Photograph via snooOG

r/FPGL is going private to protest the API changes and updates that impact moderator abilitiy to do their jobs and price 3rd party apps like Apollo, Relay, and RIF is Fun out of the ecosystem.

We still have our discord available here: https://discord.gg/DYgKvZF

Friendly Players Grinding Lobbies - an Xbox crew

Pull off heists and rotate sales in GTA with knowledgeable, friendly crew members. Join us as we play in peace and avoid the hostile players. Run with a posse in Red Dead Online to make sales and missions more fun and have some backup! Come race with us as we do the weekly events together in Forza Horizon 5. Need help tuning the cars? We do that too!

Read the pinned post! Join here - https://discord.gg/DYgKvZF


1,397 Subscribers



How active is this reddit/sessions? I'm looking to play with/be in sessions with people who RP or just chill and sell drugs, hike, swim, have car meets, etc. look forward to playing alongside you guys!

20:34 UTC


State of r/FPGL

Hey all,

Despite us being a small subreddit that is dedicated and secondary to our discord community, our protest against reddit's horrible handling of getting rid of 3rd party apps and destroying the API has managed to get reddit's attention. https://imgur.com/a/yJM8swd

For context, in addition to the original post:

Reddit's stance on 3rd party apps VS the what the developers are seeing: https://old.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/14dkqrw/i_want_to_debunk_reddits_claims_and_talk_about/

Re-opening/adjusting subreddits against community demands: https://old.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/14eblft/umodcodeofconduct_admin_account_caught_quietly/

Removing/replacing mod teams for participating in the protests: https://old.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/14eyx90/comprehensive_list_of_all_subs_with_mod_teams/

In light of all of this and the message from reddit, we've temporarily opened the subreddit to post a poll and see what our members want to do. Please vote and comment as needed. Thanks!

View Poll

08:08 UTC


r/FPGL is joining the blackout on June 12th in protest of the 3rd Party API changes

The Situation:

Recently, Reddit has significantly increased its API pricing, rendering it increasingly unaffordable for third-party app developers to continue their services. The prohibitive cost threatens to make it difficult to mod from mobile, stifle innovation, limit user choice, and effectively shut down a significant portion of the culture we've all come to appreciate. Indeed, on May 31, 2023, when these changes were announced, every third party app developer on Reddit made essentially the same statement: "I will have to shut down the app." Apps can also no longer show ads which was a primary source of revenue. So not only do they have to pay exorbitant fees, they can't even mitigate those fees with ads.

Yesterday's AMA with the CEO of Reddit has shown that the company is refusing to stand down from the main issue of effectively forcing the largest 3rd party apps to close down in favor of moving users to the main reddit app for data tracking and advertising revenue, even continuing to attack the developer of the Apollo app.

What makes Reddit special is its focus on catering to individual topics, being supported by special contributors throughout the community (be it developers, content contributors, or helpful individuals), and the freedom of the user to pick what they want their Reddit experience to be. By attacking the developers of these 3rd party applications, Reddit is showing a complete lack of integrity to their core concepts, is attacking its user base, and telling us that what we want doesn't matter because they can remove it at a whim.

What we are doing about this:

We will be joining the ever-growing subreddit blackout for at least 48 hours starting from June 12 to protest these changes. We will still be available and playing GTA, RDR, and Forza on our discord server: https://discord.gg/DYgKvZF

What can you do about this?

Complain to the admins. The more people that let them know they're messing up, the better.

Spread the word. The more focus on these blackouts, the better.

Boycott Reddit. The less users on Reddit, the more the message will be clear. Additionally, check out r/redditalternatives. If Reddit has more competition, we will get a better product (whether that remains here, or on a new platform)!

Additional info:

These posts contain more information on what's going on, and why it should matter to you:




1 Comment
20:21 UTC


Still good lobby for no Grief?


Just been scrolling around and struggling to find a lobby for grinding in peace.

Is this allowed in this crew or is it for meets only?

10:06 UTC

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