Fairy Tail is a whimsical and adventurous anime, full of Wizards, Dragons, and Talking cats! This epic series takes us through all the dangers that the members of fairy tail face and eventually overcome through mutual love and friendship. Through Arcs of all kinds Fairy Tail sticks together and learn more about their guild members past!
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This is one of, if not, the best beginning scene of any Erza fight in the entire main series and I will die on this hill.
Does anyone else thinks that Minerva my be pregnant as well. My logic is since Sting and Yukino are parallel to Natsu and Lucy. Wouldn’t that mean Rogue and Minerva are parallel to Gajeel and Levy. We also see Minerva and Rogue get effective by Larcade pleasure spell together!
I had a hard time making this and failed to post it on Christmas Day but I got it done for the New Year’s Eve, I’m new to making fanfiction and I hope you guys enjoy it and let me know what are fanfictions you guys would like to see in the future. I have 2 project fanfictions in store hopefully soon, I’m slow but I hope I can make it enjoyable for you all. I enjoy many of the fairy tail fanfictions especially the Natza fanfiction stories or harem ones but I can’t wait to see more fanfiction and what you guys can make, I enjoy looking at the art you guys make here of the cute girls we all know and love. Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year.
Im curious about others favorite arc of the show.mine is the edolas arc.However I've heard many people say they don't like it.so im curious what everyone thinks of all the different ones:)
I was rewatching fairy tail cause I’ve never got to finish it but I don’t remember where I left off, it was in ep 114, it’s a bit far but it caught my attention, what is it? I haven’t finished the ep yet so please no spoilers.
I'll start...
Zodiac Spirits:
Gemini - That's my sun sign and personality, I like their copying trick. It could be useful to amplify my own Magic Power in battle to use powerful spells and just for distractions. I also think it would be nice if they could turn into a cat from time to time.
Sagittarius - He's a master archer with great aim. His ability would be useful for striking targets from long ranges. And personally, I like his horse costume.
Aquarius - According to CSK, she holds a great deal of power so she'd last longer in battle compared to other Spirits. I'd mostly summon her to keep people away from me when I need to be alone.
Cancer - I'd only summon him to cut and style my hair. Why pay with money when you could pay with Magic Power?
Silver Spirits:
Nikora - I'd personally summon them to cuddle and pet them for fun. They don't require a lot of Magic Power so they'd be fun to have around.
Deneb - I understand his insecurity and personally, I would treat him like he's my child, same way as Yukino does.
Pyxis - I'm always getting lost, so they'll help me in finding my way.
Now what about you?
I'm only doing the Zodiac for now
12. Cancer
He lacks battle experience, but he is able to cut through weapons with his scissors. He's best for doing hair and makeup. It would be nice to see him fight more.
11. Aries
One of my favorites. Unlike a stereotypical person born during Aries season, she's very timid and apologetic. Her Wool Magic is quite useful as a buffer. She was fighting well against Leo, though it may be possible they were both holding back due to their friendship.
10. Sagittarius
His skills work best for medium-to-long distance attacks. He's very loyal, which I support, but he takes order for their literal meaning which is one of his downsides. Usually, endurance may not be his best quality.
9. Scorpio
Scorpio's Sand Magic is capable of blowing opponents away and combined with other Magics and Spells, it could be taken to another level. He's fast and his magic works best for striking his opponent(s) and protecting his summoner. Similar to Sagittarius, Scorpio's best for medium-to-long distance battles.
8. Taurus
His whole thing is strength, but he easily can get bested. Remember when he slipped on ice (twice).
7. Pisces
A powerful duo capable of incorporating Water Magic with their physical attacks and shooting pressured beams. They can switch between two forms. They can fly in both forms, allowing them to ground level attacks. However, their weakness to water drags them down. How are fish weak to water? Hopefully, it's only in their human form, and not their fish form.
