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My boyfriend’s finance job sucks and it’s starting to annoy me. Is there really nothing he can do but wait?

Hi all, my bf (31) and i(31) have been together for 1.5 years. My bf works at one of the largest banks in nyc as a middle office associate in trading. The problem is, he works long hours two days out of the week (like from 9am to 10pm) but he doesn’t get paid well (he makes around 100k per year total). He has been at this bank for 5 years. He hates his job and his long hours are starting to annoy me. Also, I think 100k is pretty low for someone who lives in nyc and has 7 years of professional experience. I also always thought that people who work in finance esp at a big bank make a lot of money.

Maybe it’s because I don’t work in the financial industry so I have a hard time understanding. I’ve talked to my bf about it, and he talks about it a lot because he hates his job and has hated it for a while. He wants to get a front office role but the job market has been bad. Something recently opened up where he knew the hiring manager so he reached out to her to express his interest. However after having a chat, when he followed up she told him they were still in the process of reviewing resumes and will reach out if they like his profile. Apparently this has happened to him a few times in the past as well. He said there’s nothing else he can do other than continue to ask his current manager to sponsor him for an exam and wait until something opens up internally where he can get in.

Is this really all he can do??? I guess I’m just wondering whether it would be better to get a job at another company. I don’t know how the finance industry works so I’m a little confused but I’ve been in his shoes before and jumped companies at least 6 times to find the role that was right for me and offered the right pay. I suggested that he does something similar and maybe look externally but he doesn’t seem to think that is a good idea.

Any insight into the finance world would be greatly appreciated.

01:20 UTC


How long can I delay starting a new job

Offered a new job and bonus gets paid out in a few months. Would it be a back look to ask new job to wait 90 days to start so I can collect my bonus?

01:13 UTC


Is a Banking and Financial Econ degree worth pursuing?

Like the title says, I’m in a banking and financial econ program atm (non target but aiming to transfer to one) and I’m hoping to get into a good job in the finance world and was wondering if I should just switch my major to regular finance or something else? I’ve heard conflicting opinions on the value of an Econ degree in the field.

00:10 UTC


Quitting after getting licensed

I have my series 6 and am about to obtain my 63. If I quit immediately after is there anything the firm can do to tie up my licensing if I go to another firm? Is there any process where my current firm would have to transfer the licenses or would I be good to go if I started at another firm?

23:53 UTC


Thrivent Virtual FA, what are your thoughts?

23:50 UTC


Please help with my resume, I have networked with people and received referrals, but I can't seem to land a job, I am starting to think my resume is trash.

As the title says, I have been networking for several months having recently graduated and everyone has been very helpful. I usually receive a referral after the coffee chat, however, I almost immediately get turned down for jobs. I don't have any direct experience in finance or banking, but I do have experience running data models, financial planning, and working with corporate finance. I have been applying for analyst positions, development programs, loan/documentation roles, and other "entry level" jobs but I haven't been successful.

I know the market is shit right now, but I figured with all the networking I have done I would have received at least one job offer. I have received offers as a retail banker but I trying everything I can to not go into retail. Any advice as to what I can do to stand out on my resume or general advice would be greatly appreciated.

Ideally, I can land a development program in a commercial banking/analyst role. However, I do plan to go back to school for an MBA within the next 1-2 years at a T20 school so that I can eventually land an analyst role in IB.


23:32 UTC


Is Bristol that poorly regarded in finance? (UK)

So I was at a networking event and this guy and I were getting along well he was telling me what to go for if I'm considering consulting/fiance. And he actually seemed disgusted when I said I do law at Bristol. I'm not sure where he went but his wife was there and she went QMUL so idk how he could have such high standards. But is this a common reaction or is this guy a dick. I am concerned as I know Bristol reputation outside of my chosen subject of law is not close to its reputation in corporate law where its a strong target. I still thought Bristol is a semi target and I hate being dismissed when my degree is challenging and I have A*AA at A-level - open to any feedback and advice as I'm going for consulting roles this year.

23:08 UTC


LaSalle Asset Management Analyst Interview

Hi, I just recently got invited to interview for an Asset Management Analyst position for LaSalle Investment Management in a major city(New York, Chicago, LA size). Does anyone have any interview tips or experience interviewing for them, and what should I expect and prepare for within this and the following interview processes? Also does anyone know the salary and bonus ballpark and do they offer relocation?

22:21 UTC


Just a big fat HOW

Hello guys, So I am a 23 grad coming out of university with a Computer science degree, but I have recently discovered a passion for finance (I am finishing my first degree so late because i lost zeal and took 2 gap years to rediscover plus Catching covid lead to health complications i still have till today). Since graduating I have been doing my best to make up lost ground as I have no internships so I have been doing my best to network on LinkedIn, I have done a few courses here and there and I am currently teaching myself Financial modelling. I know how the game works now is during undergrad you get a spring week which leads to a summer internship which leads to a return offer, so what can someone like me do? I have been applying for roles in operations and getting rejected not to talk of front office roles. If possible I would love to connect with people here, maybe get feedback on my CV and just a general direction on what to do, because all I do these days is network and network and network (It has led to one or two replies plus I have a lunch coming up with a former hedge fund manager, but moretime I get aired on linkedin)

22:14 UTC


Does anyone work for Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC)?

