Gaze at gorgeous actresses, goddesses, sports stars and many other popular women from around the world! A tasteful community providing content on celebrities of all types.
Welcome and thank you for subscribing!
Explanation of the subs restrictions:
We're aiming for a GQ or Men's Journal feel, not going for the Hustler vibe. Some tasteful nudes and semi-covered images are fine, but absolutely no pornography. The overall goal is to keep this low key, which means no raunchy media or language! Plenty of subs that are entirely nsfw, some marked with the entire sub that way due to how they are perceived. For images that do show a little, please do mark them as NSFW as appropriate.
So yes, we are permitting nsfw content if it meets gentlemen's standards and is marked nsfw. If there are questions please ask.
Thank you for understanding, we appreciate your visit and contribution to this community.
Be Respectful
No soliciting of goods/services
No Spoilers
Limited Photo manipulation acceptable, but no fakes/deepfakes or 'leaked images'
Keep Collages/Multiple images to 4 subjects
No lewd or otherwise distasteful images that go against the spirit of the sub, no pornographic nsfw/nsfl, no hacked or leaked media
Subjects must 18 when the image/video was taken, no exceptions
Honor reddit's TOS/rules
'Karma fishing' by habitually re-posting the same top submissions, deleting repeatedly, or other obvious manipulation not welcome
*60 day limit for re-posting
Don't wish to risk NSFW, or just value presentation over too much skin or nudity?
Try r/CelebLookers - A 100% SFW only establishment for the beauty and fashion of 'lookers,' aka beautiful women. Enjoy a more couth experience when ogling your favorite celebrity and come join us. Formal attire needed for entry. Good day to you.