Photograph via snooOG

This SubReddit was created in an attempt to combat the worrying amount of drug-related questions and misinformation on the internet. (Especially) when drugs/substances are involved, it's vital to provide reliable information. Instead of declaring a war on drugs, we want to provide users and others who have an interest in the topic a place for serious and respectful discussion. After all: "prohibition kills, education saves lives".

This SubReddit was created in an attempt to combat the worrying amount of drug-related questions and misinformation on the internet. (Especially) when drugs/substances are involved, it's vital to provide reliable information. Instead of declaring a war on drugs, we want to provide users and others who have an interest in the topic a place for serious and respectful discussion. After all: "prohibition kills, education saves lives".

Rules | Reliable Information On Drugs


4,637 Subscribers


Is this drug related?

My dad had a fall the other night and broke his hip. When I went to his house to gather a few bits whilst he’s in hospital I found this in his wardrobe. I’m a bit baffled because I can’t find anything else in the way of syringes or substances..

He does have a lodger who’s an ex heroin user and now methadone reliant who helped him when he fell so he may have cleared up and missed this.

My heads a bit blagged by the thought of it all. Could there be another explanation maybe?

23:47 UTC


Bad Experience On Coke?

Last night was my first time doing coke, (i have adhd, i heard that may be why) But I was kind of paranoid, back of my throat was numb, a little hyper aware. Not rly a good feeling tbh. Then i had a huge headache after. Couldn't sleep. Did I do something wrong? I also took oxy and fentanyl a little while before then, i do those usually on a regular basis.

22:20 UTC



Hey yall! Thanks for all the help on my last posts. I was wondering... So i'm thinking about taking Ketamine with my Bf today, and was wondering if a bad trip is possible? What drug class is it? and if a bad trip is possible how can I avoid it? Or is a bad trip non existent kind of like opiates ? We are going to get coke, molly, and some Oxy's today. If not molly then ketamine. Any advice ? Probably won't do them all at the same time lol, but anything you guys experienced that you would like to share ? By the way, I know most of this information can be found anywhere on the internet. Just thought i'd ask here because information seems more reliable coming from people who have experienced it or know lots about it

17:50 UTC


How long does Regular store bought Wine stay in your system?

It is currently Saturday night and I'm wondering how long alcohol stays in your system ? i have a meeting with a county attorney at the courthouse Monday, and anytime u go to a courthouse really there's a possibility you could get drug tested and my lawyer also said its a possibility. do regular drug tests do they test for alcohol or can only breathalyzers and things like that detect alcohol? i feel like this is a stupid question but i need to know

1 Comment
04:38 UTC


Best Recommendation that worked for You

Hey all! Um so i am in early recovery (fentanyl) ... struggling. And every time, one of the bridges i cross is trying to decide which taper or if i should use a taper. Reddit has been very very helpful with these things so, i've heard a lot about methadone, ketamine treatment, subbutex / subboxone. What drug cocktail worked for you when tapering off?

1 Comment
06:17 UTC


How long does molly stay in your system?

I'm thinking about taking some molly, it is currently Friday night / turned to Saturday morning at 1am. Realistically i may or may not have a drug test on monday (its random im just going to the courthouse) but like would that be enough time for it to get out of my system if i took a little bit now? should i just say fuck it or is it not worth the risk and is too close to monday

1 Comment
06:16 UTC


Jus did 30mg vyvanse and 45mg hydrocodone what should I expect?

05:28 UTC


will 1625mg of Acetaminophen be dangerous or cause any problems?

02:58 UTC


Lariam(Mefloquine) with magic mushrooms(psilocybin)

Hello, I hope everyone is doing well. I would like to know if someone could help me with this question: I have a friend who wants to go on a mushroom trip but she will just start taking medication for Malaria (Lariam Mafloquine) 5 days before taking mushrooms and she has a doubt if there may be some type of reaction or something negative with mushrooms or if anyone has ever heard something similar or had any experience, any information you can provide will be very useful to me! Thank you.

15:06 UTC


Psilocybin and naringin

I have high hematocrit and I've been recommended naringin for it, yet, I don't know if it's safe doing psilocybin at the same time? It appears it's no problem while searching and looking around, but maybe you have experience on both. Thank you for reading

15:22 UTC


Seeking Dedicated Moderator to Take Over Moderation.

Hi all,

Due to time constraints, I am unable to effectively manage the moderation of this SubReddit. I am therefore looking for someone who is willing to step in and help ensure that the SubReddit continues to grow rather than gradually decline.

The ideal candidate should have prior experience with moderation and be able to provide proof of their expertise. However, what is most important to me is that the candidate shares the same mindset and belief in making accurate information about substances, their use, and harm reduction accessible to the public.

If you find that you align with that mindset and vision for the SubReddit and are willing to dedicate some of your time on moderation and supporting its growth, please reach out to me via message to express your interest in taking over moderation.



(P.S.: You are obviously free to make changes to fit your own vision for the SubReddit.)

