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I’ve been hearing all sorts of crazy stories about the flu this season so I’m wondering if anyone has had similar issues.
It started on Thursday with fairly normal symptoms though a weird timeline. No congestion so I could sleep easily until it ended up happening Sunday evening…
And yesterday near the evening I had this weird feeling that Is still happening. After I cough my skin gets itchy around my throat, chest (right below the Adam’s apple) and my upper back. It feels like I’m constantly dealing with some sort of allergic reaction despite not taking any different medicines.
I saw the walk-in and was told my lungs are all clear from the stethoscope so it’s likely an upper respiratory virus. I was given the antihistamine Rupall which is supposed to work within 2 hours but I’m still feeling it. Unsure if it’s a weird new symptom of the flu or my anxiety making this feeling worse.
Its been 2 nights with almost no sleep and even though I am able to breath a bit better through my nose now, this itch is still happening and my lips are itchy too (but not swollen).
I haven’t been eating as much because of how I’m feeling but I hav been drinking a ton of water, just can’t get any sleep cause of this itch so I’m wondering if this is something anyone else has experienced or if I should take a trip to the ER for a couple of hours…
My 7 year old is on day 11 with a fever. Super high first few days, trending in right direction - between 100-100.9 last three days - her appetite is back, her energy is back, still cough but I know that can take a while - negative strep, negative covid, chest xray clear - as you can see I’ve been to the doctors many times through these 11 days. I’m not looking for medical advice. I’m just looking to see if anyone else has been experiencing the fever lingering this long either with themselves of their child?
My husband brought home the flu from his sales conference last week 🙃 he starting feeling a scratchy throat and mild dry cough on Friday. He didn’t mention this until after kissing me, our 1.5 son, having dinner with us and then doing the bath/bedtime routine (it’s normally split between us but since he was gone for a week, he wanted to do it all).
Once he told me about his symptoms and that he felt “sore” from sitting too long at the conference, I just knew it was the flu. I immediately had him quarantine in the guest room. The next morning he woke up definitely sick. He stayed in the guest room. I brought him vitamins and meds and hydration while masked up, hoping to avoid this all together.
Unfortunately my son came down with it in the middle of the night (technically Monday morning) with a 101 fever and you could just tell how uncomfortable he was. Thankfully he seems better today (Tuesday) and no fever but he’s still no where close to 100%. We are giving him vitamins, have a humidifier running in his room and keeping him hydrated.
My husband already feels better — not 100% but it’s only day 5 for him, so that gave me some hope! And then I came on here lol
It wasn’t until Monday night that I started to come down with it, today (Tuesday) has been hell. No fever — just a dry somewhat productive cough, body aches, sore skin and a scratchy throat (from the coughing), painful chills and zero appetite.I started taking Mucinex DM to help break up whatever’s in my chest and now I’m having diarrhea 🙃 I’m guessing from taking the meds on an empty tummy.. but I’ve always had a sensitive stomach so it’s hard to know what it’s from right now.
I wouldn’t consider how I feel to be mild, however after looking through so many of these posts, I do feel it’s more mild right now in comparison to what I’ve been reading.
Anyone else having a similar experience? Trying to look past all the doom and gloom of “you will have this for weeks.” I realize I’m only on day 2, but seeing how quickly my husband and son have bounced back, I’m wondering (hoping/praying) it will be the same for me and we just lucked out with a milder form?
My daughter and I both got Flu A on the 18th of January and dealt with pretty bad symptoms for about 7-10 days. After that, we have felt ok except for a lingering cough and tiredness. Now since yesterday we are both feeling symptoms coming back like slight sore throat, congestion, cough and my daughter is running a fever again. I’m planning on taking her to the doctor in the morning but wondering if anyone experienced anything similar with it going away and coming back? Thank you!
Caught with some flu last week. My body hit the highest level of Fever I have ever felt and terrible headache.
Day 1 : Later in the evening I feeling little weak thought it was due to over workout. Took a shower, ate and slept.
Day 2: woke up with a high fever and weakness. Afternoon with a terrible headache. Eyes started to burn and tears rolled due to heat.
Day 3: Worst fever, worst headache I have ever experienced and a bit of cough. Heavy eyes heat.
