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Question regarding the new season

Saw an article about how there's going to be an episode about a star trek religion

But I couldn't see in the article if they mentioned if it was a religion in the past ( but still future) or on another planet or if they are just retconning the 'where no fan has gone before' episode entirely

Has anyone saw anything about this that may clarify things?

21:21 UTC


Vitruvian Man

Ok, be honest. Who else learned more about this from Futurama then any class in school.

1 Comment
02:24 UTC


Zapp wears flesh colored pants. Or he has no crack in his ass.

06:38 UTC


get a job!

18:20 UTC


new trailer reminds me of the first 2 seasons of the comedy central era...

when comedy central re-started futurama, the first 5 or so of the first 13 eps IMO were good but felt a bit off... killer app, lethal inspection, prop infinity etc... i like them all but just felt a bit rusty. then the show got better and better. the late phillip j fry (time travel classic) and after, all felt totally right.

and the next season's 13 eps which were part of the same production season of 26. those eps were so awesome... one of my all time favorite seasons.

they seem to be following the same pattern here. i thought hulu season 1 was good but started off wobbly... and then got better as it went along (not counting the anthology one)... and now these next 10 (based on the trailer alone of course) which were also the second half of a 20 ep production season, seem amazing.

im actually shocked how great it looks.

i think it takes them some time to get in the groove. anyone else feel that way?

17:50 UTC


Bender bit a poo penny! Bender bit a poo penny!

Otherwise I thought it was a pretty flat episode but I cracked up at this little oddity of a scene

17:05 UTC


So the first episode of the new season has bender sell an NFT representing the concept of benders and he feels lost so he goes to his ancestral village in Mexico to rediscover himself. People are hating on this plot but it feels like the NFT is only at the beginning that starts the main story?

Like what difference is it to the episode where they go inside the internet and find a "cyclops" which starts the story for Leela? Or the Napster episode that's about piracy? There's nothing wrong using this as a jumping point to start the main plot and I actually think it's pretty cool. He sells an NFT representing the concept of benders, that's funny imo. I can see the episode starting with bender selling an NFT and then afterwards feeling lost so he decides to run away to Mexico to find himself again. This is the creative ways to use topical elements that i love in Futurama. Plus I think it's the most overtly topical episode in the season. There's a chatbot episode but is that really topical when the show has already established similar stuff? I guess it might count as one but it wouldn't feel out of place and still work 20 years from now. This season feels way more fun and judging by the trailer we are in for one hell of a ride!!

15:41 UTC


Does zoidberg get the flower girl back in the rest of the season?

I could’ve sworn I saw her in the trailer, but it all happened so quickly. Was wondering if anybody else saw her

13:14 UTC



When I first watched Futurama I was about 10 years old. When Bender said "blackjack and hookers" I didn't know what blackjack was. For some reason I did know what hookers were. My mind autocorrected what he said to "flapjacks and hookers". Honestly, I still think my version is funnier.

12:52 UTC


Anyone else think the new Futurama episodes feel like Futurama?

I know it's a silly question but I've seen countless people claim it doesn't feel like Futurama and that the new season was terrible but I'm here thinking it still feels like Futurama. I mean yeah it does feel a little different but what show feels the same from the first seasons to the last? Im not good with words so all I can really say is that it still very much feels like more Futurama. It doesn't feel like a ripoff and it doesn't ruin anything. I think the new season was really good overall, minus 2 episodes of course (you will know what episodes I mean). It's still having fun with the world and characters and still shows the love for the show.

But one thing that people say that really bugs me is that it's a "cash grab". I can't stand this take. It's incredible how many people that have been here since the beginning are still very committed and enthusiastic about still being apart of the show. That goes for writers, producers, directors, actors, animators etc. There are people that have been here day 1 still working on this show and love doing it. So just because you don't like it doesn't make it a cash grab. That's just a low effort lazy complaint that's objectively false.

02:03 UTC


Here's a song that was beautiful when performed by my ancestor Art

00:33 UTC


Day 8: Straight up evil

21:40 UTC


Cold Warriors episode question

In the episode, Kif is seen with Zapp when they’re about to throw New New York into the sun. Is he aware that Amy is there and will die in the process?