1 Comment
04:25 UTC


Tapering off from Clonazepam (Klonopin/Rivotril) and Pregabalin(Lyrica)

14:23 UTC


Fast metabolism and MDMA

Ok so let me start with some background. I have an extremely fast metabolism. As an example, I start feeling the effects of the MDMA quite a while before my friends even though we have taken the same time. This has happend every time.

Now the question:

What would be the appropriate dose be to start the party (like half a compressed pil)? As to not dump everything at once in my system and having the effects not lasting very long (I come down very fast compared to my friends) And if I should only start with a half, when can I pop the other half? I have a event coming up in a week and I need to last about 10 hours.

21:26 UTC


Is the process Hcl/Freebase same at all compounds?

I am trying to figure how to convert a Freebase into HCl, but I wonder if this process is valid for all substances or only that in specific


1 Comment
20:13 UTC


Is it okay to smoke weed when starting an antidepressant?

I just restarted taking Prozac again after stopping for two months. I was on 20mg previously, but I am now taking 10mg. I just started last night, and I'm not sure if I should smoke weed tonight. I have been a pretty heavy smoker for over a year now and haven't smoked since starting Prozac again. Should I wait until I am stable on Prozac, or would it be okay to smoke some weed tonight?

23:17 UTC


Looking for specific guidance on which psychedelic substance I should try


  • I am diagnosed with ADHD and will be tested for autism next week. Not sure if this will affect how I react to the drugs.

  • Prescribed 36mg/day Ritalin (initially Adderall but got changed to Ritalin due to shortage in my area. Could potentially change back to Adderall if it becomes more readily available). Also I would probably skip the dose on the day I take a psychedelic. I have no dependency and skip doses a few times a week, so this shouldn’t cause any negative effects.

  • I’m physically dependent on caffeine (2-3 cups coffee per day, get headaches if I go a day without) but slowly cutting caffeine out since the caffeine/Ritalin combo causes anxiety.

  • 0 previous psychedelic experience. My history of recreational drug use is limited to weed, alcohol (was a mild alcoholic but have been sober for a year and a half), and DXM (tried once, hit 3rd plateau, not something I’d do again).

  • Most drugs/substances take very high doses to affect me, with the exception of cannabis, which hits me VERY intensely (to an uncomfortable extent) even in super low doses. I’m not a regular cannabis user, only a handful of times per year.

  • I will be micro-dosing. I don’t think I am mentally prepared for a full-on psychedelic trip, since getting too high on weed is not fun for me. I know psychedelics are different chemicals, but it’s mostly the “not being in control of what’s happening in my brain” that I don’t like, which I guess doesn’t bode well for high psychedelic doses.

  • Plan to mostly use psychs while hiking, which is my favorite activity. I’d probably try the substance at home for the first couple times to see how I react, but if it’s positive I’d be doing it on some moderate-difficulty hikes.

  • Whichever substance I choose, I will definitely plan to test it to ensure my safety.

  • I’m mostly considering LSD or Shrooms due to being more easily available and more resources/info on them. But I’m keeping an open mind to other psychedelics and/or research chemicals that could fit my purposes better, or also non-psychedelic drugs such as Ketamine.

Sorry about the huge information dump. Just wanted to make sure I consider any and all factors in advance. Any info is helpful! :)

03:04 UTC


Questions about safer drug usage of MDMA and others

I want to try out MDMA and maybe other drugs in the future. I informed myself quite well about drugs in general and their effects. I still got some questions I hope you can answer.

So I heard that when you take MDMA your stomach hurts, you have a feeling of fullness etc. Is there anything I can do or take to prevent / get rid of this? E.g. take Bicarbonate of Soda to relax the stomach. Does this help? Is it free of risk to take it and can I take it meanwhile I am on MDMA? What else can I take during the trip and before or after it?

I read about dehydration but also the opposite. Are there any drinks you recommend that can be taken that help to deal with it?

Are there minerals / vitamines that I should take (Calcium, Magnesium etc.)?

Can the serotonin production be supported by supplements to reduce the side effects?

Thank you for your answers :)

14:43 UTC


Research Study on Substance Use Among Women

Hello! I am a graduate student who is interested in studying the relationship between substance use, codependency, and self-esteem. In order to participate in my study, you must meet eligibility criteria, which includes English fluency, identifying as a woman, being 18 years old or older, and using a substance (alcohol or drugs) in the past two weeks or fourteen days.

It will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete the survey. Your participation is voluntary, and you do not have to answer questions that you do not feel comfortable responding to. There will be no consequences if you decide to stop participating in the survey at any time. Your participation and responses to questions in this survey will be kept anonymous and confidential. After you complete the survey, you will have the opportunity to provide your email address in order to be entered into a raffle for a $25 Amazon gift card.

If you are interested in being a participant of this study, please click on this survey link: https://alliant.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV\_5c0kVNMy2hoyYuO

1 Comment
04:54 UTC


Psilocybin mushrooms effect on the liver? (previously damaged liver)

Hi everyone, I’ve had fatty liver disease for a couple years now which results in higher ALTs (scoring method for liver enzyme).

I recently discovered magic mushrooms and have been really enjoying their effects, however I’m concerned it might have a negative effect on my liver considering all things put in and on our bodies typically do.

