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For Honor is a Third-Person Fighting Game, developed and published by Ubisoft for Windows PC, Xbox One/Series X and PlayStation 4/5.
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I’ve heard that the main reason they never brought this back was due to copyright. I personally loved it but I’m not in ruin if it never comes back. But I have to ask…what exactly is copyrighted? I know everyone calls it lightsabers (myself included) and such, but did Ubi ever officially call it a Star Wars event? If so, can’t they just make up a reason to have that effect in the game or something? I don’t think Disney/Star Wars has a complete monopoly over a laser sword/weapon idea
I've done everything I know to do including reinstalling all graphics drivers and windows itself. I've also completely wiped my hard drives and put everything back to how it was when I got it, yet it still will not work. FH Is the only game that does this even other games running using anti cheat still run just fine, but not FH. There's not really a lot more I can do other than like moving to a different operating system at this point because I'm tired of it.
You can see the enemy get cornered and the weapon go through them but it isn’t registered. Like wtf. What’s the point of having them corned if there’s no wall element besides them not being able to hit from certain angles.
Can someone please help me, I have tried everything and still can't not get the game to launch.
I have tried uninstalling EAC, repairing, Uninstall reinstall.
Doing verify file on the game before and after the EAC repair, turning off all windows defender AV and optional stuff.
I do have VM's enabled on my motherboard so that is the only other thing that i can see online that would stop me from booting the game but i dont think having Virtual Machines and VTD enabled is going to stop the game from booting
If anyone has any suggestions please let me know.
I found that the game is trying to open the easy anti cheat application, but it just refuses to open, I have tried to change security permissions but no change. Still the same error.
I understand it’s easier to make new fashion for knights or samurai. I understand that I’m not the first one to say this. But I guess I’m wondering now… is there a real reason they haven’t listened to player feedback about Viking fashion? Maybe I missed a twitter post of a dev mentioning that it’s hard to add because blah blah blah. Everyone else has cool skins and I’m just curious if there is a real reason. This post was made of pure FOMO bc the other factions are so cool
Ever since that Shaman buff (which has now been reverted) she seems to be getting substantial hate. I already used to see haters swoop in when her name was mentioned saying she’s just so busted and impossible to fight and needs nerfs, and it was amplified by the buff. I have always thought you either love Shaman or you despise her, it does seem like low-mid level or casual players are the most common and biggest haters of the character but what exactly is it that makes everyone hate her so much.
She is bottom 1 in 4’s so she’s not a threat half the time, and while she is a good duelist, there are many better than her. There’s definitely far more annoying characters than her too.
Did this win us the game?😂 I think we would have tied if I died.
lmao, any ideas for an N?
does anyone know where hdali went
Did the maintenance make the server worse, I've been getting disconnected from every match for the past 15 minutes. without experiencing any lagbor high ping
Steel is minimal so help me choose!
I haven’t played For Honor long. I have just recently started playing. I keep getting paired against players who have way more time and skill in For Honor than me. I don’t act toxic, but other players still act toxic towards me. In your opinion, is For Honor even worth continuing to play as a new player?
I was thinking after having a few games of breach and seeing my bot teammates just get absolutely rolled, and would like to know the opinions of the community.
Have we reached the point in the games life where bots as a rule of thumb (excluding low mmr games) should always be level 3?
The difference between level 2 and level 3 bots is night and day. And having a level 2 bot is a disadvantage either though not defending objectives or just aimlessly killing pikemen and never healing.
I see a lot of breach matches where as soon as there is a bot, the rest of the team just leave. And i feel that having a level 3 bot would stop this as you know the bot is (somewhat) competent.
I'd just like to hear you guys opinion on my thoughts
-Headbutt follow up now initiates chains -zone now initiates chains -New move Elders Retribution A 500ms feintable bash that confirms a 22 damage heavy with hyper armor can only be performed in chains after crushing counters,Full block stab,parry bash,and Heavy parry.
I wanted to give warlord something unique and powerful but not totally broken it is a very powerful bash but the condition that you can only do it after a defensive move in my opinion makes it fair.I also wanted to give warlord something for gb pressure so he can use his throws more.