
Photograph via //r/fairytail

Fairy Tail is a whimsical and adventurous anime, full of Wizards, Dragons, and Talking cats! This epic series takes us through all the dangers that the members of fairy tail face and eventually overcome through mutual love and friendship. Through Arcs of all kinds Fairy Tail sticks together and learn more about their guild members past!

Main Series: Anime + Manga

  1. Fairy Tail Finale | 051
  2. Fairy Tail Episode | 277
  3. Fairy Tail Manga | 545

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    Card game idea [game]

    You know that card game battle between Cana and Eclipsed Scorpio mainly in episode 210? What if we make that real? This time with actual rules, not just whatever they say goes. I wanted to start drawing Fairy Tail stuff and thought this would be cool to make so I'm gonna make some of the cards in the episodes and post them.

    1 Comment
    18:11 UTC


    Will we be seeing more of Jellal anytime soon?[discussion]

    18:02 UTC


    Is the 100 year quest portrayed wrong? [anime]

    I just watched the first ep and i swear that in the original anime they described a 100 year quest as any quest that would take 100 years, but now it’s one specific quest that hasn’t been completed in 100 years. Am i just misremembering it or is the show actually wrong?

    17:53 UTC


    Which character do you think smells bad? [Discussion]

    17:45 UTC


    Don't skip starry sky arc[anime]

    Started rewatching fairy tail from the start because of the new 100 year quest anime the last I watched it was 2019 so I wanted to rewatch it to refresh my memory and like experience it again currently Im on the Starry sky arc and the Starry sky arc is actually good at first I thought about skipping the whole arc since it was filler but I decided to give it a try since I'm rewatching it and there's only one episode of 100 year quest so there's no rush to finish it. At first it was chore trying to get through it the magic ball shit was soo boring that from I watched it in x2 speed the jiggle butt episode was soo shitty that half way through I just went to the next episode. the earth land edolas counterparts I never really liked them back in edolas and fucking hated them in earthland except for coco and the guy that gildarts fought it only got me interested halfway through when mirajane got a new transformation and I really liked the whole theme of the starry sky book I didn't really care for the orascion seis except for cobra since he had kinana I also liked laki getting more screentime what I really loved was the ending to the arc that shit made me feel something it made the whole arc worth watching that whole 25 episode arc I do regret putting it on x2 since I had to go back or went to google to search up the things I missed slow start but the made it worth to watch I also love it when Lucy gets a character and I really liked seeing mest after 7 years dealing with survivors guilt and this arc was needed to like digest the whole 7 year timeskip and Lucy's father's death I like it when after a really intense and hype arc we get a filler episode just seeing the group relax and go to some goofy adventure before getting into another arc I loved that about one piece it definitely helps giving perspective to the characters and their dynsmics I still hate the jiggle butt episode though I hope they never appear again So if you're thinking of skipping the arc cause it's filler dont it's amazing and I think it's also referenced in later episodes slow boring start but amazing end

    17:45 UTC


    What’s y’all’s take on the game and is it worth?? [discussion]

    17:43 UTC


    [Manga] Why I feel the original Faris is an incredibly misunderstood character

    While I was reminded of this the other day, this is actually something I've seen going around for two years. And to be clear, I don't mean this in a disrespectful way, because the Manga barely touches upon this, but it can be backed up with evidence from the Manga.

    Something I sometimes see going around is how awful the Faris of Elentear was, that yes, she was forced to act on Selene's behalf to save her world, but that Selene didn't make her control Fairy Tail, pit them against each other, or cause the deaths she caused by stealing Magic. And the thing is, those deaths are awful and as fun as it was for Natsu, so was the Battle of Fairy Tail II (where the other Strauss Siblings beat Mira, the paraplegic Makarov was made to fight, and other things).

    #Faris' role in her early actions

    But the thing is, Faris isn't entirely responsible for her actions, and neither was Selene. It was actually Rebellious and their White Creed that were responsible. The thing was, Selene told Faris to go after Aldoron first and use them against the other Dragon Gods. Now, Selene tricked Faris on how this would be done, but the thing was, Aldoron wasn't the first Dragon God Faris went after. As Juvia told Team Natsu, her plan was to go after Mercphobia first and Fairy Tail was another way to go after the Dragon Gods.

