Fairy Tail is a whimsical and adventurous anime, full of Wizards, Dragons, and Talking cats! This epic series takes us through all the dangers that the members of fairy tail face and eventually overcome through mutual love and friendship. Through Arcs of all kinds Fairy Tail sticks together and learn more about their guild members past!
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because no one saw the clarification edit or i wasn't clear enough, i decided to rewrite this post:
Does Natsu not know that Zeref and Mavis were reincarnated? I was farely certan that he saw them in the finale of the main series, so why does his subconcios show claim to not knowing?
Also I thought Zeref and Mavis didn't actually have biological kids. Or did they? I'm still fuzzy about August and Larcade. Can someone explain that to me?
which episode was it when gildarts intimidated natsu into giving up ? i forgot
What spells would an “arcane dragon” or “arcane dragon slayer” have? Like if Acnologia were sane and trained his magic, what spells would he have?
Cause he bathed in a lot of dragon blood to become the Arcane Dragon. I mean, you could probably say he just uses raw mana/ethernano, but that feels kinda boring.
So far, I can only think of him using spells related to Elemental Magic, Space/Time/Gravity Magic, and Soul-based Magic.
What do you guys think?
Just like in the show I would add chelia and Wendy in the mix and also include Mirajane as her take over and especially satan soul fighting god soul dimaria would be a great addition henceforth I would make it that Mirajane starts attacking Dimaria as she is almost defeated wendy comes along then when Dimaria turns into chronos Mirajane tries to take over but fails as Mirajane shows her new forms such as lilith, demonspawn and siren forms Dimaria knocks her out as Chelia takes her out Mirajane unlocks her third origin with revealed Devil goddess soul and dark chronos in 100 year quest
Is it just me or does anyone else get annoyed when people for some reason think Wendy is beyond the age of 15???
Okay so basically I watched Fairy tail long ago. I had watched all the anime but it had not ended yet, so I switched to manga which was already finished. Basically, I’ve watched every arc in anime except for the Alvarez Empire, which I read in the manga.
I remember it came to an ending, and now, a few years later, I think I want to rewatch it all, since I really liked it. The thing is, I don’t want to “lose” a lot of time, since Fairy tail is pretty long. Is there anything such as One Pace with One Piece?? Something that shortens the viewing time of the entire anime, kinda like a summary or no-filler episodes.
And at last, I see that now it seems there is new content?? What’s that about the “water god dragon”?? Is it a new arc or something?
So it’s basically a smut where natsu has flings with some women and the last couple of chapter he a vacation with lisanna and flings with her and at the end of the chapter she fights a lot of other women and next chapter I think he marries lisanna and does it with her at the wedding like I said it’s smut don’t judge me
I just finished the main series. Its was crazy good. I can't wait to watch 100 year quest, I hope it's just as good. Though I think I might take a day, I've been binging fairy tail during all the down time I have.
Though I have to say, Series 3 intros weren't that good imo.
What are your best headcanons regarding fairy tail. Lemme start with a few of mine
2.Zeref created god slayer magic out of spite for Ankhserem
Where can i get these yall???
I just saw the little flashbacks of Natsu and Igneel during the fight with Acnologia. It has made me want an entire show following young Natsu and Igneel. I would absolutely watch it. It seems so cute, and would make a fun slice of life.