FairytaleasFuck is the place for all the real life moments, places and objects which are actually magical. They just need a little help with the magic.
The Big Rule: Do not post locations in your title. Please use something creative and imaginative as your title. But by all means put the location/source in the comment section. Please be aware that every submission goes under moderator review. We are under no obligation to give you a reason for a post removal. Submission rules and expectations are clearly written out in the sidebar and thus placing the responsibility on the submitter.
Prequel: FairyTaleasFuck is a place to post and escape the daily boredom of life and take a few minutes to appreciate the true beauty of the world and all the magic that it still possesses.
With that being said pictures you submit can very much be augmented, filtered, and beautified. After all, technology is just modern magic that can be explained.
Chapter 1: Who are we?
We are a community for every lush green field, cozy cottage, and wholesome old man that seems to come right out of a fairytale. We all want the same thing here, the spirit of fairytales found in landscapes, structures, and objects.
Monday's theme is Maker's Monday. You are welcome to share your creations and finds that fit the theme of the subreddit. Drawings, jewelry, furniture, ceramics, fibercraft--anything and everything you've made, bought, or found may be posted
Friday's theme is Fictional Friday. You are welcome to post artwork that you think fits the theme of this sub. And you are still welcome to post real-world pictures. AI-generated images are not allowed.
Chapter 2: Guidelines and Suggestions:
We are not /r/EarthPorn or /r/NatureIsLit. They are established subs with their own set of rules, themes, and specified content.
The sun setting behind a beautiful mountain range, although amazing and gorgeous, doesn't necessarily constitute a real-world fairy tale setting. Does it lend itself a sort of enchanted or magical quality?
With that being said a setting sun and beautiful mountain range can be infinitely lifted with an amazing title of your post. Be CREATIVE with your titles.
As the community grows we understand that reposts will happen. Reposts occurring within 14 days of one another - the newest of the two will be removed.
Pictures of pictures are forbidden.
A good way to get a feel for this sub is to sort by top.
If you're going to use the comment section to complain about your preconceived notions of what you think this subreddit is about then your comment will be removed. Your thoughts on filters, HD, angles, saturation, and Photoshop mean nothing. We're here to lift our imaginations not marginalize them.
Chapter 3: Things that are good as fuck
Being civil.
Being wholesome.
Remembering the human.
Reading the rules of the community.
Chapter 4: Things that are bad as fuck
Unnecessary downvoting
Complaining about filters, saturation, Photoshop or any other nonsense that stifles the imagination.
Chapter 5: Friends
The End
IG: annamadsen.com
TT: @a.m.whispers
Taken from windows screen saver
A home long forgotten
Hello everyone, i usually make mushroom themed art but sometimes I make digital art in this particular fashion but using different elements. Hope y'all like it
Walk quietly!