    Now, this might seem like an inconsistency, as might her sudden behavior change after losing her power. But there is an explanation that I feel like gets overlooked a bit. Before Faris undertook Selene's forced mission for her, she took over Rebellious, the cult that formed around Athena and created the White Doctrine around her. And when she took over, she absorbed too much of their White Creed, causing her to "spin out of control." Some say that this is metaphorical or that she just means that she was constantly encountering it, and thus was conditioned by it. But I don't think that's it.

    During the Wood Dragon God Arc, we see that Faris not only controls the members of Fairy Tail that she used Whiteout on, but that they seem to almost be the people they were before, except they follow the White Creed. And not only that, but they could spread this through eye contact. So the White Creed can be spread Magically. We also saw in the Wood Dragon God Arc that absorbing certain Magic, such as Aldoron's orbs, altered her body. So it's seemingly possible she actually absorbed too much of the White Creed, hence was under the influence of it and believed it.

    From what it seems like, Faris took in the White Creed, was influenced by it, and then began to pursue Rebellious' goals, going after Mercphobia first rather than Aldoron as planned because she was pursuing Rebellious' goals rather than just Selene's, though with the advice Selene gave her about Aldoron in mind. And so, when she was killing those Mages and using the members of Fairy Tail against Aldoron, she was doing so under the influence of Rebellious' doctrine. In a sense, she was corrupted and almost mind controlled.

    Now, we see hint of Faris' true personality in the Omake Chapter "Faris Fatigued"/"Exhausted Faris," a cutesy Omake in which we see Faris struggling to transport the members of Fairy Tail she used Whiteout on to Guiltina, only to realize she can control them. Now, some might say that Faris' silly personality here contradicts the White Doctrine statement, but it could just be a fluctuation in personality like how Touka occasionally takes control.

    In conclusion, while the actions Faris did in and around the first two Arcs of 100 Years Quest were awful, she was most likely doing so not of her own volition or even Selene's manipulation, but under the influence of a Magically transferable religious cult mentality that is almost based on world domination in a way. There obviously should be accountability here, but this is a fantasy world where mind control is not something that the average person would doubt the existence of. Heck, the first Dark Mage we ever meet in the series uses a Charm Magic that is almost akin to mind control in the way it effects people. We can debate on the morality of how that should be handled (though we'd be doing it with real world views on a fantasy setting), but Faris wasn't some evil monster doing that because she wanted to do so. She was a well-meaning priestess taking desperate measures to save her world, made a wrong choice, and fell into a cult's Magic mindset.

    #Selene's lie to Faris

    I do also wanna say, as unrelated as this is, another aspect of Faris' character that is confusing is Selene's lie to her about Aldoron. Selene told Faris destroying Aldoron's orbs would weaken him so that Faris could control him against the other Dragon Gods. But this is a lie, it awakens him instead, and Selene later says she just did this to make Earth Land interesting, only to later tell Gray that Faris was indeed one of her plans against the other Dragon Gods.

    This bit is a bit more confusing. And this is sorta speculating, but there are lines in the Manga that could explain this. My theory is that Selene wanted Aldoron to cause distortion to find Athena, knew Faris wouldn't be on board with this, lied to her, and what she said in Edolas was all a taunt.

    To back this up, in Chapter 50, Selene says she wanted Aldoron to cause distortion, which we later learn was her way of looking for Athena (and she did say in Chapter 91 that Dragon Gods distort the world). She probably lied to Faris since Faris might not support this (a similar lie is a major twist in a certain video game, but if I said what game that is, it would risk spoiling the twist for those who haven't played said game). When Aldoron dies, she calls it a waste, so she did see value in him.

    Now, why do I think Selene was just taunting Faris in Edolas? Well, for two reasons. 1) at the time, Faris was Selene's enemy since she was bringing Fairy Tail to fight her so she had no reason to be honest with her, but 2) because that whole conversation where she says that Aldoron was just to make Earth Land interesting was full of lies. During that conversation, Selene talks about how Elentear was already destroyed and how she was going to kill all the humans to solve the Magic problem.