I recently received an offer and wanted to know what it’s like working there. I found some bad reviews on Glassdoor, so I wanted to see if anyone could share their experience.

1 Comment
21:59 UTC


BPP vs target investment banking unis (UK)

How are candidates from BPP received compared to those from target institutions when applying for front office positions in investment banking?

For context, I’m an English graduate from a target uni with some initial exposure to M&A / private equity through city law internships I’ve completed. I’m interested in building a career within this corporate transactions space and I’m pursuing a two pronged approach, applying for opportunities within both finance (banking internships) and corporate law (training contracts).

I graduated a couple of years ago, so have timed out of eligibility to apply for most investment banking internships. I’ve also encountered a limitation to the available opportunities in law given many employers’ preference or requirement for a legal qualification.

With this said, I’m considering starting a master’s in Law at BPP this month. I believe the programme would benefit my career goals by making me once again eligible to apply for banking and consultancy internships which are subject-agnostic in their hiring practices. It would similarly open up access to countless new legal opportunities requiring a specialised qualification.

Is this an advisable strategy? How does BPP compare to target institutions in terms of candidate reception for front office positions in investment banking? As an alternative, I could wait a year and possibly apply to KCL or LSE, however time is of the essence. I’d much rather utilise every second I have.

15:28 UTC


How to exit Wealth Management

As the title suggests, I want to leave WM. I have been in an entry level role for under a year. The pay is decent, however the job is not very stimulating nor analytical.

I was not really selective in finding a role after graduating due to a horrible job market, and to minimize the time unemployed, I accepted the first decent offer that came my way.

Looking back I should have been more selective in my search. I graduated from a semi-target school with a decent GPA and had a previous internship at a boutique consulting firm for sales and marketing.

I have been recently looking for more analytical roles such as research and commercial/corporate banking, so far no response back. I was wondering if anyone has left these WM and where and also if there are more analytical roles I can easily move too given my background.

21:39 UTC


Hedge Fund Interview Prep


I just managed to get an unexpected informal meeting with the Managing Partner at a Hedge fund (will not name). The firm is a boutique systematic macro fund focusing on alternative/climate investments.

I have an Econ/Mathematics degree with econometric modeling experience yet have relatively introductory knowledge regarding financial modeling and market fundamentals. In order to prep for this, any tips and resources I should prep? Have 6 days for preparation.

Any recommendations are welcome. Thanks!

21:34 UTC


Career Advice regarding a CLO role

Hi all,

Is there anyone within the CLO industry who would be able to shed some light on a CLO role I am interviewing for - the spec itself (which I won’t post as to not dox myself, but am happy to private message it) is quite vague and I am trying to decipher whether the role would be a good career move for myself (not sure whether it sits back or middle office). Any advice would be much appreciated 😄


19:40 UTC


Finally landed an offer!

For background, I didn't get a return offer from my summer internship in commercial banking. The last few weeks/month have been the most mentally challenging after being ghosted, getting rejection emails, and dealing with low confidence in the job hunt after submitting 100+ applications.

The offer will require me to move to a HCOL city in the west for 2 years on an 80k salary, doable?

Still looking to stay in California as I have built my life around here and recently started a relationship. But will have to move if I can't find anything by January. And will try to move back after the program.

Heads up all, we will all break-in soon.

20:04 UTC


Really struggling with a choice between BSBA w/ emphasis in finance and banking & Dual Degree (master’s and bachelor’s) in Accounting

Hi all,

First, a bit of background. I’m a transfer student from a community college where I attained my associate’s degree. I transferred to a large state university that offers a dual degree in accounting that is completed in 5 years (no single degree offered, program is master and bachelors or nothing) as well as a bachelor’s of science in business administration. I am struggling to pick between these programs for 2 main reasons:

  1. Academics
  • In the accounting program, about 15 of my credits can’t be used for the degree; therefore I will have to stay for an extra semester on top of the extra year for the master’s or take a rather accelerated approach to complete the degree. I can cash flow the BSBA, but going for the accounting program would likely require me to take out debt.
  • In the BSBA, all of my credits will apply and I will be able to graduate in the spring of 2026.
  1. Job prospects
  • In accounting there is a clear cut path for which jobs you can get. I would likely aim to work in audit at a Big 4 firm for ~2 years and then transition to industry or a finance role.
  • With my finance degree I would plan to work for 2-3 years, then pursue a MBA, and work towards higher finance roles. I’m not sure exactly what roles are available/what I could be hired for.

My personal risk tolerance is rather high and I have enjoyed finance as well as accounting coursework; however, auditing seems rather dull (daily activities seem to include a lot of inventory reconciliation). I enjoy interacting with people and sales a lot more than the number side of accounting. I would be willing to work towards the accounting side if the “payoff” / opportunities are there.


