/r/FurryStarterPacks: depicting the furriest fandom on the internet
inspired from the /r/starterpacks and /r/furry_irl rules:
1. No blatant hate or calling out of an individual
Satire and criticism welcome. Please don't target anyone and remember that we're all equally trash here.
2. All posts must relate to furries or furry culture in some way
Modified existing starter packs are acceptable, subject to mod(s)' discretion.
3. All posts must be in the "starter pack" format
4. Please post direct links only.
Examples of acceptable links include but are not limited to Reddit and Imgur rehosts as well as permanent Furaffinity and e621 links.
5. Please tag NSFW posts as such.
Depictions of questionably distasteful fetishes or bestiality are not allowed.
6. Include sources for crossposts and artwork that isn't yours.
Posting the source(s) for used artwork is polite. Please be polite.
~More rules possibly to come~
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Howdy floofers,
I created this sub 7 months ago to celebrate two of my favorite genres of memes: furry culture, and starter packs. We've had a good ride so far, and I'm super glad that others with similar taste in memes have joined me. I see that you all are redditors of culture as well.
With that said, I hope that this sub can stay alive, and I encourage any of you reading this to go out and spread the word. I'm assuming most of you are here because of "word of mouth"--or comments mentioning the sub. By all means, comment a crosslink here on any relevant posts you may find in the wild! And most importantly, keep that OC coming ;)
I'm back in college for the year, so I (for now) will not have too much time to contribute new content on here. Despite this, I still receive notifications for every post put on here, and plan to remain active as a moderator. Hit me up if you're interested in joining the mod team. No guarantees that you'll actually have to do anything, but I thought I'd throw the invite out there.
Props if you've read all of this; no worries if you haven't. Happy browsing, and thanks for subscribing!
tl;dr Yay 300 subs, please spread the word about the sub, keep the posts comin', and stay cool 8)