A subreddit about preaching the gospel to every creature.
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I - Questioning the authority or divine influence of the bible will not take place. The reason for this is that if evangelism is to be discussed there can be no questioning the authority from which we speak on the subject.
II - No cussing, slandering, racism, or sexism will take place. Fully grounded biblical rebuke, with explanation including scripture in proper context, is allowed.
III - Arguments about other religions or the existence of God have no place here and will be deleted. Genuine curiosity in discussion is permitted.
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V - Blasphemous and heretical talk will be deleted, and depending on severity, the user banned.
VI - Prosperity preaching and Word of Faith teaching is not biblical and not evangelism. Do not post anything condoning or teaching such things.
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I have been a Christian since 5 yrs old. That said I am definitely a prodigal. I struggled with addiction/alcoholism but have been sober for more than 6 months. I have been set free by the Grace of God. I have always been big into eschatology and very interested in prophecy especially relating to the current times we live in .
That I know we are called to be disciples and make disciples. To evangelize. I feel the Holy Spirit is gradually grooming me to fill my role in hearing lost sheep. I feel that time is short and want to be a light to as many as possible. Simply put I want to be more proactive and better prepared to communicate the god news in the best way to be received. Any advice, mentoring, coaching and encouragement is greatly appreciated.
God bless
So, long story short a couple weeks ago two Mormon missionaries came up to me to share their beliefs, and it turned into an hour long conversation of me sharing mine also (as a protestant christian). I researched mormonism quite a bit and we met again yesterday. I tried laying out why mormonism is false (in a polite manner) by referencing scripture and historical evidence and why Christs true message of salvation is true, but I feel like we talk in circles the entire time.
For example, I asked them to share their gospel with me how they would to anyone. And they basically share the Gospel of the Bible saying through Christs sacrifice alone they get to heaven, but then if I ask them more questions they admit that they do believe works get them into heaven, that they believe there are multiple "heavens", and many other things that contradict true Christianity.
They constantly contradict themselves and I try to point it out as clearly as possible but its almost as if they are content with being contradictory. They are also completely okay with there being no historical evidence for their scripture.
The last conversation ended with me agreeing to read the book of 3 Nephi (which I already have) if they read Romans.
Any tips or resources on how to effectively witness to mormons would be huge.
David was still a giant killer while he was in the cave facing death threats from King Saul.
-Joseph Lee Pioneer Ministry
I was speaking with a pastor today and he told me his evangelism strategy and how much he loves leading people to the Lord, he loves the challenge of it, always gives every challenge his all.
Pastor M said he has a wide variety of interests and experiences, and when he meets somebody he tries to find out something they like, and he begins to build a relationship with them that way.
After relationship is started he loves to talk about Jesus and then hit them with the big question: "If you die tonight do you know if you're going to heaven?"
I was with him until that question.
After that question I wondered (hence my asking on reddit here) Is that a 'good' evangelism question? A 'bad' evangelism question? Does it rely on fear?
I'm interested in your views.
A lot of the evangelism resources I see online are all about street evangelism or sharing the gospel with complete strangers. I was wondering if anyone had advice for sharing with acquaintances, people I already know a bit and see on a semi-regular basis. How would I do this without pushing people away or forcing the subject out of nowhere?