African fat tailed gecko (Hemitheconyx caudicinctus)
A subreddit for fat tails. This is the place to be if you need help, advice or just want to show off your AFT gecko!
I’ve wanted a gecko for a while now and I think I’m ready to get one but I just can’t find a good guide online for buying equipment for a non-bio active tank. I have picked out a tank (36 x 18 x 18) and just want help with a definitive list of what I need to make sure my gecko is happy.
Does anyone know what this might be on my AFTs head? Has spread kinda quickly and is not removable with a q tip
Hi, I have a 2yo fat tail whom I moved into a larger, bioactive 50gal terrarium about 3 months ago. However, I still can't get the temps where I need them to be! I have a 50w deep heat emitter and a 120w ceramic heater on a thermostat, but the hot side stays around 75-78°. My room is not very well insulated unfortunately (it's right above the garage) and I am hesitant to run a space heater when I'm not in the room (my parents always said it was a fire hazard).
I heard under-tank heaters might be a good investment, but my bioactive setup has a thick substrate and drainage layer so I'm not sure any of the heat would actually reach the gecko.
I think he's gone into brumation, since I haven't seen him leave his hide in a few days and he won't take crickets from my tongs like usual. I'm a little worried, since this is the first time he's done this, so any advice you guys may have is welcome.
I used to tong feed him all the time and it would work fine, but lately he never comes out of his hide. If I lift off the roof of his hide to try to feed him, he just freezes in fear and won’t acknowledge the bug if I try to tong feed him. Then he’ll eventually just get too scared and sprint into another hiding spot.
Every once in a while he’ll come out, and I try to tong feed him. He’ll maybe eat like 3 or 4 bugs, but eventually he gets scared of me and hides, and then I won’t see him for a long time.
I’ve left mealworms in his bowl, but they’re always still there in the morning. I’ve tried feeding him crickets in hopes that he’ll come out and hunt them on his own, but everyone on Reddit says to never do that because they’ll bite him in his sleep.
Does anyone have any tips on how I can feed him? (Also I don’t actually know his gender bc he’s too shy to let me pick him up)
Hi, I will be getting a fat tail and was wondering if the temperature that I’m living in (Thailand) is alright for not needing a heat source? The seller says that I don’t need one but I don’t trust the asian reptile communities hahahaha.
Thank you!
I got my little fat tail around 1 month ago, I love him and it's fun to watch him when i give him food from my hands, when the evening starts and the lights turn off i take him even in my hands, just a bit to let him get used to handling and he never showed acts of aggression or fear, not with me or around his enclosure. I was wondering tho if it's normal to never see him under the light, he always sleeps during the day (he is the cutest thing when he sleeps) I only see him sometimes out of his hide when the lights go off
Last Thursday I switched my girl from a mat to 60% Sand 40%EcoEarth (both ZooMed) and I'm worried she may not like it. She still comes out to visit me and has been drinking water, but she has refused to eat this whole week and I'm not quite sure what I can do. She has refused food once before, but it wasn't for this long.
Is there anything I can do to help her feel more comfortable or should I just wait it out?
It’s getting colder here and im worried about my guy and his night time temps. He’s going into brumation right now and he always does every year but im wondering if maybe I should get some type of overhead heat for night time? Looking at his temp records the coldest it gets is usually 58° F.
Hello this is Ali she was sold to me with a male (littlefoot) that she had breeded with in the past and cohabed with. When I bought them I let them live together for a week before moving him over to his own enclosure. I took her to the vet on Oct 12 and he said he believed she was gravid but couldn't tell me with certainty. The vet specialized in reptiles and was highly favored so I valued his opinion. I bought an incubator and prepared it. I have noticed that although she still eats it's not as big of a portion as she used to eat. She has become more jittery and irratible. I've been checking her enclosure every so often looking for eggs, but still no eggs. Should I give up looking for any eggs atp and sell the incubator on ebay. She won't let me turn her over to get a good look at her underside, and I don't want to stress her out too much.
My AFT hasn’t 💩 in a week so worrying that he might be constipated i gave him a short warm soak with belly rub yesterday. This morning i woke up to find a 1 inch size 💩 with yellow color. Just wondering if the yellow color on the stool is healthy or worrying? Also how often do you check up on your AFTs with the vet, any recommendation? Thank you for the insights in advance 🙏
I have a fire skink, and they are notorious for being shy and burrowing. I wanted a second reptile that would be more “outgoing” and considered an AFT. Im not expecting a scaly dog or anything ofc, but I was hoping they’d be more active than what people say they are. Would I be disappointed in how lazy they are and how often they are in their hides? They are just so cute and friendly. Its just hard to gauge when I don’t have one, and I can only see discussions that graze the topic. Thank you!
Tomorrow will be two weeks since she hasn’t eaten. Is this normal ? Also she hasn’t peed either but I’m not sure if that’s cause she hasn’t eaten. I’ve offered her wax worms and Dubias and she always eats them up right away but not anymore. She doesn’t look like she’s lost weight either. When should I start being concerned ?
Hello, I hope everyone is doing well.
I have a question about heating.
I live in France near Germany, and here the temperatures began dropping since a month now.
I wanted to know if it's a good idea to drop as well the heating temperature of my gecko terrarium to simulate the cooler seasons. Or should I keep it hot all year the same temperature ?
My heating system is 1 halogen lamp and 1 ceramic lamp for extra heat if needed.
thank you all for your advices ! :D
hi there, I've had my fat tail for a little bit, he came from a very neglectful owner before (no heat source, no humidity no hides literally nothing except for rocks and sticks from outside :/) his poops have looked pretty fine to me from what I can find online and I just wanted to get everyone's opinions ! ive been feeding him super worms from petco cause thats what his owner was feeding him and he eats super well. im going to try and get him on crickets though. thanks so much !!
I’m thinking about getting an African fat tail, we used to have Leo’s growing up but it’s been a while since I’ve had one, and I know AFT’s require a few different living situations. My main question however is the constant contradictions on heating. I see so many recommend a heating mat only, under the warm side of their tank, and that be that. While others say to do a heat lamp or Deep heat projector and no mat. I’ve even seen some say to do both? A heating mat under a moist hide, a basking area, and a cool side. But I really need a clearer answer so I could give my new baby the best living situation. Thanks in advance, any help is appreciated!