Polls and collages for your favorite media - whether it's film, video games, music, and anything in-between!
Share, make polls, and vote for your favorite media!
Rule 1. Post must be specific to media. Posts are required to pertain specifically to media. If the post is more character-focused, please direct them to r/FavoriteCharacter.
Rule 2. All post types are allowed, but polls must be polls. Using the upvote/downvote system as a form of voting is not allowed. If you are trying to make a poll with more than 6 options, consider breaking it up into two polls or including an “Other” option.
Rule 3. Polls are strictly based on favoritism. All posts must be based on who people's favorite media. Avoid titles that imply anything other than favoritism (this includes using vs. in titles).
Examples of posts not allowed: "Which is better?"; "Which is the worst?"; "Least Favorite of these"; "Media 1 vs/v. Media 2"
Rule 4. Be respectful. This is an opinion-based sub, so be respectful. Debate and discussion is welcome, name-calling is not. Disliking a media source is allowed, please do no insult media sources or people for liking things you dislike.
Rule 5. Keep it PG-13. Topics can be edgy, but please no pornography or other inappropriate content.
Rule 6. Wait a week before reposting. Avoid duplicating polls created within the last 7 days. Please search the subreddit, as there may be an active poll already.
Rule 7. Crossposting. If your personal polls are lacking in votes, we do allow you to crosspost. However, please make sure that you are reading rules on other subreddits before you do so.
Refer to this link for guidelines on crossposting mod-run tournament polls.
Rule 8. Personal Favorites. Sharing your favorite media visually (i.e. images or videos) is encouraged. Simply mark them with the “My Favorite (Visual)” flair. Visuals of your least favorite media are not allowed.
Rule 9. Suggesting new ideas. If you have new ideas to implement on r/FavoriteMedia, send us modmail or post under the "Suggestions" flair. We’ll be sure to read (and possibly implement) the suggestion
Rule 10. Memes. We do allow meme posts; however, they must be relevant to this subreddit and be marked with the "Meme" flair.
Rule 11. Custom tournaments must be approved by mods. If you'd like to run your own bracket/tournament, please submit your request here. One of the mods will PM you when a decision has been made for your request.
For more information go to this document.
Rule 12: Tag Spoilers. If you're posting something that would ruin the viewing/playing/reading experience for a newbie, tag it as a spoiler, regardless of whether it's "common knowledge" or from a piece of media that's been around for a long time!
Rule 13: No commercial promotions. We do not allow posts where you are promoting your own website, YouTube channel (unless it is relevant to the sub), buying/trading products, etc.
hey guys!! I am currently working on a passion project aimed at creating an online space that brings out the deep sense of community and emotional connection that music inspires—much like the unity we feel at live concerts.
I'd love and appreciate it so much if you could take a quick survey (like 3 mins) to share what music and community mean to you. thanks!! :) https://forms.gle/gnrrFVbJYGe9E8Qe6
Do you ever feel like you project sexist ideas onto yourself? Has your sister ever received hostility from other women online? Want to Hear Your Voices?
I'm gathering thoughts on internalized misogyny for a project. Your voice matters—help us better understand this issue by taking a quick, 8-question anonymous survey (15 minutes max)!
The survey is completely confidential and ethically conducted. I'm a graduate student from SVA, majoring in Design for Social Innovation. Any questions or are interested in the project? feel free to DM me!
Hope everyone will like this video - The Most Memorable Ads: Top 7 Picks! Share your favourite too!!