    The thing was, while there was widespread damage in Elentear, it wasn't completely destroyed. And Selene didn't intend to kill every human to ease the overabundant Magic (which they weren't the cause of). She intended to provoke Alta Face to cause distortion so she could "see what happens," willing to risk Elentear for her overall goal. Some might say that Mashima never plans so he probably didn't know this and/or probably made this up as he went. But there's evidence that this wasn't true.

    Directly before the Elentear Arc started, Mashima said that he had no clue where the story would end, but had a plan for where it was going. The Chapter with all those claims from Selene was Chapter 69, the Chapter with her saying she wants to see the result of the Magic overflow was Chapter 73, only 4 Chapters apart. So if he had some plan, he might've known that conversation between Selene, Natsu, and Gray and the plot that would come out of it was coming up. And there was set up, such as characters raising questions about the weird behavior of the Hands.

    This isn't the only instance in which Selene lies about her intentions. She tells Suzaku she was gonna brutally murder him during their fight in Elentear, after having seen his strength and becoming aware of his connection to Kurnugi, two things we know were motivating her to spare him. She also lies about sending Diabolos to defeat Elefseria as a test of strength. So if she was lying to Faris about wanting to spend day after day murdering Elentear's humans, I don't know if her saying awakening Aldoron for the lols is believable.


    That point was only slightly related to Faris and isn't as well explained, but there's way to do so and I wanted to take the moment to. But the aspect of her behavior in the first two Arcs is an area where I feel like Faris is misunderstood. But I think that's because it's touched upon so briefly in just one line and thus, some might forget it (and others acknowledge it, but interpret it differently).

    Mashima could've touvhed on this explanation more to hammer in the point. But it is something that's said in the story and can be backed up with evidence. But because it isn't taken into account or always remembered, that effects how some view Faris' character.

    1 Comment
    17:42 UTC


    Does Jellal deserve his own spin off? "[discussion]"

    Basically the title.

    There are many things that can be shown about him like his life in the tower of heaven when he was possessed, how he met Ultear how he could get into the magic council, and even during the 7 years timeskip, like how he hot his memories back, and how was crime sorciere founded.

    17:06 UTC


    Tattoo Suggestions? [media]

    I currently have a rainbow guild mark tattooed on my thigh (same spot as Mira, with colors to represent everyone else!) Recently I’ve been thinking about getting another FairyTail tattoo, but I’m not sure what to get.

    I don’t want to get a character, as I love too many to just pick one! I thought about zodiac keys for my mom,dad and sister, but since my parents are both cusps (mom is Aquarius/picses and dad is libra/scorpio), I don’t think it would work.

    Any ideas for me? My fave characters are pretty much all the girls (Mira, Erza and Juvia are my all time faves)

    16:59 UTC


    I think somebody will die in 100 year quest. [Discussion]

    Idk if it's just me but that "one wish" reward kinda gives me the chills. I just know that wish is meant to be used for something drastic. What do u guys think?

    16:39 UTC


    Freaky tail [meme]

    What if instead of fairy tail it was called freaky tail and instead of revolving around lucy nastsu and Happy's adventures they were all just freaky and did freaky things

    1 Comment
    16:37 UTC


    blue pegasus, magic bomber: christina [discussion]

    why does the blue pegasus, magic bomber: christina always get destroyed??? like either the episode we see it or within the next few episodes it gets destroyed some how, like i thought maybe they have more than 1 but its seen as the pride of blue pegasus so that causes me to assume they only have 1. also every time it got destroyed it was lowkey fairy tails fault or was the cause of it.

    16:25 UTC


    Is current manga Wendy stronger than Sting and Rogue?[discussion]

    16:16 UTC


    Cool i guess [media]

    16:11 UTC


    [anime] Cana is a disappointing failure she got a ultimate spell but cant use it right she is selfish and lowly scum like the guy said 😂

    16:01 UTC


    FT Chart D24! Gajeel Redfox is voted with the Best Voice! For the last category, who's the character who is actually genius? [discussion]

    The last one.