  1. Finance careers - are they there right now? If so, are they hyper competitive / very prone to layoffs?
  2. What does accounting look like 5 years after graduation? Am I still counting inventory/doing dull tasks? What about in 10 years?
  3. Is it worth the extra 3 semesters / debt to get the accounting degree?
  4. What questions should I be asking that I’m not?
21:13 UTC


Municipal finance/Public finance

Hi, does anyone here work in municipal finance or public finance? Or a Government agency?

Need some help :) Thanks

21:07 UTC


Internal audit salary expectations in Paris?

For the role of internal audit inspector at a big bank based in Paris, what would be the salary for someone with almost 3 years of experience in compliance?

21:01 UTC


Networking Internationally (DACH)

I am a student (American) from a university on the east coast US. As a part of a specialized program at my college, I am receiving funding for an unpaid internship somewhere in the DACH region. I am targeting the reinsurance industry of Switzerland. Specifically, I want to work within reinsurance actuarial or underwriting teams.

So far, the Swiss seem like a very conservative, closed off group to network with. Any advice on how to break in considering that I am halfway across the world?

Thank you in advance.

20:57 UTC


citi private bank experience

For thoses who are familiar with Citi or thier private bank, how is it like working there? Is it a shittier version of JPMorgans private bank as a associate?

As a associate are you forever stuck behind the shadows of your banker being the support? Or whats the growth path looking like

20:34 UTC


Has anyone made the jump from Renewable Energy / Infrastructure Project Finance to PE?

I started my career in a Fund Management/Operations role at a top PE firm. After a few years, I was able to pivot into an associate role on a small capital markets team at a well-capitalized renewable energy developer building utility-scale solar and wind projects. The role is heavily involved in modelling and structuring debt and tax/preferred equity transactions. I'm aiming targeting begin my MBA in 2026 from either Wharton, Booth or Kellogg, and after completing the program, the two paths I'm interested in taking are 1) staying at the firm and taking a leadership role on the cap mrkts team or 2) trying to pivot into an RE/infrastructure fund.

Is there any hope for the latter and, if so, what would be my biggest challenges. Thanks!

20:04 UTC


Should I Take Online Courses Before University Starts? Are They Worth Adding to My CV?

I have about 10 days before my university starts up again. Should I use this time to rest before my final year, or should I take some online courses and add them to my CV?

I'm considering courses such as Private Equity and Venture Capital, and Financial Modelling, offered by reputable universities in Italy through Coursera.

I’ve heard on Reddit that many people feel these courses don’t make much of a difference on a CV. Is it worth doing them, or are there better alternatives, especially for opportunities in the UK/London?

19:59 UTC


Failed Cultural Test after Interview

I am a college senior majoring in Finance and minoring in Prelaw currently trying to build a resume. I was in talks with a top top firm for a spring hybrid internship. Interviews and emails with them went well but they just sent me a cultural test and after answering some simple background and personality questions I got instantly denied from the position. Is there anything I could do? I have been looking for internships for a year at this point and have only gotten one offer for last summer which I denied. I am a fairly good student, I have made deans list one semester, have a 3.3 GPA, spent 2 years on our colleges lacrosse team and hold a position in my fraternity. I am also working on getting my FMVA right now. At this point I have to have applied to like 150+ internships. I’m not gonna lie I’m a little scared for my future at this point.

19:44 UTC


Capital One PowerDay Do’s & Don’ts

Hi everyone, I’m interviewing tomorrow for the Capital One Business Analyst position, and I would like to ask about last min Do’s and Don’ts. Particularly if anyone who got rejected would be willing to share the reasons/mistakes that may have gotten them rejected. Getting this role is extremely important to me so please don’t troll!

19:30 UTC


Introvert/shy person as an ARM?

So I got a job offer for a ARM position in Commercial Banking in another city. I’m concerned I can’t do it In part because I’m super socially awkward and shy. Like trouble making eye contact shy. It’s a concern, on top of personal issues I have going on now.

I currently work in ops now, The thing is I absolutely hate my position in operations, they are cut often. Micromanaged through the roof and just irritating. Plus I don’t like the products I am currently working with (not comm banking)

Back to the ARM position, I am very familiar with the content, and understand it. It’s just the actual meeting client part that I am worried about. Does anyone have any feedback? Are there any introverted relationship managers out there? I saw a few other posts on here about the same topic, so it’s a thing. (No I won’t tell you what org it is so please don’t ask)

19:06 UTC


Are coffee chats okay for Networking as a girl in Europe?

I’m a college student in Europe (Italy) trying to break into banking/PE. Is it normal here to reach out for coffee chats, especially as a woman? I’ve heard it’s a common practice in places like NYC, but I’m not sure how it’s perceived in Europe, and I want to keep things strictly professional.

I’m a foreigner myself so idk much about the culture of networking here, any advice would be appreciated🙏

19:03 UTC


Networking in Linkedin

Hey there. I am really new to linkedin, trying to expand my network in there. However, I just wanted to know how is it possible to find employees in the finance sector to chat with them or have a coffe talk with them. I have the same question for finding managers in small finance companies to connect with them. I mean is this even possible? Btw thank you in advance to all the replies.

18:50 UTC

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