Does anyone have any credible resources regarding psilocybin and the effect on the liver? I understand it’s converted in the liver, so does this mean my liver is working harder and therefore struggling more?

In the past my liver issues were brought on by improper nutrition and excess sugars and alcohol. Just want to make sure I’m not potentially doing more damage.

Please forward any links, and please avoid linking to articles about death caps. I understand to avoid these and I am very clear that these are liver killers, hence their name.

Thank you all for any input you may have! I’m hoping this article willingly enough responses so others in a similar position don’t need to go searching in the future and can simply refer to this credible thread 😁❤️

02:40 UTC


About Naloxone

So everyone knows that naloxone is a " cure " for opiods overdoses. It quickly reverse the effects and can save someone from an overdose. My question would be to know if any such " cure " exists for weed and/or Magic mushrooms. I'm well aware that you can't fatally overdose on weed or shrooms but sometimes you end up having a real bad trip that just won't end. There are tips and things you can do to help you through the trip but as far as i know there aren't any miracle spray or pill that just kills the high instantly which is kinda sad. Is such a cure even possible and if so does it exist? I love tripping but I hate when I'm having a bad trip and unfortunately even in the best of mood I can never seem to predict how I'm going to react.

22:08 UTC


LSD on SSRIs vs LSD on Trazodone

When I was younger and on prescribed SSRIs I've took above 500ug LSD instead of 200ug and I was on similiar level of high as my friends. But now I'm on 300mg trazodone (Trittico XR) and I'm wondering if I could do the same. I really don't want to skip dosing for 2 weeks. That doesn't sound like a good solution for my treatment. What about other psychedelics like shrooms, DMT and 2-CB?

1 Comment
15:26 UTC


wtf is lean

I know lean is like sprite and some kind of NyQuil drink or sleep aid but what is the point and why do people do it? Does it get you high cause I doubt it or does it get you drunk easily maybe. I don't understand. I also wanna try but idk if it's exactly safe to do

16:31 UTC


Xanax taper while taking Wellbutrin - question about seizure risk

Unfortunately during the last few months I have become dependent on Xanax. I’m working on tapering down now. I was taking Wellbutrin but I stopped due to the increased risk of seizure from Xanax withdrawal and Wellbutrin. I’d like to start Wellbutrin again ASAP but I’m worried. Does the increased seizure risk happen only when I’m actively taking the drug? For example each day I take it. Or are you at an increased risk while it’s still in your system? I know it takes a while to effect you because you have to build it up in your system. I’d like to start taking it again now and then stop when I got closer to the end of my taper plan. Is that safe?

00:28 UTC


Xanax taper while taking Wellbutrin - question about seizure risk [31M]

Unfortunately during the last few months I have become dependent on Xanax. I’m working on tapering down now. I was taking Wellbutrin but I stopped due to the increased risk of seizure from Xanax withdrawal and Wellbutrin. I’d like to start Wellbutrin again ASAP but I’m worried. Does the increased seizure risk happen only when I’m actively taking the drug? For example each day I take it. Or are you at an increased risk while it’s still in your system? I know it takes a while to effect you because you have to build it up in your system. I’d like to start taking it again now and then stop when I got closer to the end of my taper plan. Is that safe?

1 Comment
01:05 UTC


How important is to know chemistry when researching about substances? Where could I learn?

Of time ago, I have curiosity about drugs and interest (not knowledge) of chemistry.

I see people that usually people here, know about the components of substances, molecules, rings...

Could someone, tell how, or where can I acquire the knowledge to understand that kind of things? I feel like is something basic but important to understand most things

I am sorry if this is something irrelevant or not about this sub

Thank you all and be safe, have a good day

23:01 UTC


First time speeding, help me figure out the cuts

1 Comment
15:33 UTC


Are you court-mandated to substance use treatment?

You are invited to participate in a research study conducted by researchers from East Tennessee State University. The purpose of this study is to better understand how people feel about being in mandated substance use treatment. We are seeking any person who is currently enrolled in a substance use treatment program that is required by a court as a part of probation/parole or was required as an alternative to incarceration. A substance use treatment program is defined as a place where you go to receive help with drug or alcohol problems and may involve detoxification, individual or group therapy, or medications.

To participate, you must be enrolled in substance use treatment mandated by a court. If you agree to participate in this study, you will respond to an online survey that should take approximately 60 minutes to complete. You will receive a $10 Amazon gift card in exchange for your participation, which will be emailed to you upon completion. Taking part in this study is entirely voluntary. This research has been approved by the East Tennessee State University institutional review board.

If you are interested in participating or would like to learn more, please call the research office at 423-439-4849 or email carelabetsu@gmail.com with any questions.

15:04 UTC


Daily boofing harms meth

What are some issues i mightve incurred after 2 or 3 months of mostly boofing, with daily use the last month (about 6 gs total)

Everything feels okay except for the hemmorhoid i had for about a week, not that i paid it any mind. It did make me red and yellow at my feet knees and hands. Figure the red blood cell loss made me a bit anemic.

08:20 UTC

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