A subribbit for all things about frogs! We also have a Discord, feel free to join!
1. No animal cruelty and staged Photos Any form of frog abuse is not tolerated. Posts containing pictures or videos of frog dissections, frogging/frog hunting, and frog-based foods will all be considered frog abuse, and will be removed, and the posters of such will be banned.
2. No memes and other low-effort content Low-effort posts like memes, shitposts, rage comics will be removed.
3. No frequent or recent reposts. Frequent or recent reposts will be removed.
4. Keep it civil Hateful and abusive language, trolling, personal attacks, etc. will not be tolerated.
5. Handling photos are discouraged and will be removed in most circumstances. Please read the stickied post for more explicit rules. https://www.reddit.com/r/frogs/comments/s7bct8/psa_frog_handling_and_you/
6. Photos of clearly ill, injured, or deceased frogs must be marked NSFW. If you need medical help for your frog, make sure to contact a veterinarian first. Use the ARAV search tool to find one near you. https://arav.site-ym.com/search/custom.asp?id=3661
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Any and all frog memes go here: /r/frog_memes
I'm in Arkansas. An ai said it was a grey tree frog but im not sure if i can trust an ai
Thank you to everyone who made suggestions, gave advice, and showed support! This community is great!
My collection isn't very big but I love it so far! The farthest back is 4 ft tall and 5 lbs, and it was my first frog in this collection. A build a bear named Froggi.
I just made some upgrades to my wtfs enclosure, any input would be welcome! Also if any wtf keepers here have bioactive setups, please let me know what kind of isopods you have!
Does anyone have any ideas what kind of frog this is? He seems to be hanging out in the water most of the time.
Hey Reddit, I’ve been having problems with one of my whites tree frogs. I got them both about a week ago, one eats all the time, he’s very healthy and is always climbing around. My other tree frog just lays in the same spot day and night. He only ever gets up from his spot if I pick him up so he’ll get water and food. Every time I try to feed him he acts so uninterested. The humidity stays between 50-80 and there temp stays around 75-80 during day and 65-75 at night. What do you guys think he needs? Should I swap foods? I’ve been feeding them crickets.
Breeding setup, she made nice pose for her boyfriend xD
I have an empty exo terra small tall hanging around: 18x18x24. Is this too small to keep dumpys in? i've always wanted some but of course would never get any unless i had the proper setup size.
Little fellas woke up hungry lol. They know that when they sit at the door I will feed them. They’ve always been separate colors one always being dark blue and other being green. I’ve had them for little over 3 going to 4 years now. Never had an issue with them always been active but never croak unless I play videos for them to croak.
Sorry I couldn’t get a very good photo but anyone know what this frog is?
Any ID on this cute little fellow a friend saw last year?