The official subreddit of the world called Fruitelia
The official subreddit of the world called Fruitelia
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The rules of r/Fruitelia:
Be civil and don't hate. If someone asks a question let them ask. No question is a bad question.
No spam.
Don't hate Fruitelia. If you're here it is because you like Fruitelia. Any hate towards it and you will be banned. You can give feedback but only if it is constructive.
Anyone want to give suggestions on which fruit to do next and what is different about them. Reply to this post with you ideas! You're all amazing!
What of the Vegetables? The Meats? Is there foundation for a Glizzy Empire? What about a Vegetable Commonwealth? The mere introduction of the Fruits opens up to some astounding implications. Can we expect diversification at this point or is Fruitelia only composed of sentient Fruit?
You have been brilliant and very supportive! You have all contributed to this world and I thank you greatly!
One stands alone,
On a mound of peels triumphant in their sorrow
One stands alone,
Now wallowing in the end of the road all did follow,
One stands alone,
Victor of frutella their juice lives alone,
One stands alone,
With weapon in hand they know of only one way to atone,
None stand alone.
Is ethnic conflict common between fruits? Are the apples imperialists that attempt to pit native fruit varieties against one another in order to divide and conquer?
Do lemons and limes get along?
A world of fruit and more and fruit.