We love the Republic, we love Democracy, but we have one thing to say to r/PrequelMemes and r/SequelMemes. In time we will become more powerful than either of you! If a meme does not exist in the sub, it is not OC.
1)Star Wars Prequel Memes or Sub-related posts only
1a)Sub-related posts can be text or a meme about allies. However it must incorporate r/exiledprequelmemers
1b)Repeated and/or large promotions for other subs are discouraged
2)No Brigading, doxxing, or any sort of Meme War Crimes, those are why we had to leave from r/PrequelMemes to continue the war. All perpetrators will be handled swiftly and appropriately
3)No Sexual/NSFW Comments or Content
4)Any aggression/hate towards users both internal and towards r/PrequelMemes will not be tolerated.
5)Exponential shitposts (Think u/Diezlk9's Obi-wans) are acceptable until a certain point. Use common sense.
Spread the word on the Main Sub! We need as many troops and memes as we can get. May the force be with you.
Anakin was the chosen one, chosen by the sand gods to be their mortal enemy. Change my mind
Shall we end the corrupt subreddit, or help them and thereby help ourselves via karma from OC?
Rejoice! For The Revanchist Empire shall never fall.