Day 4: Morning to evening-after some paracetamol fever was controlled and controlled headache. When I thought its all done started feeling temp rise in the night. Little nauseous.
Day 5: Couldn’t sleep all night, went to emergency next morning directly. Got negative in swab test for COVID/FLU. Came back with flu medicine.
Day 6 (today): Temperature is under control but I still feel it inside. Increased cold and cough.
Hope things get better by tomorrow.
Got the flu last Wednesday night. Thursday morning had fever and everything else. Fast forward to Monday, my fever went away but I still felt like crap so I went to med express. They gave me a flu test and it came back positive. They said that since I had already had it for more than two days, there was no real medicine they could give me. Prescribed cough medicine and nasal spray. Now this afternoon( 24 hours after I went to the doctor) my fever is back up to 101. Should I just ride it out or could it be something else.
Is finally coming to an end I think! I was wondering if anyone had gone to urgent care or ER for fluids post flu to get back to feeling better? I would like some if they will make me feel more normal, but I don’t have the energy to get up end go to the urgent care if they won’t even give me fluids.
Day 6 today, symptoms are finally easing up a lot. But I felt like the walking dead for the last 6 days and I still have zero energy.
Over the last several days: Fever, chills, freezing then sweating an hour later, headaches, body aches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of all appetite, dehydration, cough, sneezing, and in so much pain. Just basically the worst I’ve ever felt.
I’ve never taken a flu shot but after this I may consider it going forward. I’m traumatized right now.
Granted I already have complications before the flu, long covid, chronic congestion and coughing, acid reflux digestive issues.
Nausea set in around day 6, not so bad but progressively getting worse, which is surprising. I much rather deal with the fatigue, fever. At least I could still eat even though lost of appetite.
I’m on day 16 of Influenza A.
I’ve been reading all the posts about Flu. The rants, venting, conspiracy theories, symptoms imaginary and real. I’m a 64 yo Male. The pro’s, super fit. Very clean diet. I ride 7-8 thousand miles on my bike yearly. I have solid sleep habits. I rarely drink. The negatives, I had a mini heart attack in 2023 and rec’d a Stent in My LAD artery. (The Widow Maker), high blood pressure and high cholesterol. This is all in check and under control.
Everyone needs has to look at your individual health when dealing with flu. I can’t take any cold medicines because of my BP. For me it’s been really rough.
If you’re a fat diabetic smoker it could easily turn into pneumonia. And have long lasting effects.
Consider your health strong points and weaknesses. Your approach to fighting the virulent strain should be tailored to you.
Tamiflu is not a miracle panacea. It’s hit or miss even if you get it on day 1.
Stress is a real immune crusher.
Real rest is required to beat this.
Lay down. Hydrate incessantly. Even if your appetite is non existent. Get lots of high quality calories onboard.
I really underestimated Flu A.
You shouldn’t.
I wish everyone afflicted with this horrible scourge a speedy recovery!
First day back on my bicycle. Took it easy. Grateful I’ve turned the corner.
I loved all the posts here, it really kept me going!
Refuah Shelaima!!! 💪🏻❤️💪🏻
Hi friends, I'm currently on Day 6 of this albatross. My girlfriend is now taking care of me, and I'm locked away in the guest room of our apartment. We're being extremely careful but I'm wondering if I'm still contagious at all, and how I will know when I'm not. I first had symptoms last Wednesday, then the next 3 days were horrible (painful throbbing head, chills, painful throat, fever, etc.). The fever then broke and since Sunday I've been mosty dealing with an annoying cough and "weird head" feeling.
My 6 year okd was better in 1 day! Insane. My 3 year old in 3 days and me 10 days where I started to improve with antibiotics.
My bf brought home influenza from his work last week. He works in a prison and half of the units were quarantined with diagnosed flu cases. A lot of staff members were out sick. I had gotten the vaccine back in November due to a really nasty bout of flu late last winter. I was feeling pretty ok up until Sunday night.
Then boom, I started coughing. Sore chest, fever, stuffy nose, sore throat, and so on. But what's really got me feeling messed up is the dizziness and heart palpitations. Every time I stand up or move a little my heart starts pounding and I feel disoriented and wobbly. Even just sitting still my heart will start thudding and it feels like my whole body is vibrating. It's really weird.