6. Virgo
Leo/Loke mentioned she takes up a lot of Lucy's magical power, but she doesn't do much besides tunneling through the ground and giving helpful tools and clothing. Usually when she senses a problem that she cannot fix or an opponent she cannot best, she leaves. Also, against Bixlow's "babies" she took only a couple hits and then was forced back.
5. Capricorn
We haven't seen much from him. He was able to go head on against Leo/Loke while he was possessed. His best skill is his close combat.
4. Gemini
Gemi and Mini can literally transform into anyone who is at or below their summoner's Magic Power level, and use the Magic of the person they transformed into.
3. Libra
She can manipulate gravity and telekinetically move people and objects at will. She is capable of altering the mass and weight of a person too. Quite powerful. However, she lacks physical strength. She was bested by her own mastery over gravity and crushed by Pisces.
2. Leo/Loke
He's the leader of the Zodiac. He is quite strong and was able to stay in the Human World for 3 months using his own power.
1. Aquarius
According to the Celestial Spirit King, she holds a great deal of power and was able to push back the demon, Jackal, with a torrent of water. She also possesses the spell that is capable of making the land flow in waves.
If you really think about it, the only thing holding her back from drowning and killing most people, is her love for Gray and because she can be airheaded. Hell, her losing her cool had Erza herself actually shook.
Happy New Year everybody! Thought I'd end the year off by updating my first ever fanfic that I posted this year called Goodbye Magnolia!
It's a Mirajane-Centric Oneshot I wrote to act as a prequel series for some Mirajane Isekai fanfics that I've been wanting to write for a while, so hope you enjoy the read and that you all have a good new years too! 😄
So glad I have finally come across fairytale , idk why no one or why I haven't discovered this before but I think fairytale has risen in my top 5 fav anime's .
I am waiting and waiting but Mashima is just teasing us at this point 🥹
So.. I wanna build on a playlist that Lucy would listen to/relate to.
Lots of songs come up to mind, but I wanna hear thoughts from y'all.
What songs would Lucy relate/listen to?
Let's start with the main team:
Lucy the High-Elf - Maybe the one of the most stereotypical ones on this list, but Lucy just seems elf-like to me.
Natsu the Harengon - Some would probably go 'Dragonborn, no duh' but I think it would be much funnier to have Natsu as a hot-blooded and energetic bunny man.
Gray the Genasi or Gith - I'm honestly torn because he could be either of them.
Erza the Dwarf - Aside from being one to make her own armor and weapons, the thought of the scariest and most powerful woman in Fairy Tail being a dwarf is hilarious.
Wendy the Tiefling - Probably a great contrast that the sweetest member of the team looks the most devilish.
And it goes without saying that Happy and Carla are Tressyms.
Hi, I am new to the series and I just finished the Oración Seis arc. I have been trying to scale the series and tge characters as I go and I want to get some knowledge from any powerscalers that have a better idea on where characters scale.
I currently have Natsu around mountain level and relativistic in terms of AP and combat speed. Would these be accurate?
I know he’s the author but there is no way Wall is the weakest Spriggan 12 member. Mashima’s Natsu=Gray and Natsu =Gajeel statements are also contradicted by the series own feats so I can’t trust his word. We blatantly see this contradiction when Athena II one shots Gray but then we see Natsu after a beat down and losing his magic from Athena II get back up and destroy Duke. And you can’t make the excuse that this was an outlier due to Natsu having outside boosts but that was straight up Natsu’s own power.
I’d get if Mashima said Neinhart, Brandish, Jacob or Ajeel are the weakest spriggan but definitely not Wall.
This will always be mine.. she’s gorgeous (idek if this is official art or not)
In chapter 420, after reuniting after a year, Lucy told Natsu that she had been training in secret, probably when she had a break from her job and we all know how much she had improved in that time.
But what I've always wanted to know was how much training did Lucy exactly do during the timeskip? How much stronger would she be if she spent the entire training like Natsu?