This is a community for the discussion of role-playing video games developed by Nihon Falcom! They are a Japanese company best known for the Ys series and Trails series (part of The Legend of Heroes series) of video games. They have developed many more games, and you are welcome to discuss those, too!
This is a community for the discussion of role-playing video games developed by Nihon Falcom! They are a Japanese company best known for the Ys series and Trails series (part of The Legend of Heroes series) of video games. They have developed many more games, and you are welcome to discuss those, too!
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It's already at my top 5 favorite games.
Currently i have bought all of the cold steel but havent bought the crosbell arc bcs its more expensive on steam for some reasons
No spoilers please beyond answer to this Q! I’m just wondering how much of Kuro 2 Swin, Nadia, Shizuna, and Elaine are playable for?
They are four of my favs and don’t want to get my hopes up too high if they’ll be crushed lol
It’s not really that Alisa’s mom is a sack of neglectful shit that gets to me, it’s how the other characters always excuse it, even if it’s in some minuscule way. I get that this is a JRPG, but this series does every other character right. Not even the NPCs are written badly.
It’s just this bitch who I’m genuinely convinced is a part of Ouroboros at this point and she’ll be a villain in CS4 or something. Because what else would she be? I refuse to believe she’s actually a good guy when most of the other ‘good guys’ are either mostly good with some nuance or have some good parts that make them slightly redeemable or likable.
Real life got in the way of things for a bit as it does, but I was finally able to pick up Cold Steel! I just started the field study in chapter 2, so I've barely scratched the surface of what's to come, but I wanted to get some of my thoughts in order.
What I like so far:
The combination between having a central hub with Trista and Thors while exploring other regions in Erebonia with the field studies. This, to me, combines the best aspects of becoming really familiar with the NPCs around you like in Crossbell (especially with unique NPC models!, and the fresh feeling of coming to a new area like in Liberl.
The OST, but this was a given. Trails OST never misses.
Blade. I'm so dead serious I have sunk a solid chunk of my short time in Cold Steel on this card game. I accidentally saved over the save file I made just to go play Blade, and that might have been for the best so I can actually continue the game.
Speaking of mini games, fishing in this game rocks.
Sara. What were the writers thinking, having a wildly irresponsible alcoholic older woman kick my ass so badly? How am I supposed to pay attention to any other girl in this game? In all seriousness,
What I miss from previous games:
The orbment system. In between stronger crafts and the link system, it feels like arts just aren't as useful this game than previous ones. Crossbell I felt had a really good balance between the damage and delay output of higher level arts, and managing quartz to have the right arts on hand was rewarding. I'm hoping that things level off more in mid to late game to incentivise more variety.
The little animations that play when a character is cooking. I know it's not really something they could do the same with the 3D models, but it was so charming.
What I'm currently ambivalent on but hope to be proven wrong:
Machias. It's more of a problem I have with the writing rather than him himself, because a well written prickly character that causes conflict within a group makes it more rewarding when the group is finally able to mesh together. But so far, Machias feels like the shining example of when a story has a really poorly written social conflict. When the only nobles who are actually showing prejudice towards commoners are so comically exaggerated in how they go about it, what should be Machias' rightful anger comes across as misplaced misanthropy. And I say rightful anger because from playing the Liberl and Crossbell arcs, we KNOW that Erebonian noble society is deeply corrupt! I'd argue that even just the events in Cedric should be enough to clue a player in on that for those who haven't played the preceding arcs. I feel like this conflict between nobles and commoners would be slightly more balanced if, say, Laura microaggressed Elliot to show that even the most well meaning nobles still hold unsavory ideas of how nobles and commoners should be because that's the society they were raised in. Trails has shown me before that it's good at writing politically complex nations and how that complicates the people living within them, so I know I just have to be patient. But damn will I be rolling my eyes until then.
Overall, I'm having a good time so far, enjoying the slowburn knowing what's to come. Can't wait for the moment where I go from "oh this is a good game" to "oh this is a great game" to hit!
I’m in the middle of chapter 3 and I just need something clarified. Basically, I just wanna know if more is gonna touch on this later, because if not I’m kind of confused on something.
The people who kidnapped shaheena escaped to the big plant. Was there literally any reason for this dead giveaway to arkride solutions that these plants are what’s being illegally used in the hookahs? Like if they ended up some random place else, I’d waive it off as Almata just testing something, but here they are deliberately clueing people in to what they are doing.
If it’s touched on later all I wanna know is a confirmation lol. Otherwise this glaring plot point will stay on my mind.
I normally don't like to look up buds and build the characters how I like except for one's like dodge tanks and magic users, but is there a site or video that shows the best optimal MQ? With all the characters there are so many to go through. Thanks in advance
Just when I think I’ve seen everything, this game catches me off guard again lmao 😂
I started trails from Zero some months ago i play when i have time do it's taking a while
I am in chapter 3 just beat the ancient battlefield i am reading a non spoiler guide for the quests recipes and books
The guide says i can catch all fishes now but how am i supposed to know where to catch each i am missing?
Someone ripped van/kevin/rean's models and I checked out van's and noticed there's three quotes in English on his outfit.
I haven't played Kai so I won't be looking at the replies to avoid spoilers, but I wonder for those who have played if it has any relevance to the story. Or did the designer just choose quotes that sound cool lmao.
Thank you to those who gave me suggestions
So i found the Original OST Album for Ao no Kiseki, I'm More Curious On how much it's worth currently since i got it for less than 7$ from a store. Any idea on how much it's worth?
So while playing Dungeons and Dragons we created a guild based on the Bracers. I think its a group and a concept that has a lot to offer, so we took that idea into our own world. This was the result. Hope some people will enjoy it. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GBUsOPn3cN4
Official Falcom Art
Every time you meet a character from a previous game, or even from the same game, but they’re just out of view, they get called spectacled man, brunette student, red haired man, tough looking man’ etc etc.
For the audience though we know the voices instantly, but we also know what the characters look like, so when they have a full face, or mostly full face view and the game spends a while not giving their name, i find it really strange. The audience isn’t sitting there thinking’i wonder if thats x character’, we already know. Seems pointless to try and hide it, same with obscuring parts of faces when the face itself is usually the least memorable part of the characters design.
The only way I can play sky is if I play it on my PSP, unfortunately I found out the 3rd game never got an English patch, and I don't own a vita or a PC
I would rather wait for trails in the sky remakes to release on PS4 if possible
Sucks they don't have the first original three on PS4 though, since from the looks of it pretty much every other entry is available on PS4 (even the original final fantasys are available on PS4 lol, but bigger company ik)