I developed my first flu symptoms on Friday, January 24th. I had a 3 day fever, and after that some chest congestion that still hasn't quite gone away but it's getting there, fatigue up to day 8. But as of the weekend, I've been having a ton of sinus symptoms. My nose is so stuffed up, runny, my head hurts, all the sinus pressure. I feel like I have a totally different thing and just feel sick, but without the fever and exhaustion. Did anyone else's flu A kind of evolve into this whole different sinus thing? It sucks, I want it to end so badly.
My 10 year old daughter has caught the influenza b virus. 2 weeks prior she had the stomach flu. She was diagnosed with influenza b this past Thursday. Her fever has been averaging 100.2. We’ve been back and forward to urgent care, her primary physician, and now we’re taking her to the ER. Has anyone dealt with anything like this?
Hello! Our whole family have had flu A in mid January, and my question is when can we get the flu vaccine? This is the first year we didn’t get it for some reason and we go really sick, especially the children. They are free from fever and cough for a week now and free from diarrhea for 4 days. Is it ok to vaccinate them on weekend?
M35, 192cm, 90kg, athletic
So a week ago I had a bad gastroenteritis with 1 day fever and diarrhea for about 3 days. I have had digestive isues for about 2 weeks prior and my doc did multiple tests (inclusing MRI/Ultrasound/bloodwork) which came back normal.
Yesterday, exactly 1 week after onset of my Symptoms, i went back to work and still feel not quit fit and as soon as i start sweating I get cold sweat on my forehead. I still suffer from sinusitis so maybe it’s the cause but I just wanted to ask if its uncommon to have symtpms 1 week later?
I usually get a light cold 1-2x/year which doesnt last longer then 3-4 days. But since having covid in august I feel like things have changed.
Roommate had symptoms of a cough since about this past Saturday evening. Got a bad fever and chills this morning (Tuesday) and tested positive for flu a. I feel ok for now and just got over a significant head cold this past Thursday. Would i know if i have flu by now based on her symptoms starting Saturday or would I count the 1-4 days starting this morning?
Hey guys! Got over flu A about a week ago, day 14 in total and like everyone else it absolutely wrecked me like nothing else I’ve had. At this point my sick symptoms have mostly subsided but anxiety is not something I was expecting to be dealing with at all. I have a history with anxiety, mostly associated with taking hormone birth control but the past 2-3 years have been very very normal, low anxiety. Right now, two weeks after this flu I’m having this huge spike in anxiety and also depression-like symptoms. I’ve seen others in this sub dealing with similar and was wondering.. how long did you guys experience this if you did and of course what helped you?
Thanks! Wishing everyone well
Sunday I had bad nausea all day then slowly I developed a mild fever and just that sick feeling. Anyone else experiencing nausea with this flu? Tested positive for Flu A yesterday (Monday).
currently on day nine (9) and i am wondering if this will ever end. i hardly throw up ever and i have thrown up twice now, gagging on thick, dark green chunks of mucus. i am coughing and spitting up more mucus than i have any other day, so i’m not entirely sure what that means.
my throat has been hurting for five (5) days now and i’m not sure how to remedy it when i continue to throw up and cough throughout the entire day. i have tried cough medicines and cough drops, but i feel like they’re also part of the reason i am throwing up, since alcoholic-tasting medicine is known to upset my stomach. my cough has went from a broken, wet cough to a long, dry, gagging cough that i try to stop, but i can’t help myself. i was suggested the neti pot, honey/ lemon/ tea, and gargling salt water, but they are only temporary solutions to the pain. not sure when this will end, but i hope it is soon.
So for me it all have started last week. I was feeling bad but normal bad with sore throat and runny nose.But I had problem with breathing so I did test in the hospital and it revealed that I have flu. My symptoms disappeared but now I'm so weak. its been week and I can noteven sit in front of my PC. I'm also very nervous and when I'm starting to sleep, I've got this uneasy feeling and wake up immediately.my heart rate is also very high and make me unable to sleep. It's been whole week and I'm starting to freak up. I also started taking aripiprazole the same week so I thought it's connected but after a few days I was advised to stop taking it. Is it all flu doing, or do I have some idk 😐 neurological shit right now. Sorry for panic I'm just very tired.