07:21 UTC


Legit DVD source for production season 8 (hulu season 11)?

I'm trying to complete my collection for episodes aired to date. so I can keep them on my Jellyfin server and watch wherever / whenever, even if I decide to drop hulu some day. I've seen some shady looking bluerays / dvds for season 11, but it seems pretty sketchy. arethey ever going to release it on DVD does anybody here know?

06:29 UTC


Who would you choose?

If you were stranded someplace and had to choose someone from the Planet Express crew to be stuck with, who would you choose and why?

I think I’d pick Fry for comedic relief 😂

01:14 UTC


Hey, Professor! I'm a Flying Spaghetti Monster. You seriously believe I'm descended from some kind of flightless manicotti?

23:36 UTC


I wonder why?

21:58 UTC


bender inside of a trashcan.

So my cousin swears up and down there is an episode where she saw bender sitting inside a trashcan like Oscar the grouch from Sesame street, and she is looking for it because she wants to make it out of ceramics, but she cant seem to find the episode. Everyone else swears she is crazy and is making this up, so i came here to help determine which is true. We know there are episodes where part of him becomes a trashcan, but she swears up and down it is like Oscar, Do you guys have any idea what episode it might be?

1 Comment
21:43 UTC


Voting the best quote from every episode (Day 70) "Three hundred big boys"

21:40 UTC


This pic is so eerie, which episode is it? Must be Fry’s dream or something

21:23 UTC


Day 7: mmm… society. (Wow, the gremlin was an actual gremlin. Dang.)

20:50 UTC


Is this a stag horn handle at this price?!

13:42 UTC


So the DaVinci episode

I love the episode up until they get to Vinci. You have bender saying the kinkos was closed, so he stole the real last supper. Zoidberg and the pentimento, revealing his doctorate was in art history. The whole “we must go to Italy” “didn’t we used to be a delivery company..?” “…TO THE SHIP!!” bender fighting the fountain kraken with guns. The “tossed in yonder heap!” The professors saying it’s dangerous for fry to sit on the ship, then getting himself tossed into it and “…whaaa?”

Then it’s just nonsense. I liked the city and setup as the DaVinci Code. But thenFry’s eating rocks and they bag Fry’s stupidity so much, he’s not like a cute silly not-that-smart guy who’s a lovable dope, he’s just freaking stupid. The professor is such an ass to him, too, just won’t let up the whole episode but gets worse as it goes on. It just felt like they went from bioshock 1 to bioshock infinite steampunk theme, only showing off the city.

Anyone feel similarly? I loved all the jokes on the DaVinci Code, but the ending was bad imo.. So much they could have done and they went with montage into stupid DaVinci who ends up dying.

I do love the fact tho that DaVinci literally is “from Vinci,” but the rest of the place is meh.

13:00 UTC


I'm on a rewatch for the new season and just hit The Luck of the Fryrish

And I know the two most heart wrenching episodes are this and Jurassic Bark, but as hard as JB hits, Luck of the Fryrish just hits so much harder. I don't have a good relationship with my sisters. It might involve my sisters and not my nephew, but damn Yancy being a good brother hurts my heart, and now I'm off to work. Have a fabulous day everyone.

10:59 UTC


Why I think this new era will be harder to have people come around to it with time compared to the comedy central era.

I love the Hulu era so far, only 2 episodes I don't like but there is something that kind of worries me. The comedy central era was often criticized when it aired too but nowadays people seem much more fond of it. But that was when cable was still very popular and most people had it. It would play randomly on TV and people would be more inclined to rewatch as it's on TV which could have made you start enjoying it more but now that this is streaming and barely anyone has cable, people will be less inclined to rewatch and only have those first memories with them if they decide they don't want to rewatch. I constantly hear that people haven't rewatched an episode of this run since it aired bc they didn't feel like it but if it was airing on cable randomly like it used to then people would still watch it more and people would get used to it. That's exactly why the comedy central era has become more popular. It aired so much continuously throughout all the episodes for years that it all started feeling like one era. When you think of Futurama you think of the first 7 seasons, not the first 4 and then the movies and the revival. You think of one show. I think the new season will suffer by not being on cable.

02:28 UTC


Futurama - Best of Zapp Brannigan Season 1 to 7

00:32 UTC

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