'm an Army combat veteran (OIF 2009-2010) and am graduating this semester at October's commencement. Does GCU offer any special recognition for veteran grads? I did my undergrad at UofA and they had veteran grads wear a special embroidered stole and tassel for veterans.

I'm honestly fine with the current graduate student regalia, was just wondering if they did anything special for veterans.

1 Comment
18:10 UTC


Critical Thinking

Hello! I will start my new course on critical thinking.... is there any advice for that class ? Thank you in advance ☺️

02:56 UTC

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