Hey! How is everyone feeling after the flu? I oddly feel the most “normal” than I ever had before. I have POTS and like I don’t know how to explain it but it feels…”fixed”? My anxiety has been a lot less too…it’s so odd to explain, but does anyone else feel different than pre flu?
Has anyone had congestion for an exceptionally long time post flu! This is mostly nasal. It's taking forever to improve.
I was the first in my family to get sick. Started with a crazy sore throat and I had a fever for one night. Then my kids got sick and I was taking care of everybody, id still sweat randomly at night and had a slight sore throat. It’s been 9 days since all that started and yesterday I started to get a fever and more congestions/sneezing. It went to 102.6 at night and all day today it’s been 100.4-100.8. What could this be? Has it happened to anyone? So stressful.
Just curious because I just took it- I got exposed to the flu this weekend. Has it worked for you all?
I should start by stating this is my first time ever with the flu. I have had Covid a few times before but have never experienced body aches like I did yesterday.
On Saturday afternoon I had bout of diarrhea but figured maybe it was something I ate. I felt a bit achy but nothing out of the norm as I haven’t gotten as much movement with the cold weather in my area. Later that night I experienced terrible vomiting like no other. When I got home I had another bout of vomit along with extreme body aches. I took so Tylenol and went to bed. All day Sunday I basically slept and tried to maintain fluids while eating a basic diet, the body aches and headaches were the worst this day. Today my the GI issues are mostly gone, and the aches are minimal. I am starting to develop a slight cough and sore throat. Felt slightly feverish in the AM but nothing that Tyenol didn’t take care of.
I did take a Covid/Flu A/Flu B test which all were negative, but a few people I sit with at work on Friday are sick, one who tested positive for the flu today. The others experienced a similar timeline to me felt well enough to return apparently. I am vaccinated and the others are not. I plan to continue to stay home until I feel better, but I was curious if at this stage it is worth going to Urgent care to receive Tamiflu, like my one coworker. I have been reading into it, and I would hate for my GI symptoms to return. What is a good course of action?
I had the flu since MLK day. I was able to live with the symptoms until this past weekend. I had been in bed since Friday and had no appetite since. I feel like I am on the tail end of it. Yet the rib pain from coughing and blowing my nose is excruciating. I have been taking ibuprofen and using a heating pad. It is so painful to move. Was else can I do for it?
I was diagnosed with Flu A on 1/20/25 and here I am on 2/3/25 still symptomatic. I went back to the doctor and they diagnosed me with a sinus and ear infection, and started me on Augmentin… but it’s been five days of it and I don’t notice a difference in symptoms really. Still congested, and ear is still clogged with muffled hearing + ringing.
Never had a flu like this. I’ve had the flu probably 50 times in my life and I’ve recovered from them all without much issue. However, this one just feels markedly different.
My next step I think is to see an ENT becquse I’m just so over the congestion, especially my ear.
Who else is in a similar boat? 🛶
I am still battling this thing, but it presented very differently. My husband was sick and had a typical course before finally improving 8 days in. I was fine until Wednesday. I woke up with very noticeable wheezing and a fluid-filled chest. No upper respiratory symptoms at all for two days, then those slowly came on. I am still having only minimal head cold type symptoms, but the sweating, fatigue, and joint pain episodes are pretty terrible and the fluid on my lungs feels extreme. I went to urgent care yesterday (in US) and she said there was wheezing and rhonci and crackles in every lobe, but worse on my right. I have a long history of pneumonia, thus the reason I went in. They said my chest xray was clear and so only prescribed cough medicine and steroids. I did test positive for influenza A, so I understand the want to wait on antibiotics. But I am equally frustrated because I have never had so much mucous from my lungs. Everything I blow out my nose is clear. Everything I cough up is green, brown, and today has had some blood specks. My heart rate won't go under 100. My BP is high normal, unless taken on expiration, then it's just outright high (150/100). O2 has been fine unless I fully exhale, then it will dip into the 80s. But it's popping right back up, so that's okay, I think. Anybody else have a presentation like this? Today was only day 2 of steroids, so I think I will try to give them another day and then go into emergency tomorrow if needed. I think a chest CT will give a better assessment of what is happening. And I am worried about the amount of fluid affecting my heart (I know its unlikely. I'm a worrier. Lol). And I also think I will need a longer course of steroids (or stronger ones) and/or an antibiotic.