    Honorable Mentions (which I actually loved):

    Natsu Post Tartaros arc for "Favorite Hairstyle"

    Cobra/Erik for "Underrated Character"

    Celestial Spirit Magic for "Favorite Magic"

    Jiemma for "Worst Character of all Time"

    Zeref, and also Acnologia for "Favorite Villain"

    Natsu and Gajeel vs Sting and Rogue for "Favorite Battle"

    Tartaros arc for "Favorite Arc"

    Makarov for "Best Parent"

    Happy for "Meme Generator"

    Lisanna, and also Freed for "Needs more Screentime"

    15:30 UTC


    Acnologia, Zeref, Irene, August. Who had the best first demonstration of power? [discussion]

    So all 4 of these absolute powerhouses had insane first demonstrations of power? But who had the best?

    Acnologia: Toying with Fairy Tail and "destroying" Tenrou Island

    Zeref: Killing everything close to him without even actually doing anything

    Irene: Confronting Acnologia head on and then using Universe One

    August: Easily surviving being stabbed with a gigantic sword, and immediately releasing an inferno on everybody

    View Poll

    14:14 UTC


    What're some plot threads you'd like to see explored in further depth? [discussion]

    12:13 UTC


    The foundation of anime [media]

    10:13 UTC


    Why isn't Guildarts a wizard saint? [anime]

    Guildarts is definitely one of the strongest wizards in the series yet is somehow not one of the 10 wizard saints. Is he not strong enough (seems unlikely) or are there some other requirements he doesn't meet?

    09:49 UTC


    Lost iced shell [discussion]

    If Gray managed to pull this one. Wouldn't the guild members wonder why is there a huge chunk of ice with Zeref inside in the middle of the Guildhall even if Gray is already gone from their memory?

    07:46 UTC


    [Manga] For those caught up on the Anime and Manga, July 7-9th had something interesting in common

    • July 7th: 100 Years Quest Episode 1 airs, setting up Touka and thus, Faris, while ending on a cliffhanger involving Mercphobia.

    • July 9th: 100 Years Quest Chapter 163 continues to set up Faris' Earth Land counterpart and ends on a cliffhanger involving Mercphobia.

    Just as Faris (through Touka) and Merc are being set up in the anime, the latter and a counterpart of the former are becoming relevant in the Manga.

    05:31 UTC


    [discussion] Lucy and natsu ship, what’s your opinion about it? + other character like Ezra n jelal

    05:29 UTC


    Happy couple "[meme]",

    05:23 UTC


    [Discussion] Selene kinda strikes me as a mix between Tsunade and Rangiku.

    When I first looked at Selene's personality after she had turned human, she kinda gives off those strict, serious Tsunade-like mannerisms, as well as also having blond hair, a nice rack, and a knack for drinking sake (as explained on the cover page of chapter 122).

    But her goofiness, as she was displaying when she was getting washed up by Misaki, and laughing at Gray and Natsu getting nearly R*ped by a Snake turned Lucy Heartfilia, kinda reminds me of Rangiku Matsumoto, who can also be a goofball when she gets turned up, getting drunk, or even during her interactions with some characters like Hitsugaya and Ichigo.

    Any thoughts over my revelation? I want to know what you guys might think.

    05:22 UTC


    I feel like I need to say this , "[discussion]",

    so anybody that's getting annoyed with me and my ship gray x Erza just know that I do not disrespect any of the other ships with him or her sorry if I came off that way but I really love this ship that I have and if you have any fan art of it please send it to me yes I may hate the two characters that are crazy blue haired water girl and wannabe Erza magnet boy but you're free to love those characters So what I'm saying is I respect your opinion but also respect mine I would like to meet people that have the same opinion as mine so let's just enjoy this series it's not just about the ships

    04:58 UTC


    Happy get of that death game #meme [meme]

    I think happy is pulling a zero moment also do better prime

    04:48 UTC


    [discussion] who would win a battle between these two leaders ?

    Conditions: Makarov is from Tenrou island arc and Hiruzen from when he fought Orochimaru.

    Location: Whole of Magnolia

    Who would win ?

    04:04 UTC

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